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Americas Entry into WWII (1935 1941)

appeasement a policy of pacifying someone by
giving into their demands
anti-Semitism prejudice against Jews

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Road to War: Asia

1931: Japan invades Manchuria
Stimson Doctrine: US would not recognize
countries by force
1937: Japanese sink USS Panay
US continues selling oil & scrap metal to

Road to War: Europe

1922: Fascism in Italy

1933: Nazis in Germany
1936-39: Spanish Civil War
1938: Kristallnacht
Munich Conference
1939: Invasion of Poland

American Isolationism
Nye Committee
1935-37 Neutrality Acts: arms
embargo, cash and carry
America First Committee:
organized to oppose American
involvement in war
Charles Lindbergh
Charles Coughlin: anti-Semitic radio

Turned aside refugees (Jews)

Ending Isolationism
By 1940, Germany had conquered Europe and
was bombing London (The Blitz)
FDR defeats Wendell Willkie to win a 3rd term,
1940: FDR describes Four Freedoms & says US
must be arsenal of democracy

Ending Isolationism
FDR approves destroyers for bases deal
Lend-Lease Act (1941): US may loan equipment
to allies
Massive military buildup (stimulates US economy)
Atlantic Charter (1941): FDR meets secretly with
Winston Churchill

US Entry into War

US stops selling scrap metal to Japan after they
invade Indochina
Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941
US joins war

Check for Understanding: True or

Charles Lindbergh helped Roosevelt gain
support for the war.
Most Americans agreed with the America
First Committee in the 1930s.
Under the Lend-Lease Act, warring
countries had to pay cash for US goods.


Possible Thesis
Although the American public originally
opposed getting involved in both World
Wars, the differences can be explained by
differences in leadership and as
responses to the experience of the
previous war.

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