JFAC Workgroup Motion Sheet 2

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Division of Human Resources [Bice ofthe Governor ‘agoney Requost “Govemors Ree Toton Tor Rep. Gibbs and San- Johnson ivan of Human Resources ‘Cane Total oul] Fre _" “General Daicated Federal [E2016 Original Appropriation rae 7aaabo | 1200 ois a [ev 2017 ease oreo 7sas00 | 1200 0 17sa00 7 [Beet Cost ° “300 "200 — 000 oa 7 sitewide Cost Atoeston ° rc ro] 0.00 . 4 Q Jenange n Employee Compenseton ° ‘3000 za] 00 ° am Q Ln pyr © 4700 34700] ooo 8 Sar. ‘ [ev 2017 Program Raintonanee ‘0 7an000] as 20 | 7200 0 ines. a © 2 of — a0 a. a a Fea0ir Tour Ten ee 00 | 1200 0 iaoe0 Ey irene rom FY 3076 Rope 2 7b 30 2 are Pe 1% ‘Motion: Beginning with a Base budget of $1,732,800 from dedicated funds, | move a JFAC adjusted budget that includes benefit costs, statewide cost allocation, and the CEC fora total of $1,808,200 from dedicated funds and 12.00 FTP forthe fiscal year 2017 appropriation to the Division of Human Resources Explanation: This budget reflects a maintenance of current operations budget. Intent Language: | request unanimous consent to include two sections of intent language inthe Division’ fiscal year 2017 appropriation bill. The Governor issued an Executive Order in 2011 and it states that the Division of Human Resources shall enter into an agreement with the Division of Professional-Technical Education for the authority to train certain state employees on human resource-related topics applicable toal state agencies, including, but not limited to, supervision of employees, employee evaluations, dispute resolution and stress management. In order to meet the ‘obligations ofthe Executive Order, the intent language, as shown on the screen, ismecessary. [Additionally the CEC Committee has recommended the salary schedule remain unchanged from FY 2016 to FY 2017 and thatthe state maintain the job classifications that currently have a payline exception to address specific employee recruitment oF retention iss. LEGISLATIVE INTENT, Of the amount appropriated in Section __ of this act, the Division of Human Resources shall pay the Division of Professional- ‘Techical Education forthe cost of providing statewide management and human resources training. The payment amount shall be equal to the [Miscellaneous Revenue Fund expenditures in fiscal year 2017 within the Related Services Program of the Division of Professional-Technical Education, less any unencumbered balance remaining on June 30, 2036, EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION. Ils the intent of the Legislature to progress toward the goal of funding a competitive salary and benefit package that ‘will attract qualified applicants, retain employees committed to public service excellence, motivate employees to maintain high standards of productivity, and reward employees for outstanding performance. Consequently, the Division of Human Resources shall leave the current salary structure in place for FY 2017 and continue the job classifications that are currently on payline exception to address specific employee recruitment or retention issues. ‘analyst Lockett 02/23/2016, PERS! [Otice othe Governor ‘agency Ronan “Gavernora Ree ‘olin or Rap. Gibbs and Rap. Monks Pub Employee Retremant System otot__[“Germrt Total] Fe _"““Goneral Ondsed Federal 2016 Original Appropriation FACE 7 rasan | — ose 37304 50 o Jev2017 B60 749] 3730.30) — 6500 7.148.300 ° Jesnert cont ° 2200 7 waro0] —e 368700 0 placement Her 8 aasi00 o —— a6io0} 000 00500 ° stwide Cost Aoeton ° 7 5 ceo] 00 ® ° angen Employe Compensation ° 33300 0 st7g00) 000. 5 147.900 ° Pye o___wnsoo 6 s41s00 a0 9141500 2 [Fv 2017 Program Maintenance oT00 ¢—7774900 | — exo. 8 TrT400 . fc Aamin Asst Ora FTP and oT "a0 a soo] — 00 9 e.%0 % [ey oir Tow ‘¢——Fans.20] ‘oFess00 | — ee 0 Tazsso0 © [ternce om FY 2076 Aaron. ‘a s0a700. teat a00 | — 108 3 #500 2 cos om | 19 em ‘Motion: Beginning with a Base budget of $7,149,300 from dedicated funds, include $68,700 for increased benefit costs, $305,100 for replacement items, remove $7,600 for statewide cost allocation, include $117,900 or CEC, and $142,500 for the 27th payroll period, and add $350,900 and one FTP for the personnel costs associated with the new administrative position, | move $7,825,800 from dedicated funds and 66.00 full-time equivalent postions for the fiscal year 2017 appropriation to PERS! ‘Explanation: This budget reflects the JFAC adjusted numbers and the lin iter related to the need for additional staff, My motion also includes the replacement items recommended by the Gentleman on the second floor. INTENT LANGUAGE: | request unanimous consent thatthe following language be included inthe bil. It eferences standard language allowing for continuous appropriation of PERS'sportfoio-related costs: LEGISLATIVE INTENT. Notwithstanding Section 59-1311(4), Idaho Code, moneys appropriated in Section _of ths act for the Portfolio Investment Program are for administrative costs ofthe Portfolio Investment Program as provided in Section 59-1311(3), Idaho Code. Amounts necessary to pay all other investment expenses related tothe Portfolio Investment Program are perpetually appropriated to the Public Employee Retirement System Board as provided in Section 58-1311 (4)(a), (b), and (e), Idaho Code. Anas: Looker Page? 07/23/2016 Commission on the Arts [otice of he Governor Taaney Request ‘Govemors Ree Wotan fer Sen Johnson and Rap. Homma ‘Commision one es sal Tota | vowmarat Total _| FIP General Deseated Federal Tota °¥ 2016 Onginal Anpropiation “Tasca 1sos7oa| Yona 905700] — soso rexano_ oss 1.0u0200 905700, [ev 2017 nase “aaaae——tsos.760| 750.48 1905700] —ta00 romano 106.100 1.000700 1905700, Benet Coste “0 Saon] 4200 “oxoo} — 000 4200 0 6200 Toa00 Stwte Cost Aoeaton ‘0 400 0 sco] 200 00 ° ° ‘an [change in Employee Compansaiion 2300 eo] 700 se000] 000700 28300 15000 aye 10.390 zipoo| 10300 21600] 000 10300 53, 21¢00| [Fv 2017 Program mantanance Tri3e0 7357 00 | Tez. 1966,000| too Tez900 Toa s00 1.00700 356,00 [rs Education Projet rats ooo aD 2 Of — 900 . 7 7 2 207 Teta Grian0 ——ipsr.o00 | —Tezatn —986000| —vo.00 ——rezse0 ea 10673000 hom FY 2076 Anprop 0 aioe | 21s ‘ssw | — 000 za000 an 20 25% ef — aoe [ 00%. i i —"70% 20% ‘Motion: Beginning with a Base budget of $1,905,700, include $10,400 for increased benefit costs, include $300 for statewide cost allocation, include $18,000 for the CEC, and include $21,600 for the 27th Payroll costs, | move $782,900 from the General Fund, $106,100 from dedicated funds, and $1,067,000 in federal funds for a total fiscal year 2017 appropriation of $1,956,000 and 10 full-time equivalent positions to the Commission on the Arts. Explanation: This budget reflects a maintenance of current operations budget. We appreciate all the good work of the Commission. Analyst Lockett Pane 3 2/23/2016,

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