Remarks To Baltimore Presbyterian Synod

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Shannon McQuillan

Prof. Salvaterra
Abraham Lincolns philosophical views or lack of played a role in the decisions he made
during his political life.
a. Lincolns race for senate
a. Allan A. Ford stated that Lincoln mocked Christianity which made Lincoln
lose votes during the race
b. Lincoln stated in the Handbill Replying to Charges of Infidelity that he did
not affiliate with a specific church
c. During this time if a politician was not religious it could cost them the
b. Lincoln knew that the will of a higher power was something beyond him
a. Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address
i. Lincoln states that God can only chose one side
1. Lincoln understands that whites, blacks, northerners, and
southerners are all praying to the same god
ii. Quotes the bible many times
b. Meditation on the Divine Will
i. This private letter show that he believes that only one side should
ii. He is unsure if the will of god is in his favor
iii. Showed distress when talking about a higher power
c. Herndon to Edward McPherson. Springfield, Ill., February 4, 1866
i. Talked about his belief in higher power
ii. Stated that he was a theist, rationalist, pantheist at one point
d. Remarks to Baltimore Presbyterian Synod on October 24, 1863
i. States that he will rely on God to do the right thing
c. Urging America to pray for the country and in times of need
a. Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day
i. Shows that he wanted people to pray for the country
ii. Set aside this day for people to give thanks for their country and life
b. Letter to Eliza Gurney
i. Back and forth letters talking about war and god
ii. Talks about beliefs and will of god
iii. Personal letters about family

c. Response to Methodists May 18, 1864

i. Lincoln God bless the Methodist Church---bless all the churches--and blessed be God
d. Lincoln and the bible
a. Lincoln stated that the Bible was the best gift God has given man
i. The Washington Daily Morning Chronicle. September 8, 1864
ii. Former slaves in Maryland presented Lincoln with a gift of a Bible
e. Lincolns statements of death
a. Willies death
i. February 1862 said that Willie is better off in heaven
b. Articles say he doesnt believe in an afterlife.
f. Claims by others After Lincolns death
a. Rev. John H. Barrows
i. Claims Lincoln became a Christian at the Gettysburg address
although he had no evidence to back it up
1. Claimed that Lincoln said that he was not a Christian when
his son died but seeing that soldiers died he consecrated his
life to Jesus.

How I will be using Primary Sources

Annotated Bibliography
The letter from Springfield, Ill. Written from Herdon on February 4, 1866, to
Edward McPherson, Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives was about how
Lincoln was never a believer in any established creed. It talks about Lincoln being a
pantheist and he doubted that the soul lost its identity and immortal as a force. After this
belief and the changes he went through he ended up believing in a higher power. I
would use this letter to show that his close friends had ideas on what they thought or
knew about Lincolns beliefs or spirituality. It also talks about how Lincolns views
changed in his life and how they did not follow any specific creed which many people
during this era did.

Reverend John H. Barrows claims in the 1865 Memory Book that Lincoln
became a Christian during the Gettysburg address. He stated that he went to talk to
Lincoln and claimed Lincoln cried and said he loved Jesus. I would use this source to
show that some people claimed Lincoln was a Christian. This would oppose my
argument because my current claim is that Lincoln did not affiliate with any specific

Washington Daily Morning Chronicle, September 8,

1864 states that former slaves in Maryland gave Lincoln a bible as a gift. Lincoln
thanks them and said that the bible was the best gift God gave to man. Lincoln stating
this shows the importance the bible had in his life and that he believed that the bible
was affiliated with a God. I would use this in my paper because it shows the importance
the bible had in Lincolns life and that he believes it is a work(partially) of God (through
Allen N. Ford stated that Lincoln wasnt religious which made Lincoln lose areas
during the senate race. The speech Lincoln wrote will play a role in my paper because it
shows how people during this age would not vote for a politician based on their religious
belief. In addressing this issue after the race Lincoln speaks to the voters in the
Handbill Replying to Charges of Infidelity, which states that he is not affiliated with a
specific church but still believes in a higher power. So this will show in my paper that
Lincoln is not affiliated with a church, the values of the times, and the belief he has in a
higher power.

The Proclamation of the National Fast day. Here Lincoln set aside a day for
fasting and praying. This would be used in my term paper to show that Lincoln, although
not affiliated with a church, felt the need to set aside a day to honor the citizens of the
United State's God and to ask their god for forgiveness and pardon.
Second Inaugural Address which explains that he said that a higher power had
control of the war and the higher power only can have one side. This shows that Lincoln
appears to have a spiritual belief weather he truly does or doesnt. It also will show that
Lincoln states that a Divine Power has control over the war and it is up to that higher
power to decide what side is right or wrong.
Meditation of the Divine Will shows Lincolns confusion in his speech weather
the Devine power believes in one side is right or wrong. Lincoln always is confuse
because he shows belief that the Union can be saved without war. This would be used
in my paper to show that Lincoln was unsure of what or if the Devine power was there, if
it served a purpose and over all show that Lincoln was confused about his belief in this
higher power.

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