Bylawsofthegammalambdachapter 28 Jan 2016

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Date of Revision: January 28, 2016

The name of this organization shall be Gamma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha.
The aim of this sorority shall be to establish a sisterhood that shall have for its four-fold object
the intellectual, physical, social and spiritual development of its members.
SECTION 1. Qualifications
Membership shall include any woman student in good standing with Loyola University of
Chicago as defined by Loyola University of Chicago, who has been duly elected to membership
by Gamma Lambda, complied with all requirements set forth in the National Bylaws of Alpha
Sigma Alpha, and who has met one of the following criteria.
A. A woman who has completed one term as a registered full-time student at a college or
university must have obtained a collegiate cumulative C grade point average (2.5 on a 4.0 scale)
or the scholastic average required for graduation from the college or university should it be
higher, to be eligible for membership in this sorority.
B. A woman who has not completed one term as a registered full-time student at any college or
university must have achieved at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average on a scale of 4.0 in
high school to be eligible for membership in this sorority.

SECTION 2. Holding Office and Voting

Any member whose term scholastic grade point average falls below a 2.75 excludes herself from
holding office until her term and cumulative scholastic average is once again equal to 2.75. Any
member whose term grade point average falls below a 2.5 excludes herself from voting until her
term and cumulative grade point average is again equal to a 2.5.

SECTION 3. Membership Termination

A member who wishes to terminate her membership with the organization is responsible for
communicating such wish to the standards chairman. The sister wishing to terminate must file
the proper paperwork with the standards chairman in a timely manner in accordance with
procedures specified for termination by the Nation Bylaws of Alpha Sigma Alpha.
SECTION 4. Senior Status
A. A member who is of senior standing within the university may request this for one or two
B. A member must request this at the beginning of the semester through the Standards Board.
Only once the papers have been signed will the member be considered on senior status. She
must be in financial good standing in order to be considered for senior status.
C. A member on senior status for one year is required to pay all national fees for the entire year
and the full local dues for her first semester and half of the local dues for the second semester. A
senior on status for one semester must pay all of the national fees and half of the local dues.

SECTION 1. Officers
A. Elected officers which comprise the executive board are as follows: president, vice president
of public relations and recruitment, vice president of alumnae and heritage, vice president of
programming and ritual, vice president of member education, secretary and treasurer.
B. Additional officers elected by the chapter are: public relations and advertising chairman, PanHellenic delegate, housing chairman, editor/historian, scholarship chairman, service and giving
chairman, ritual chairman, standards chairman, parliamentarian, social chairman, Semi
formal/Formal chairman, sisterhood chairman, and risk management chairman.
SECTION 2. Officer Duties
A. The PRESIDENT shall preside at all chapter and executive board meetings. She shall
authorize all drafts on the treasury for bills allowed by the chapter. She shall appoint all assistant
officers and special committees (advisory board, nominating committee, etc.) not provided for by
election with the approval of the executive board. She shall exercise a general supervision over
the chapter and confer with chapter advisor(s). She should see that the bylaws are received
annually, prepare visits for National Representatives.

image of the sorority. She shall coordinate all membership recruitment activities. With the
approval of the executive board, she is assigned a recruitment committee and serves as the
committees chairman. She shall coordinate the Panhellenic recruitment process with her
assigned/chosen committee. She shall supervise the public relations chairman and Panhellenic
delegate, and shall oversee the activities of the membership selection process special committee
during its time of service.
membership, promote goodwill and cooperation between alumnae and collegiate members, and
supervise the maintenance of Gamma Lambdas heritage. She is in charge of sending a chapter
newsletter to alumnae at least once per year. She shall coordinate activities and programs, and
involve and notify alumnae of important chapter programs. She shall plan the senior sendoff
ceremony, mothers/fathers/family day events, and a Founders Day activity/alumnae luncheon
D. The VICE PRESIDENT OF PROGRAMMING AND RITUAL shall serve as chairman of the
programming committee to plan educational programs and activities stressing sisterhood and the
heritage of Alpha Sigma Alpha. She shall supervise the scholarship, service and giving, ritual,
standards, and social chairmen. She shall assume the responsibilities of the president in the
event of the absence or disability of the president. She is also responsible for preparing a
monthly and yearly calendar for the chapter.
E. The VICE PRESIDENT OF MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION shall oversee the programming
for all new members. She shall provide them leadership and direction as pertains to Advantage.
She shall chair the Advantage support team. She shall assist the membership education advisor
in administering semesterly sorority exams. She shall keep all membership records up to date.
She shall report directly to the president and shall interface with the ritual chairman and
committee when planning Dedication Days program. She is responsible for planning ASA
retreat, Ruby/Pearl sister pairings, and Big/Little sister reveal.
F. The SECRETARY shall take and retain all minutes and keep all records of the chapter and
executive board meetings according to policy. She is responsible for all chapter correspondence.
She shall call the roll and record absences and give them to the standards board. She shall keep
an accurate list of all correspondence and records of the date mailed. She must keep a record of
all position appointments and devise an updated collegiate member phone list. She shall
supervise the parliamentarian and activities of nominating and bylaws special committees during
their time of service.

G. The TREASURER shall maintain accurate and complete financial records for the chapter,
calculate dues, and prepare the chapters operating budget with assistance from the finance
committee. She shall prepare an annual budget and present it to be approved by a chapter vote.
She is responsible for submitting all dues and fees set by the National sorority and send them to
National headquarters. She is in charge of purchasing all supplies from national headquarters in
cooperation with the secretary and also writes all checks authorized by the president. She must
keep all receipts of expenditures, retain all financial records of the chapter, and give a financial
report at all weekly meetings. She is responsible for informing standards board of members with
delinquent accounts. In addition, she is in charge of calculating the financial requirements of all
new members.
H. The PUBLIC RELATIONS CHAIRMAN will ensure the chapters public relations plan
exhibits a positive image of the sorority at all times. She shall handle all publicity and work with
the editor and Vice President of Alumni and Heritage on the alumnae newsletter. She shall
facilitate all websites and social media holdings in accordance with the chapters image. She may
choose to head any apparel orders in accordance with the chapters approval.
I. The PANHELLENIC DELEGATE shall represent Alpha Sigma Alpha as the voting delegate
on the college Panhellenic and work to promote cooperation with other fraternities and sororities.
She shall attend all Panhellenic meetings and report each week to the chapter. She shall report
the chapters opinion at the Panhellenic meetings and encourage involvement in Panhellenic and
support the Panhellenic spirit.
J. The EDITOR/HISTORIAN must compile the history of the chapter. She shall maintain
inventory of all chapter artifacts and possessions (awards, composites, and scrapbooks). She
shall design a chapter newsletter and submit information regarding chapter activities to The
Phoenix. She must also coordinate and arrange for a photographer for formal, bid day, and
K. The SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN shall promote a scholarly attitude toward learning and
encourage the chapter to strive for high academic standards. She shall meet with standards to
determine discipline necessary for members with scholarship difficulties. She is responsible for
updating and maintaining the class rating book, planning library nights, providing weekly
recognition to those exhibiting outstanding scholarship and distributing information and
applications regarding Alpha Sigma Alpha foundation scholarships. She must also keep a current
record of the following: the school grading system and the major and minor of each chapter
member. She shall facilitate the Scholarship sisters program in order to maintain a scholarly
atmosphere and promote the education of each member.
L. The SERVICE AND GIVING CHAIRMAN shall educate the chapter on the importance of
service and charitable giving and encourage participation in service and giving activities. She is

responsible for the chapter's support of Special Olympics, Girls on the Run, Alpha Sigma Alpha
Foundation, and the S. June Smith Center. She shall request for the treasurer to send annual
contributions to the S. June Smith Center and the Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation. In addition,
she is responsible for planning two major service or giving activities a year and informing the
chapter of service opportunities in the community.
M. The RITUAL CHAIRMAN shall plan Phoenix and Sanctuary Degrees each semester and
ensure that all members wear appropriate attire for the rituals. She shall prepare for all ritual and
special services and must also care for all ritual paraphernalia and must store it away from
unauthorized access. She is responsible for ensuring all rituals of Alpha Sigma Alpha are
followed explicitly at all services and that ritual is represented throughout all the chapter does.
N. The STANDARDS CHAIRMAN shall preside over the standards board meetings and if she
is requested to be at Executive Board meetings, she may sit in as a nonvoting member. She shall
maintain records of the standards board meetings and action regarding discipline cases. She
shall make excuse forms available for the chapter and review them for excused and unexcused
absences from all meetings and events. She must keep accurate participation records for all
members in accordance with the Gamma Lambda point system. She shall maintain the morale
and spirit of sisterhood by recognizing the achievement of the chapter and advise the executive
board of any member not meeting the minimal requirements for holding chapter office. She
must assist the treasurer in collecting unpaid dues and bills. She shall assist the scholarship
chairman in placing members on scholastic probation. She shall educate chapter members on the
meanings of and implementation of special and senior status, and requests for termination and
standards procedure. She must submit all requests for termination of membership and special
status to national headquarters.
O. The PARLIAMENTARIAN must submit a revised copy of the chapter bylaws annually to the
national organization for approval. She shall instruct the chapter in correct parliamentary
procedure by using Roberts Rules of Order and the chapter bylaws. She shall make changes as
necessary to the bylaws and propose them to the chapter for a vote and she must distribute copies
of the revised chapter bylaws to chapter members and advisers. She shall assist in maintaining a
businesslike atmosphere and update the chapter bylaws annually.
P. The SOCIAL CHAIRMAN shall plan and coordinate social programs and activities for the
chapter stressing sisterhood and Alpha Sigma Alphas heritage. She is responsible for
formulating social plans for each social event including the date, time, place and participants.
She is in charge of organizing activities with fraternities and other sororities and other college
organizations. She must ensure that all social programs follow the bylaws, FIPG guidelines,
policies and procedures of Alpha Sigma Alpha and Loyolas regulations and all federal, state and
local laws.

Q. The SEMI/FORMAL CHAIRMAN shall plan and coordinate the semi-formal dance during
the fall semester and the formal dance during the spring semester. She is responsible for having
all contracts signed before the events, planning for bus transportation, setting the price of the
tickets and making the year-end awards. She shall work with the standards chairman and risk
management to ensure that all semi/formal events are following Alpha Sigma Alpha, Loyola, and
state laws.
R. The RISK MANAGEMENT CHAIRMAN is responsible for knowing and enforcing all FIPG
policies at social and sisterhood functions. She shall coordinate programs for the chapter that
discuss risk management issues include sexual assault and alcohol awareness. Each members
mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional wellness should remain priority. She shall be a sister
who looks out for her sisters. She shall always keep members best-interest close to heart. She
shall work with the Risk Management committee to ensure that the particular event follows both
FIPG and University guidelines.

SECTION 3. Election Timing

Regular officer elections will be held once per academic year in the month of November. Special
elections may be held as needed under the conditions listed in Section 5.
SECTION 4. Election and Installation of Officers Procedure
Prior to October 15 of each year, the president shall appoint a special nominating committee of
four members, a member of each class, to nominate candidates for the offices for the coming
year. The committee shall make its report presenting the slate of elected officers to the chapter
no more than two weeks after being appointed. Any member may run for an executive board
position. The slate will be voted on at the following meeting after which it was presented. If the
slate is not passed, nominations are taken from the floor and elections occur that night as
outlined in the Collegiate Officers Handbook. Two-thirds of the eligible voting members must
be present at elections. All officers will be elected by a majority vote, with majority based off the
total number of eligible voting members, not those who are present. Executive board members
will be formally installed at the business meeting following officer transitions no later than
December 10. All officers shall take office immediately following installation.
SECTION 5. Special Elections
In the event of an officers absence from campus for an eight-week period or any other condition
that makes her unable to fulfill her responsibilities, she shall recommend a replacement subject
to the approval of the executive board. If she is unable to make a recommendation, the executive

board shall function as nominating committee and proceed immediately to nominate a

replacement for a special election using the procedure in Section 4.
SECTION 6. Evaluation of Elected Officer Performance.
Should an elected officers performance be questioned by the membership, the chapter may bring
that officer before the standards board with an advisor present for review of the performance of
her duties. If an advisor is not available the district facilitator shall be consulted. The standards
board shall utilize the standards resolution procedure to remove the officer from her position.

SECTION 1. The following standing committees will be: ritual, recruitment, scholarship,
Advantage support team, finance, public relations, service and giving, semiformal/ formal,
alumnae luncheon, bylaws, and social. It will be required for all members to serve on one
committee except for those holding office.
SECTION 2. The purposes of the standing committees shall be as follows:
A. The RITUAL committee shall assist the ritual chairman in the planning of Dedication Days
activities and all ritual functions.
B. The MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT committee shall assist the vice president of public
relations and recruitment in coordinating all membership recruitment activities, formal and
C. The SCHOLARSHIP committee shall assist the scholarship chairman in promoting a
scholarly attitude toward learning and encourage their collegiate chapter to strive for high
academic standards.
D. The ADVANTAGE SUPPORT TEAM shall assist the vice president of membership education
with the implementation of the Advantage Program.
E. The FINANCE committee shall assist the chapter treasurer in preparing the annual chapter
F. The PUBLIC RELATIONS committee shall assist the vice president of public relations in
planning for promoting Greek unity, and showing Alpha Sigma Alpha as a positive force on
Loyolas campus.

G. The SERVICE AND GIVING committee shall assist the service and giving chairman in
planning at least one event each semester.
H. The ALUMNAE committee shall assist the vice president of alumnae and heritage in planning
all events that fall under her title.
I. The BYLAWS committee shall assist the parliamentarian in revising the bylaws each year. It
shall also incorporate the instituted statutes of nomination, voting and responsibilities of sisters
of the Gamma Lambda Chapter.
J. The SOCIAL committee shall assist the social chairman in planning social events with
fraternities, other sororities and other collegiate organizations.

SECTION 3. Special committees may be appointed by the president with approval of the
executive board. Duties will be specified upon appointment.


SECTION 1. Membership
The standards board shall consist of the standards chairman plus four members, one from each
academic class. The chairman is elected according to article IV, Section 1. The four members
are appointed by the standards chairman with approval of the executive board.
SECTION 2. Meetings
Standards board meetings shall be called by the standards chairman at least twice per month.
The membership commitment advisor or another advisor must be in attendance.
SECTION 3. Duties
The duties of the standards board shall be to encourage high morale in the chapter, to review
moral, financial, scholastic, and other deficiencies to stated policies of its members as they might
arise, to administer and monitor the point system, and to follow the national bylaws, policies and
procedures of Alpha Sigma Alpha in matters of membership conduct, status and policy.
SECTION 4. Authority
In carrying out its duties, the standards board may take action to remove a members voting
privileges, assign study hours, schedule additional reviews, limit social function attendance,

and/or other appropriate measures that expressly remedy the members deficiency. Upon
approval of the treasurer, the standards board may adjust a members fee schedule to relieve a
financial burden. The standards board will review the status of members and under special
circumstances may request termination of membership.



SECTION 1. The initiation of dues of this chapter shall be:

A. New Member Fee as determined by the national sorority.
B. Initiation Fee as determined by the national sorority plus a portion of chapter dues.
C. Fall and Spring Collegiate Dues as determined by the national sorority.
D. These fees are payable in accordance with Article XI, Section 1, of the National Bylaws of
Alpha Sigma Alpha.
SECTION 2. The Savings Fee shall be at least $10.00 per month per member and new member.
SECTION 3. The local dues of this chapter shall be determined by the treasurer after she
compiles the budget at the last business meeting of the school year for the next school year.
SECTION 4. Donations for alumnae and other sources shall be deposited to the general chapter
account to be used as needed except where use is specified by the donor.
SECTION 5. All dues must be paid by the date set by the chapter treasurer after compiling the
budget. Any member who does not pay dues by said date and who has not made prior special
arrangements with the treasurer shall be subject to review by the standards board in accordance
with sorority policy. The 5, 15, 25 policy as outlined in the treasurers handbook will be
The most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all matters not covered by the
National Bylaws of Alpha Sigma Alpha and the Bylaws of Gamma Lambda Chapter.
These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds of the voting chapter membership. They must be
approved by the national organization before they become effective.

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