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Four Heros are tasked with meeting with the King Oxton, for unknown reasons.

He starts off
with a basic speech:

My Heroes, I am so glad you have received my summons! You see, I have called you
four very specifically. (He steps off his throne and addresses the party. You all notice a large
sword on his hip, noticeably larger than most men should be able to hold with one hand) I
needed a party with the Skill (Motions to the rogue) Smarts (Psion) Honor (Samurai) and Duty
(Paladin). I hope you all find the task at hand most acceptable
If they ask whats the challenge
The task is..well...hold on. (He consults with his councelor of war) Oh, yes, right! We have
recieved reports of a bandit hideout, following a river near the road that leads to the settlement
of Fiskr. My son, the Prince, requested we take immediate action. He will meet you all in the
dining hall.
IF they do not
My son will give you the details. Meet him in the dining Hall
They may ask additional questions. Answer two of them, then have a counceler cut them off
and speak with the king. A small(3) group of guards escort them to a dining hall.
After eating, a prince walks in. He is tall, with two small horns protruding from his
forehead. His eyes glow slighly, and his very skin seems to emit a light glow. He has plate
armor with huge shoulder plates. They resemble skulls, their eyes emit a soft blue light and mist
is softly emiting from them (Raul dont draw this, I already have a picture)
He speaks with a very strange tone, almost as if words are barely coming to mind. (DC
35 Spot check to realize he is merely moving his mouth, and not actually speaking DC 40
Knowledge Spellcraft check allows them to realize he is using telepathy. DC 20 Forbidden Lore
Check allows them to realize he is under some form of control. Detect Magic only finds that his
armor emits a special field called a Field of Anti-Magic Giving him immunity to spells, and
divination effects.) He says:
Hello my. Friends. I hope your. Travels werent too. Harsh on your bodies. (If they
ever cut him off, he merely continues talking over them as if he isnt paying attention at all) The.
Task that I require of you is. Very important. I need you to. Kill every bandit on sight. They.
Should not be allowed. To leave that cave. I will have. Guards escort you to the end. Of
course, I shall have. Supplies handed to you all at the gates. Your departure is immediate. I
hope you all. The Best. Of. L. uck. (He quickly leaves the room, rubbing his throat)

They are given 9 health Potions(1d8 each), 7 days rations, two horses and a cart.


(They are given this brief description of the cave)

The river leads into a cave mouth, opening to about 10ft wide and tall. Dried blood is
splattered across the left side. A Bandit is there, and he says to you all Oh please help me, it is
so so very important!
This is where the party may start

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