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SIOP Lesson Plan Template

SC.3.E.5.2: Identify the Sun as a star that emits energy; some of it in the form of light.
THEME: Science
LESSON TOPIC: How do we use the energy from the sun?

Content: Students will understand that Earth
receives energy from the sun and that we can
utilize this energy in different ways.

Language: Students will use correctly and

understand the vocabulary sun, energy, solar
panel, auroras, sun dogs, and rainbow.

Engaging video, teacher read aloud, group work, and peer teaching.
KEY VOCABULARY: sun, energy, solar panel, solar energy, auroras, sun dogs, and rainbow.

MATERIALS: elmo, laptop for video, students science journals, science books, elmo


Students will engage in a student led discussion about the previous days lesson about how the light we receive
from the sun is a form of energy.
PRESENTATION/INPUT/MODELING (Language & Content Objectives, comprehensible input, strategies,
interaction, feedback):
After student led discussion they will engage in a 4 minute video clip on solar energy. During the clip the
teacher will pause and prompt students thinking and engagement.
Questions: Have you ever seen a solar panel where you live?
What could you use a solar panel for at your house?
After the video the students will become an expert on a section of the chapter and complete the 4 Bs
activities (Background, Big Idea, Brand New, and Beyond) and one member of each group will teach the
remainder of the class about their section.

PRACTICE/APPLICATION (meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, feedback):

Activity #1: Brain Pop video with discussion.
Activity #2: Jigsaw and 4 Bs on a Chapter 5 in their Science book
Activity #3: Peer teaching

REVIEW/ASSESSMENT (review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning):

Assessment will be of the 4 Bs activity. Teacher will assess for quality of work and completeness.

To extend students thinking they will investigate small items that have a solar panel on them. (calculator,
moving plastic flower)

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