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Collaborative Response to Intervention Plan Log ~ for Reading

Student:_CL_____________________________ Grade:_5th_______ Homeroom Teacher:_S___________________

Reading Assessment Data
FAST oral reading assessment
Phonics: N/A
Fluency: 80 wcpm (6 errors)
Vocabulary: N/A

Long-Term Reading Goal(s)

In 30 weeks student CL will
increase his oral reading
fluency score from 80wcpm to
150wcpm. When presented
with FAST reading passages,
level 5, CL will read aloud
150wcpm on the FAST oral
reading assessment.

Comprehension: N/A
Intervention Exit Criteria:
CL will need to be able to read at grade
level to exit out of RtI tier 3, he would
need to read about 180 wcpm on the
FAST oral reading assessment

Comprehensive Reading
Program: FAST progress monitoring,
Read Naturally, Making Meaning
Teacher: Title 1 teacher, Homeroom
Amount of Time: 1 hours
Time of Day: 10:30-11:30 and 1:302:00
Daily: X

Other: _________

Intervention Summary
Intervention Program or Plan:
FAST weekly progress
monitoring for oral reading
Flex Literacy
Read naturally weekly
Making meaning daily
Lexia on Ipad
Make sure student wears
glasses while reading
WIN (What I need) extra
literacy focus class for 30
minutes each day
If student increases his wcpm,
works hard to improve, and
wears glasses he will get a
reward at end of each week
Intervention Setting(s)/Group(s):
One on one with Title 1 teacher for 1
hour, Para works with student in the
classroom one on one.
Intervention Teacher(s):
Title 1 teacher and para-professional


Date: 10/26/2015


Date: 11/4/2015

Intervention Period & Goal

Dates: 10/26-11/20
Short Term Progress Goal(s)

Each week, when presented

with a reading passage from
FAST Level 5, CL will increase
his oral reading fluency rate by
four words correct per minute
on FAST CBM reading

Priority Intervention Strategies & Teacher(s) Responsible

Notes on Student Response

The title 1 teacher is implementing reading intervention

strategies 1 hour each day. She has introduced Flex Literacy a
new program that she is trying out. She also uses Read
Naturally and Lexia.

CL only made 1 error this

week, which is an
improvement on his past
reading passages. He went
from making 8-5 errors to only
1. I would like to see him
wearing glasses while he
reads to see if it could improve
his overall wcpm. He works
well one on one and small
groups. He also works harder
when he knows there is some
kind of reward or goal that he
is working towards.
CL really enjoys Flex Literacy;
he looks forwards to the
stories and finding out what is
going to happen. He is a really
smart boy and has no problem
comprehending text. He wants
to meet his reading goal and is
making progress.

During WIN (What I need) CL is with Mrs. W and working in

small groups with reading and writing.
There is a Para in the room with CL and works with him one on
one at all times in the classroom. She is also Progress
Monitoring using FAST reading passages.
His homeroom teacher Mrs. S uses Making Meaning reading
curriculum in the classroom daily.

PA n/a
CO n/a
PH n/a
VO n/a
FL x

Intervention Period & Goal

Date: 11/9

Priority Intervention Strategies & Teacher(s) Responsible

Progress Monitoring Data

Date given: 11/4/2015
FAST Progress Monitoring
(score/benchmark/status) Goal Met?

PA ____/_____/______
PH ____/_____/______
FL 78 wcpm / 1 error_
CO ____/_____/______
VO ____/_____/______

Notes on Student Response

Y or N
Y or N
Y or N
Y or N
Y or N

Date: 11/13

Progress Monitoring Data

Date given: 11/13

Short Term Progress Goal(s)

Each week, when presented

with a reading passage from
FAST Level 5, CL will increase
his oral reading fluency rate by
four words correct per minute
on FAST CBM reading
PA _____ CO _____
PH _____ VO _____
FL __x___

The title 1 teacher is implementing reading intervention

strategies 1 hour each day. She has introduced Flex Literacy a
new program that she is trying out. She also uses Read
Naturally and Lexia.
During WIN (What I need) CL is with Mrs. W and working in
small groups with reading and writing.
There is a Para in the room with CL and works with him one on
one at all times in the classroom. She has been implementing
lessons on fluency twice a week in the morning. She is also
Progress Monitoring using FAST reading passages.
His homeroom teacher Mrs. S uses Making Meaning reading
curriculum in the classroom daily.

When CL read this passage

this week he made no errors.
He was so proud of himself he
wanted to show the title 1
teacher his results right away.
I also told him that he
improved the amount of words
he read per minute. He went
from 78 wcpm to 90 wcpm.
Which is a big advancement.
He his determined to reach his
long term goal of 150wcpm. I
think he can do it if he keeps
up the hard work. He has
been making progress with the
interventions in place.

(score/benchmark/status) Goal Met?

PA ____/_____/______
PH ____/_____/______
FL 90 wcprm/_0 errors_
CO ____/_____/______
VO ____/_____/______

Y or N
Y or N
Y or N
Y or N
Y or N

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