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Oscar Pistorius to Be Released From Prison After Parole

Board Meeting
Oscar Pistorius is to be released from prison next week and moved to house arrest, after the South
African parole board decided to free the South African Paralympian from custody and into
correctional supervision.
"The Kgosi Mampuru II Correctional Supervision and Parole Board (CSPB) today, 15 October 2015,
approved the placement of offender Oscar Pistorius under correctional supervision as from 20
October 2015," according to a statement today from the South African Department of Correctional
"The parole board met in Pretoria for the second time following a directive of the Parole Review
Board, which set aside its earlier decision to place Oscar Pistorius under correctional supervision
because it was prematurely made."
The department added that Pistorius, who killed his girlfriend, will be under correctional supervision
as of Tuesday until Oct. 20, 2019.
"The Parole Board has also given the offender his correctional supervision conditions which include
the directives of the Parole Review Board in respect of continued psychotherapy and prohibitions in
line with the Fire Arms Control Act Section 103," according to the statement, meaning he cannot
possess a firearm.
He is expected to live with his uncle in Pretoria, his rep, Anneliese Burgess, told ABC News today.
Pistorius shot and killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentines Day 2013. He was convicted
last October of culpable homicide, the equivalent of manslaughter, despite his argument that he
mistook her for an intruder in his home.
He was initially approved to be released Aug. 21 after serving 10 months of his five-year
manslaughter sentence, a fairly common procedure in South Africa for offenders sentenced to five
years or less.
But the justice minister intervened two days before Pistorius was to leave prison and ordered a
review on a legal technicality, saying the parole board met two months too early.
The double-amputee runner, 28, received the nickname Blade Runner for his prosthetics and
participated in the 2012 Summer Olympics.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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