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Organic Chemistry Lab Reflection

When I first learned that Maam Villaraza will be one of our professors in this
course, I was excited for she was our professor back then during our GenChem
days. And being Maam Dilan, an unfamiliar face, it posed a new challenge not only
for me, but also to my other blockmates. I was excited also, knowing that all of the
experiments that we will be conducting are all synthesized or extracted from
organic materials such as leaves, medicines, etc. - at last, experiments that we
would be able to relate to and be applied to our everyday lives.
Some experiments were easy, some were horribly time consuming and
stressful for every step was crucial and a single mistake would lead to a very large
percentage error. Some consisted of simple instruments and materials that would
help us extract or synthesize a particular compound. Some experiments needed to
be performed by two or three groups for those experiments were really time
consuming, and we cant afford to lose more time for plenty of Org Chem Lab
meetings were sacrificed due to suspension of classes. To sum up those
experiments, a lot really tested my patience!
I can say that Ive learned a lot from this course, not only structural formulas
of compounds and of different functional groups, positive and negative reactions
from different tests, how to correctly synthesize and extract; but Ive also learned
things like patience, flexibility, how to manage ones time, and also group
cooperation. I know that these values will help me survive outside the four walls of
our laboratory room, and not those scientific and IUPAC names that are all required
to be memorized, schematic diagrams that are needed to be understood and to be
followed, and many more. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to both of
our professors for imparting these positive values to me, and not only imparting
things that are read from our laboratory manuals, oral reports, and written reports.

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