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S.N Page No.

1. Executive Summary 04
2. Objective Of The Study 05
3. Introduction Of Insurance 06
a. Definition 06
b. Characteristics Of Insurance 07
c. Function Of Insurance 08
d. Fundamentals Of Insurance 10
e. Nature Of Insurance Contract 12
4. Risk 13
a. Techniques Of Risk Management 14
5. Insurance Industry Profile 16
a. Origin Of Life Insurance In India 17
b. Potential Of Insurance Sector In India 20
6. Tax Benefits 26
7. Life Insurance Products 27
8. IRDA Act 1999 32
9. Players In Industry 34
a. Life Insurer 35
b. General Insurer 36
10. Max India 38
a. Max India Group And Partners 39
b. Potential Of Each Company Of Max Group 40
c. Achievement And Awards 47
d. Fact Sheet Of MNYL
11. New York Life 48
a. Fortune Rating
b. Key Dates
c. History Of New York Life
d. International Presence

12. Max New York Life Insurance 58

a. Company Profile 58
b. Vision, Mission, Values And Beliefs 61
c. Products Of Max New York Life Insurance 63
13. Research Methodology 73
a. Nature Of Research 73
b. Sources Of Data 74
c. Types Of Questions 75
d. Limitations 76
14. Recruitment Of Advisor 77
a. Purpose And Importance 78
b. Opportunities For Advisors 78
c. Desired Profile, Criteria, And Document Required 79
d. Process Of Recruitment 80
15. Training Of Advisors 83
a. Methods Of Training 83
I. On Job Method
II. Off Job Method
b. Principles Of Successful Training 87
c. Need For Training 89
d. Training Programmes For Success 90
e. Training Programmes Done By Max New York Life 91
16. Data Analysis And Interpretation 93
17. Findings 106
18. Recommendation 107
19. Key Learning 108
20. Conclusion 109
21. Bibliography 110
22. Questionnaire 111

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