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Evaluation of Images on Contacts Sheet

These are the images i took originally for my magazine. The ones i chose
to include in my magazine were numbers 9754, 9771, 9817, 9821 and
9999. 9821 was the image that I used for the front cover of my magazine,
this was because it was portrait which made it best fit for the front cover.
Also all of the other photos didnt have a pose and usually on the front
cover of a magazine there is an image of an artist or group posing
seriously, so this is another reason why i chose to use this image. I used
9754 to feature on the contents page showing the audience where to
navigate to find this article. I used this picture as it is a picture of the girls
smiling and therefore inviting and welcoming the audience in to read that
article. Also it is similar to a close aerial shot of the band and it shows
each individual band member clearly. This will enable the audinece to
recognise the band as all of the members are clear to see in the image. I
edited this image by cropping it to make it look more professional. I also
used the long shot, 9999, of another artist that will be featured in the
magazine. I again chose this image to use as it was easy for the audinece
to distinguish who the artist was as it was a front on long shot. Image
9771 was used as a small image in the double page spread. It is a medium
shot of the girl band appearing to have said something that the audience
might find shocking. This is a good choice of image as the images are the
first thing a reader looks at before reading the article. So therefore this
image will suggest that there is something revealed in the text and would
persuade the audience to read onwards. Finally the last image i used in
my magazine was 9817. I used this long shot as the main image in my
double page spread. In this image, the band are posing in a way
teenagers and young adults sometimes do, therefore this targets the
audience as it relates to them and the reader may feel connected with the
band as they seem to have similar characteristics as the audience. Also
the poses arent serious, this infers that the band arent serious or
informal, which again will attract the demographic because teenagers and
young adults want to be reading a fun and less serious article and using
this image, it suggests that the article isnt serious.

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