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The Pearl

Scene 1 (Coyotito was stung)

Setting: Early Morning, quite dark (dawn)
Characters: Coyotito, Juana, Kino

Coyotito was playing alone/sleeping alone in the cradle

Suddenly a scorpion came and stung him
Coyotito screamed in pain and Juana rushed towards him and picked him up
Kino who came back from the sea was very furious and killed the scorpion

Scene 2
Setting: Clinic, the next morning
Characters: Kino, Juana, Coyotito, The Doctor,Villagers and family members

They brought Coyotito to the doctor but the doctor refused (having
conversation with his butler)to treat Coyotito because they didnt have enough

Scene 3 (at the sea)

Kino bid goodbye to his family and went to the sea to find for some pearls
Juana and Coyotito stayed home held Coyotito in her arms and tried to comfort

Kino casted his nets into the sea
Juana prayed for his husbands success
Kino came up with a big pearl in his hand
They were very happy and dashed home with excitement
The news of Kinos discovery of the Great Pearl has spread instantly
People were talking about the Pearl

Scene 4

Setting: village
Two persons planning to steal the pearl.
Scene 5
Setting: Kinos house
Props: Knife or sword

Kino is fighting with the two persons

Juana asks Kino to discard the pearl because of the incident but Kino insists on
keeping it.

Scene 6
Setting: pearls dealer shop

Kino went to the Pearl Dealer to sell the pearl

Pearl dealer wants to buy the pearl for a cheaper price
Kino refuses to sell and wants to go to the capital
The pearl dealer sent trackers to steal the pearl

Setting: the town

Time: Morning

A crowd gathered in the town. People are gossiping about Kino finding the Pearl of the
World. Enter Kino and Juana who was holding Coyotito.

[with a smile of relief and hope, he knocks the door of the pearl dealers

Juana :

You must be cautious, Kino. Very cautious. They are white men and will

look down on us.


Dont you worry. The crowd is here to witness me selling this pearl.

Surely they would not dare to cheat me?

Juana :

Just be careful.


I will. [turns back to the door and knocks impatiently]

Pearl Dealer 1:

Hmmmph [in annoyance and disinterested tone while signalling to

his bodyguard] Open the door will you.

Bodyguard 1 :

[opens the door and mumbles a welcome]

I have a pearl to sell. A precious one.

Pearl Dealer 1:

[talks to Kino while scribbling on some documents] Everyone who

walks into here has a pearl or even a dozen. Show it to me and I will see if it really is
precious as you claim.

[Kino reaches into his pocket, hands in the pearl still wrapped in cloth]

Pearl Dealer 1:

[Expression remains unchanged but he dropped his pen to the

floor. His bodyguards are in awe. He rolls the pearl around to inspect it. Puts it down
after a few minute.] Sorry, friend. Its worthless.

NO!!! Youre lying. It is the Pearl of the World. The Mother of all pearls.

Pearl Dealer 1:

[laughing out loud. His bodyguards are smiling slyly] Oh no, on the

contrary my good man, this is a deformed abomination. I doubt anyone wishes to buy it
but I can give you a thousand pesos.

[in rage, stands up and bangs the table] You sly fox! Its worth fifty

Pearl Dealer 1:

If you dont trust me, fine. Then, ask others. [ signalling to his

bodyguards] Go and call them to come here. Now!

Pearl Dealer 1 sits restlessly. Hes eyeing the pearl and gives a deep thought. Enters

two other pearl dealers.

Pearl Dealer 2:

[taking out a magnifying glass] Mr, look at the surface of the

pearl. Excellent pearls are made of paste. Aaaaannd this is a fine pearl. So, in time, it
will lose its colour and die.
Pearl Dealer 3:

[Disinterested. She scrutinizes the pearl carefully] 500 pesos.

Thats the limit.

Pearl Dealer 1:

See, I told you it is worthless. [kenyit mata to the other pearl


[snatching the pearl angrily] You are cheating! All of you are. I will sell

this at the city.

Pearl Dealer 1:

A thousand five! What about one thousand and five hundred? Si?


[Greed and anger overwhelm him] No. I will take no less than 5000 pesos.

You hear me? 5000. Nothing less.

Juana :

But Kino 1500 is just enough for the doctors payment. Its perfect.


Shush, they are liars. You know nothing. [Kino walks out of the shop

angrily. Juana and Coyotito hurry after him]

Pearl Dealer 2:

You must get that pearl!

Pearl Dealer 3:

Yes, you must. That will make even our descendants filthy rich.

Pearl Dealer 1:

Of course. Dont you worry. I will have that pearl at any cost.

[calls to his bodyguards. Speaks of a plan to them. Simultaneously, the stage turns dark

and gloomy]
-end of scene 6-

Scene 7
Setting: mountainous area and cave

Kino fights with the trackers who carry guns

One of them fires a gun towards Kino but it hits Coyotito and killed him
Kino went on rage and kills them.
Kino regrets his actions that caused his sons death.
Setting: Mountainous area
Time : break of dawn
Juana :

How much farther do we have to walk? We have been on foot since

midnight till now.

[sobbing and tugging at Juanas skirt] Im hungry and sleepy.


Juana :

Kino, lets take a rest.


Sure, well walk at night and rest during the day. That way those who are

after the pearl wont be able to track us.

Juana :

We are being pursued? Kino, are these all necessary?

[Coyotito still crying, Juana tries to calm Coyotito down]

Juana :

We could pay the doctors with the amount that the pearl dealer has

offered. What more do you wish for?


Its not enough. This pearl costs more. [ Kino stares intently at the

pearl] It will gain me rifle, us a wedding, education for Coyotito. I am going to dress you
in fine silks and Coyotito in the sailor uniform hes been whining to have. People will
finally respect us and envy perhaps.
[In truth, Kino only sees blood and dark forces coming from the pearl]

[They rest for a while. Juana is putting Coyotito to sleep while Kino lightly asleep]
Suddenly, Kino sits up sharply as he thinks he heard something]

Shush! Be quiet.

Juana :

What is it?


[Kino puts his ear to the ground] The trackers Theyre here

Juana :

Oh dear, what should we do?


Im scared.


Gather up our things and bring Coyotito to hide. Ill distract them.

Juana :

No. We must stick together.


[Kino digs the earth and hid the pearl] Come! Now! Quickly!

[Kino brings Juana and Coyotito to a hideout]


Stay here. Coyotito Shhhh

[The trackers enter the stage. One of them sits down ]

Tracker 1:

Phewww Lets stop for a while. I need a break.

Tracker 2:

No! We might lose them. Get up! You lazy butt.

Tracker 1:

Relax, we know where they are heading to. They are on foot. An hour

break wont hurt.

Tracker 2:

Suit yourself. [sits down] Pass me the water, will you.

[Kino sneaks on the two trackers silently. He tries to find the correct moment to leap

over and finish them]


[Kino unsheathes his knife and prepares to attack] Its now or never.

[Kino jumps out of his hideout. Kino gets hold of one of the trackers. The other tracker

grabs his rifle while Kino stabs his friend. The tracker aims at Kino. Kino avoids, theres
a loud cry from Coyotito. Kino leaps and kills him. Kino runs back to his family. He sees
Juana on her knees holding Coyotito in her arms]
Juana :

[drenched in tears] Coyotito Hes Hes dead. The gun killed him.



[Kino and Juana bury Coyotitos body and turn their way back home. But, they stop by

at a cliff watching the sun sets]


Im sorry. I shouldve sold the pearl earlier. [takes hold of the pearl in

anger and sadness] Now, it is worthless. It killed my son, my hope, our future.
[Kino flings the pearl into the sea.]
]uana :

Let it be found by no one. Let none suffers as we had.

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