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Day 0: Letters

Day 1: First magic items

Day 7: Zombie apocalypse
"7 Days to Die":
-Cute Girl
Four friends receive mail. At sunday midnight
"Doom in 7 days"
Strange objects appear (death note, ++). Culminate in zombie apoc?
How to stop?
Internet search
"You must kill your friends"
"The world is ending in 7 days"
"El juego ha comenzado. Quedan siete das para tu muerte.
False letters
Nobody is there but main characters + evil npcs + red herring npcs
Make up a f'ing name for the gods
'Game' between two 'elder gods'. One chooses the PCs, the other makes a small 'c
ult'. Cult must summon the elder god, pcs must kill cult.
Z "X wants to kill Y"
Y "Z wants to kill Y
W "You must kill Z"
X "W wants to kill Z"
If PC dies they are replaced by a cultist
"Death Note"
Gantz guns
Ring of invisibility

Last day: cult (everyone) converges on surviving non-cult PCs. Fog like silent hi
Blood rituals
"Twisted world"
Pyramid head
Radio static silent hill
Gloves of Strength
Blood Book
Day 0: Letters
Day 1: First magic item
Day 2: Empty World
Day 3: Twisted World
Day 4: Night World, Pyramid Head
Day 5: False Letters
Day 7: Cult apocalypse, fog
First day: one player is late. Keep him out.
Day: no magic items work
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18 42 84:'Evil detecting' device

18 42 84:*how to stop; gain knowledge


84:*what is their goal?

84:Design students, teachers
84:Game between 2 "shinigami" - white & black.

Lasts a week. Every day, the "state" is reset (save for magic items and chosen's
knowledge). At the end of the week memories are wiped and all goes back to norm
1 cultist (BLACK) and 4 non-cultist heroes (WHITE). Anyone who dies becomes a cu
ltists. Cultists who die disappear from memory.
An effigy appears each day. Cult needs an effigy to summon Black - big ritual on
the 7th day.
If black is summoned, a huge natural catastrophe happens.
[11/11/2015, 11:44]+34 677 18 42 84:"Tienes 7 das para prevenir tu muerte"
Book on blood magic
Explain a bit about the game (give a name; not everything).

Summoning your shinigami

(Shinigami not allowed to speak much)
Psychic/Magic powers
Unspeakable horrors
"Effigy GPS"
Timer Tattoo
Sala de la caldera
Sala de informatica
"Este es un juego tan antiguo como el propio universo. Dos fuerzas milenarias d
e ms all del velo mueven sus peones y realizan sus jugadas. Puede parecer una tor
tura siniestra y horrible, pero en realidad, es una oportunidad. Quizs, si usas b
ien las herramientas que te han dado, puedas llegar a prevenir lo que viene des
Libro gotea sangre, letras rojas
Invocar un shinigami:
p 140 rites
Effigies = sellos que separan un mundo del otro. The more that are used in the e
nding ritual > bigger catastrophe (terrorist shootout at the school, earthquake,
tsunami, meteorite)
First cult member: jefa del consejo estudiantil.
Poderes telekineticos
Sala de profesores
Despacho del director
Habitacion del conserje
Generador de nombres]
Jefa del consejo estudiantil
Un poco pija. Siempre va vestida de marca, inmaculada. Tiene uno de los expedien
tes ms brillantes, los profesores la adoran, y es la mejor del equipo de animador
Poderes telekinticos.
Maths: Hombre viejo y debil, le tiembla un poco la voz
Language: una mujer gorda y estricta, con voz de pito

Apariciones de efigies:
1 Mesa del director
3 Sala de la caldera, dentro de un hombre atado a una silla
Primera escena en clase; libro sangriento mesa, pizarra dibujo de una efigie
Apariciones de efigies:
1 Mesa del director
2 En lo alto de una cuerda, en el gimnasio
3 En la sala de profesores
4 Sala de la caldera, dentro de un hombre atado a una silla
5 Unspeakable horror
1st day one of the teachers is murdered. Next day he calls in sick.
6 Comedor (a kid cultist finds it)
7 In the middle of the summoning circle
Day 2 is letters, Day 4 is Empty, Day 5 is night pyramid
Class nerd
Uninteresting guy
Basketball man
Less Days

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