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Social Studies

We have spent a lot of .me on Students have done a real good job
including facts and details. An
area that some students need to work on is
their organiza.on.
should not be a list of random facts. It
needs to be organized in a meaningful way.
As students work in their journals, help
them carefully select what is most
meaningful and organize it well in their
paragraph. We will be focusing on opinion next trimester which is just around
the corner.

Or next unit in social studies is about famous people

and our heroes. Students will learn to dis.nguish the
dierence. They will select someone to write a
biography on. This ac.vity will be completed in class,
but it would be helpful to talk to your child about
who they select. Any extra reading will help them get
a beEer understand of the person and his/her

3/3 Recogni.on Assembly @ 2 PM
3/7 End of 2nd Trimester
3/10 Spring Picture Day
3/13 Daylight Savings
3/14 - 3/18 Spirit Rainbow Week
Monday- wear red
Tuesday wear orange
Wednesday wear yellow
Thursday wear green
Friday wear blue and/or purple
3/17 Family Math Night 6-7:30
3/22-3/31 Parent Teacher Conferences
Dismissal at 1:15 on all conference
3/22-3/25 Scholas.c Book Fair
3/28 Family Night No Homework
4/1 Sta Development No School
4/4 4/8 Spring Break No School

Accelerated Reading
The only way a student becomes a beEer reader is by
reading. One way that our school tries to mo.vate students
to read is through Accelerated Reading. This school wide
program allows students to read books and take
comprehension tests that enables them to earn points for
every ques.on they answer correctly. Students can then
earn prizes. My students are able to take AR tests during
DEAR .me. Please encourage your child to bring in the books
they have read at home to take the tests. If you dont want
them to bring the actual book, you can have them write
down the .tle and author to help them nd the
correct quiz on the computer.

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