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Quick Write: Thanksgiving Break

and T-Shirt Design

This thanksgiving Im not so grateful. This year
wasnt so good. I saw my mom suffer a lot, I saw her slowly stop
breathing. I am thankful though, that my little sister, my brothers,
my dad and family members are physically okay. They might not
be spiritually okay but they are healthy. I am also thankful that I
got to spend so much time with my mom; I was able to make
unforgettable memories with her. For thanksgiving we usually
make Mexican food and some deserts and a turkey and gather at
my aunts house to eat and be together as a family. Either
watching movies or just talking amongst each other. We didnt
make a big deal about thanksgiving anymore. A few years ago
though, we celebrated thanksgiving with joy, Happiness. We
would put music and start dancing, singing but since one of my
uncles passed away we stopped doing all of those fun things.
Now, since my mom passed away, we didnt do anything for
thanksgiving. We did make some Mexican food and a turkey but
we didnt gather together as a family anymore. We did but we
didnt. We started off together, but once it got dark and things
started to sink in, we decided to just go black Friday shopping. We
left like around 6 and came back like at 11. It was a great
experience we got to distract ourselves a little and forget for a
second what had happened, why we werent celebrating
thanksgiving anymore. Hopefully Christmas in Mxico will be
better. For my T-Shirt Im doing a shirt in honor of my mom. I am
including her name Leticia Melena and an image of her and me
the day I celebrated my 15th birthday. Underneath it I included her
birthday October 20, 1978 to October 22 2015. In the back, I
included a prayer that was hand out the day of her funeral. It is a
prayer in Spanish. This is an example of how my shirt would look.

T-Shirt design

A design you place

in a shirt. You can
create it using
custom Inc.

Wearable Art

Also known as Art

wear or Art to
Wear, refers to
designed pieces of
handmade clothing
or jewelry created
as fine or
expressive art.
A printmaking
technique in which
a mesh cloth is
stretched over a
heavy wooden
frame and the
design, painted on
the screen by
tusche or affixed
by stencil, is
printed by having a

Silkscreen Printing

Albrecht Durer


Etching Printing


squeegee force
color through the
pores of the
material in areas
not blocked out by
a glue sizing.
A painter,
printmaker and
theorist of the

A computer printed
which employs a
printing process
that uses heat to
transfer dye onto
materials such as a
plastic, card,
paper, or fabric.
A metal plate is
covered with a
waxy ground which
is resistant to acid.
Printing using
grayscale and the
picture comes out
in shades of black,
white and gray.


A unique patented
ink and media
combination driven
by powerful print
software to create
the best cotton
imaging system
Woodblock Printing A technique for
printing text,
images or patterns
used widely though
East Asia and
originating in China
in antiquity as a
method of printing
on textile and later
Reformation Printing Propaganda that
helped on side of the
teams. Helped
gained followers by
talking bad about
the opponent.
Renaissance Art

A period when
scholars and artist
began to
investigate what
they believed to be
a revival of
classical learning,
literature and art.

Leonardo Da Vinci


Serigraphy Printing

An Italian polymath
whose areas of
interest included
painting, sculpting,
science, music,
mathematics and
Drawing on
limestone with wax
crayons, applying
ink onto the stone
and printing the
image onto paper.
A method of
creating an image
on paper, fabric or
some other subject
by pressing
through a screen
with areas blocked
off by a stencil.

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