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a) Fluid Viscosity Effects on Centrifugal Pumps BY: GUNNAR HOLE hen sizing a pump for a new application or eval- uating the performance of an existing pump, it is often to account for the effect of the pumped fluid’s vis- cosity. We are all aware that the head-capacity curves presented in pump vendor catalogs are pre- pared using water as the pumped fluid. These curves are adequate for use when the actual fluid that wwe are interested in pumping has a viscosity that is less than or ‘equal to that of water. However, in some cases—certain crude oils, for example—this is not the case. Heavy crude oils can have viscosities high enough to increase the friction drag on a pump's impellers significantly. The addi- tional horsepower required to overcome this drag reduces the pump's efficiency. There are sev- eral analytical and empirical approaches available to estimate the magnitude of this effect. Some of these are discussed below. Before beginning the discus- sion, however, it is vital to empha- size ‘the importance of having an accurate viscosity number on which to base our estimates. The viscosity of most liquids is strong- ly influenced by temperature. This relationship is most often shown by plotting two points on a semi- logarithmic grid and connecting them with a straight line. The rela- tionship is of the form: = Aad where 1 = the absolute viscosity of the fluid ‘Aand B = constants T = the absolute temperature of the fluid Plotting this relationship requires knowledge of two data points, and using them effective- ly requires some judgement as to Reproduced from the Hydraulic Institute Standards (Figure 71) the normal operating temperature as well as the minimum tempera- ture that might be expected during other off-design conditions such as startup. ‘The effect of pressure on the viscosity of most fluids is small. For mineral oils, for example, an increase of pressure of 33 bars {+480 psi } is equivalent to a tem- a : — 80|- 1 3 i 2 «| | 2 Bowl | 2, [ 38 | Ht | t 3 J T - i ¥ | l zg 4 | i % r 2 « 6 + 10 oO 100 coc we on perature drop of 1°C. The following definitions are used when discussing fluids and viscosity. There are five basic types of liquid that can be differ- entiated on the basis of their vis- cous behavior; they are: Reproduced from the Hydraulic Institute Standards (Figure 72 ) ee NEWTOMIAN ‘These are fluids where viscosity is constant and independent of shear rate, and where the shear rate is linear- ly proportional to the shear stress. Examples are water and oil NON-NEWTONIAN These are fluids where the shear rate-shear stress relationship is nonlinear. They can be divided into four categories: + Bingham-plastic fluids are those in which there is no flow until a threshold shear stress is reached. Beyond this point, viscosity decreases with increasing shear rate. Most slurries have this property, as does America’s favorite veg- table, catsup. © Dilatant fluids are those of which viscosity increases with increasing shear rate. Examples are candy mixtures, clay slurries, and quicksand. © Pseudo-plastic fluids are simi- lar to Bingham-plastic fluids, except there is no definite yield stress. Many emulsions fall into this category. '* Thixotropic fluids are those of which viscosity decreases to a minimum level as their shear rate increases. Their viscosity at any particular shear rate may vary, depending on the previous condition of the fluid. Examples are asphalt, paint, molasses, and drilling mud. There are two other terms with which you should be familiar: * Dynamic or absolute viscosity is usually measured in terms of centipoise and has the units of force time/length?. * Kinematic viscosity is usually measured in terms of centis- tokes or ssu (Saybolt Seconds Universal). It is related to absolute viscosity as follows: kinematic viscosity = absolute viscosity/mass density The normal practice is for this term to have the units of length?/ time. Note: 1 0St= cP xsp gr 1 cSt = 0.22 x ssu— (180/ssu) 1 0P = 1.4567 Ibt- sin? 1 Reyn = 1 Ibt—s/in? PUMP PRIMER TABLE 1. WATER-BASED AND VISCOUS PERFORMANCE The explana- tion further de- scribes the motion of fluid in the immediate neigh- borhood of the spinning impeller. There Stepanoff The process of determining the effect of a fluid’s viscosity on an operating pump has been stud- ied for a number of years. In the book Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps, A.J. Stepanoff lists the losses that affect the performance of pumps as being of the follow- ing types: . i ‘* impeller losses * leakage losses * disk friction losses Of all external mechanical losses, disk friction is by far the most impo: ccording to Stepanoff. This is particular- ly true for pumps designed with low specific speeds. Stepanoff gives a brief discussion of the physics of a rotating impeller and emerges with a simple equation that summarizes the drag force Note: Pumped fud specific gravity = 0.9 mentions the exper- imental results of others demonstrat- ing that, by reduc- ing the clearance be-tween the sta- tionary casing and the impeller, the re- quired power can be reduced. He also writes about the details of some investigations that demonstrate the beneficial effect of good surface finishes on both the stationary and rotating sur- faces. Included is a chart prepared by Pfleiderer, based on work by Zumbusch and Schultz-Grunow, that gives friction coefficients for calculating disk friction losses. The chart is used in conjunction with the following equation: (hp)a = KD?yus where K = a constant based on the Reynolds ‘number D = impeller diameter ‘y= fluid density usimpeller tip speed Like most of Stepanoff’s writing, this presentation contains great depth with considerable rigor. It makes interesting reading if you are willing to put forth the time. Those of us ALU aD tte) who need a quick answer to a par- ticular problem may need to look elsewhere for help. In the book, Centrifugal Pumps, V. Lobanoff and R. Ross discuss the effect of viscous fluids on the performance of centrifugal pumps. They make the point that because the internal flow pas- sages in small pumps are propor- tionally larger than those in larger pumps, the smaller pumps will always be more sensitive to the effects of viscous fluids. They also introduce a diagram from the paper “Engineering and System Design Considerations for Pump ‘Systems and Viscous Service,” by C.B. Petersen, presented at Pacific Energy Association, October 15, 1982. In this dia- gram, it is recommended that the ‘maximum fluid viscosity a pump should be allowed to handle be limited by the pump's discharge nozzle size. The relationship is approximately: Viscositymax = 900(Doutetnzae—1) where viscosity is given in terms of ssu Dis measured in inches With respect to the prediction of the effects of viscous liquids on the performance of centrifugal pumps, Lobanoff and Ross direct the reader to the clearly defined methodology of the Hydraulic Institute Standards, This technique is based on the use of two nomo- grams on pages 112 and 113 of the 14th edition (Figures 71 and 72). They are reproduced here as Figures 1 and 2. Intended for use saree Correction constant _ Factor n= the pump G operating Co speed ~_Gne D =the impeller Cras diameter Cn Gms 2.1615E-08 on pumps with BEPs below and above 100 gpm, respectively, which permits the user to estimate the reduction of head, capacity, and efficiency that a viscous fluid will produce on a pump curve originally generated with water. A variation on this technique is described below. The following example is taken from pages 114-116 of the Hydraulic Institute Standards sec- tion on centrifugal pump applica- tions. There, the use of Figure 72, “Performance Correction Chart For Viscous Liquids," is discussed. Table 1 was calculated using poly- nomial equations developed to replace the nomogram presented in Figure 72. The results of the cal- culation are within rounding error of those presented in the standard. ‘And the approach has the addi- tional benefit of being more conve- nient to use, once it has been set up asa spreadsheet. In the course of curve-fitting Figure 72, it was convenient to define a term known as pseudoca- pacity pseudocapacity = 4.95(V)5[0.04739(H)°-25745(q)05}05 where \V= fluid viscosity in centistokes H = head rise per stage at BEP, mea- sured in feet Q-= capacity at BEP in gpm Pseudocapacity is used with the following polynomial coeff cients to determine viscosity cor- rection terms that are very close to 0.635 0.639 Per Table 7 of HI Standards Per Polynomial Expressions those given by Figure 72 in the Hydraulic Institute Standards, These polynomials have been checked throughout the entire range of Figure 72, and appear to give answers with: in 1.0% of those found using the fig- ure. ‘The polynomial used is of the form: Cx = Das + Diz P + Das P? + Dus PP + Das P* + Das PS where Cis the correction factor that must be applied to the term in question Dan are the polynomial coefficients list- ed in Table 2 P is the pseudocapacity term defined above For comparison, the correction factors for the example above (tabu- lated in Table 7 of the Hydraulic Institute Standards) and those calcu- lated using the polynomial expres- sions above are listed in Table 3. The problem of selecting a pump for use in a viscous service is relatively simple once the correction coefficients have been calculated. If, for example, we had been looking for a pump that could deliver 100 feet of head at a capacity of 750 gpm, we would proceed as follows Se nL ACL a Da 0.95 0.939 Cws | Coe Cura | Care 0.96 0.89 0.958 094 | 092 0.939 | 0.916 Hater = Hviscous senvice/CH 0 Quater = Oviscous serice/Co The next step would be to find a pump having the required performance on water. After determining the efficiency of the pump on water, we would correct it for the viscous case as shown above: Tyviscous service = Mater X Cy The horsepower required by the pump at this point would be calculated as follows: hPviscous service = (viscous service X Hvscous service X SP OF) (8,960 x nyiscous sence) As with water service, the horsepower requirements at off- design conditions should always be checked. Gunnar Hole is a principal in Trident Engineering, Inc. in Houston, TX. He has been involved in the selection, installa- tion, and troubleshooting of rotat- ing equipment for the past 15 years. Mr. Hole is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin at Madison and is a Registered Professional Engineer in Texas. 0.887 REPRINTED FROM PUMPS AND SYSTEMS MAGAZINE

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