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Village Pride Group Minutes 30thMay 2015-06-01

Chris Bolton had a meeting with Bill Lovelock from Highways, who
said to go ahead with the flower planters even though the official
paperwork hadnt yet been signed off. Bill also said it was fine to
plant bulbs around and behind the bench at the top of Main Road
and along the sides of Main Road.
The Toynton All Saints village sign will be replaced soon as a new
sign is on order. We dont know exactly how long it will take.
Enid Bailey has found a contact that may be able to provide the
bulbs for free and possibly obtain a tractor to dig a long trench to
plant the bulbs into which would save a huge amount of time. Enid
will follow this up.
Enid will try to contact the houses nearest to the planters to let
them know what we are doing and also perhaps ask them if they
wouldnt mind watering on the odd occasion. Although we are all
responsible for watering once the flowers are in. It was proposed
that when we are passing the planters we check whether they need
watering. If we keep large water bottles or milk bottles in our cars
then we shouldnt need to do too much heavy lifting. Obviously this
will just be initially once flowers are in and in dry spells.
Enid Bailey and Margaret Bolton will buy some plants this
Wednesday and begin planting. They are grateful for plant
donations offers but felt that they wanted the planting to look
organised and colour coordinated, so felt it best to buy the plants.
They will look at fairly hardy varieties and plants that do not require
too much maintenance. Donations gratefully received in terms of
cash to Jeanette Phillips who will be Treasurer on this occasion.
Angela and Lorraine are donating most of the compost. Jed
Howden donating top soil/bought compost.
Kevin Watson will collect the compost in his trailer and deposit in
planters. Lorraine volunteered too.
Planters are going to be built and erected Sunday 31st May starting
at 10am. Bottom end of Main Road first followed by top end.
Enid spoke to the Head teacher at Toynton All Saints primary school
who seems keen for the children to help with planting bulbs in
September. The safety of children must be considered as some
areas are too near the roadside.

Chris Bolton will follow up with Ian Mickleburgh from Highways

regarding the possibility of obtaining mock white entry gates for the
village. Will also include speeding issues in discussion.
Next meeting - the Chapel Friday 4th September 2015 at 7pm.

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