09-Village Pride Group Minutes 4th Sept 2015

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Village Pride Group Minutes 4th Sept 2015

Gavin Motley, via Enid Bailey, has kindly agreed to plough some
furrows for bulbs with his tractor. The areas being looked at are the
top and bottom of Main Road and some of the verge up to the new
planters. The vehicle has a facility to also drop bulbs into the
furrows enabling a team to just cover them over. Lorraine may also
be able to get a loan of a hand held device if required.
On Sat 12th Sept a small team will strim areas of grass in these
locations and along some of the verge to pin point where the
furrows and bulbs will go. It has been arranged for Gavin to come
and work on the furrows on the 17th at 6pm. It was discussed that
the area around the bench would also be a good place for bulb
planting but we need to look at whether it will be possible as the
ground there is very tough with weed roots. Perhaps on the 12th the
team can look into this.
Through donations from the group and a 25 donation from The
Chapel fund, we will be able to buy 75 kg of daffodil bulbs. That
equates to about 1500 bulbs. Alf Tunicliffe has kindly volunteered to
pick these up from a garden centre in Anwick.
Highways have given permission to go ahead with the planting.
It was noted that all those who have been looking after the planters
in the village have done an excellent job through out the summer.
The flowers are looking colourful and healthy. We had one theft of a
small tree which although sad and petty has not dampened our
spirits to continue to make small improvements to the village.
During the colder weather the summer plants will be replaced with
some winter tolerant flowers such as pansies.
It has been decided that white wooden faux entry gates to the
village is unlikely to be viable due to the narrow pavement and
verge on one side.
The next meeting is on 27th November 7pm at The Chapel.

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