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Name:Kara___________________________________________School:__TES_________________________ Assigned Grade

Grade Level of Students Assessed for this Assignment__2nd___________________
Scan and include with your submission the assessments and any forms used to record scores, information, etc. Please remember
to remove the students names from the documents and label them as student #1, & #2. If you have chosen to use either your
Schools PA assessment or an Informal PA Assessment, please type in the name or short description of the assessment.
Student #1
Tool Used
(highlight ONE from
each of the two lists
to the right, it can be
a different
assessment for each
of the two students)
PA Skills the
Assessment is
Designed to
Measure (if using a
standardized one,
review the
information about
the assessment)
PA Skills Student
has Already
(Be VERY Specific and
be sure to ONLY focus
on PA!)

Student #2

CORE Phoneme Deletion Test

CORE Phonological Segmentation Test
CORE Phoneme Segmentation Test
CORE Spanish Phoneme Awareness Test
Schools PA Assessment: PA Inventory
Informal PA Assessment: PA Inventory

CORE Phoneme Deletion Test

CORE Phonological Segmentation Test
CORE Phoneme Segmentation Test
CORE Spanish Phoneme Awareness Test
Schools PA Assessment: FAST (standardized)
Informal PA Assessment:

Word Discrimination, Phoneme Isolation (beginning,

Middle and End), Rhyming Generation, Rhyming
Recognition, Alliteration, Onset-Rime Synthesis,
Phoneme Synthesis, Phoneme Segmentation,

FAST is Designed to measure Concepts of Print,

Phonological/Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary and

This student scored high on this assessment.This

student mastered word discrimination, rhyming
generation, rhyming recognition, alliteration, onsetrime synthesis, phoneme synthesis, syllables,
deletion-syllables, deletion-phonemes, substitutionphonemes

1. Blend sounds to make a word

2. Blend syllables to make a word
These are the only skills this student has mastered
according to FAST, which is alarming


Skills to Teach the
(Be VERY Specific)

This student has mastered the Phonological

awareness skills.

If other reading
measures or
(formal or informal)
This student was also assessed using DRA and what
have been given
we found was that she struggled with sight words.
to this student,
how do these
results compare to
What are your ideas
and/ or your
mentor/schools plan
for addressing the
reading instructional
needs of this

Since she has mastered Phonological Awareness

skills, we would work with her to apply those skills
in decoding words for reading and spelling. Also
from the DRA assessment results we need to work
on sight words.

Match a sound to a letter, Match Pictures by initial

sounds, Read a given sight word, Find short vowels

This student was also assessed using DRA. The

results were similar. It showed that this student
struggled with many reading skills especially sight
words, diagraphs and blends.

This is a high-risk student because she scored

extremely low. She is considered now to be on tier 2
on RtI.

Collaboration and Reflection

Meet with the Title 1 teacher and discuss

further action
Read with student everyday
Practice drills one on one
Have a parent volunteer work with student on
beginning sounds, sight words, hearing and
identifying words
Give her another informal assessment
Progress Monitor her as much as possible in
the next few weeks then have her take the
FAST again to see if there are any


1. Describe how you have collaborated with another teacher(s) who provides services for these students (i.e. if you are the
SPED or ELL teacher it would likely be the students General Ed teacher, if you are the General Ed teacher it might be the
SPED, ELL, Title I, etc teacher) around the following topics:
a. Ensuring alignment of all reading assessments given
The teachers give assessments at the beginning of the year for prevention purposes. No one wants students falling
behind or being left barley following along with the class. There is an open communication system for special
teachers and classroom teachers regarding needs of students. If there are high-risk students it is dealt with right
away, within the first weeks of school I have noticed. Despite the teachers busy days and schedules, they have
taken the time to go over test results and action plans with me. I had to collaborate with my mentor, another 2 nd
grade teacher (in order to get test results earlier so I could complete this assignment) the technology teacher since
FAST assessment was done in her class, and the Title 1 teacher.
b. Sharing assessment results
The teachers were eager to know the assessment results in order to help these students right away. I know that the
high-risk students teacher will be sharing results with the title 1 teacher and getting her involved in the RtI process
as quickly as possible. This teacher was also somewhat concerned about FAST and how it may not have worked well
for this particular student, or if there was something else that went wrong, because she seemed like she thought this
student knew how to match a sound to a letter. She will determine this by working one on one with student and
progress monitoring her. My mentor teacher was happy with the results of my informal assessment because this
gave her more of an idea of where this student is at, which is higher than she had thought after seeing last years
tests results of this student. We are anxious to see the results after this student takes the FAST to be able to
compare the two.
c. Discussing instructional implications
It was great to hear how the teachers were going to use the results of these assessments to differentiate their
instruction and their action plan for their student. The title 1 teacher, SPED teacher and classroom teachers
communicate very well with what instructional implications will need to take place inside and outside the classroom
when working with high-risk students. The assessments help indicate what skills students need improvement on
which then drives the instruction content, style and materials.
2. Reflect on this entire experience


I thought this was a good experience because I was able to gain more understanding of how assessments work and take
place. It was also helpful to see what the teachers do with the results, how they differentiate their teaching for that
student, what interventions take place when needed and also what skills students progress onto if they have mastered
skills. I know some teachers feel indifferent about having ONLY a computerized test assessing their students. I know some
are still going to continue their DRA and other informal assessments with the students as well. I am curious next week to
compare the students informal assessment scores with their FAST scores.

Optional ~ Is there anything in particular that you would like your instructor to provide you with feedback on in
relation to this assignment? Or are there any challenges/concerns/questions that came up for you during the
completion of this assignment for which your instructor might offer some suggestions/advice?
I feel that between my mentor and other teachers involved in this process, they gave me a lot of advice, suggestions and
feedback. All my questions and concerns were answered. I will continue to be interested in the progress of these students and
future assessments of the students. The ELL and Title 1 teacher have let me watch many of their assessments that they do
with students at the beginning of the year and it has been so informative.

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