Sample Teaching LP Assignment

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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Jack Pinho, Brendan Abad

Date: 1/22/16
Time: 9 - 9:30
School: Springfield College
Lesson #: 1/4
Facilities: Blake Arena
Class Size: 21
Grade: Peers
Unit/Theme: Basketball Pass and Defense
Generic Level: Utilization
Equipment: (1) Basketballs (2) Cones (3) Pinnies
Focus of Lesson: Making a correct pass and playing defense.
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National #
; MA CF #
Task/Activity #
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:


(P) Perform two different types of passes and correct position for playing as a defender
during team practice.
(C) Describe the different types of passing and perform them at 100% proficiency and
show correct defensive position with movements when asked by the teacher.
(A) Demonstrate what passes they would use in certain situations given in practice or
by teacher and know when to play certain defenses in practice 100% of the time.
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
Explain the safety and rules of each activity and check for understanding each time.
Give at least 2-3 types of feedback, whether it be positive specific, or corrective
feedback to each group.
Keep students intrigued and on task by having a variety of tasks for them.
Be clear with my stop and go signals and make sure we always have good teaching
position with back towards wall.
Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?

Keeping an eye out for students getting to close to boundaries set up and making sure
we are moving around with head and eyes up.
Make sure all questions are asked and allow students to come up to us freely if they are
concerned about anything.
References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)

Warm - Up:


Students will come in and form a neat and

presentable circle with all eyes on instructors.

Then will have them spread out into a bigger
circle, arm lengths apart with a student who
volunteers with a dynamic stretching
background. Monitored by instructors.


Focus of the day: Types of Basketball passes
and Defensive positions.
Stop and Go Signals: Blow the whistle twice
to start and blow the whistle once to stop put
ball at feet and eyes on instructor speaking.
Safety: Only make a pass when teammate or
student is looking and keeping head and eyes
up at all times during activities and
Review: Where the pass is being delivered
from and aim point for pass. Defensive
position for most success of keeping
opponent in front of you.
Passing: There are two types of passes in
basketball we will go over today. The chest
pass and the bounce pass. Each pass is
important depending on the situation. Define
and go over when each pass should be used
for best outcome in game like situations.
Placement of hands should almost make a
diamond with fingers widely spread across
the outer part of the basketball. Pushing
thumbs out when releasing ball towards
Defense: Always having knees slightly bent,
eyes on opponent's torso/waist, arms out
ready to deflect any passes. With that is
moving your feet side to side, creating a quick



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side shuffle without crossing over feet to

prevent from falling.
Transition: Students will be brought together
and divided into groups of two for the first


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Activity 1: Passing Activity- Students will be

with a partner randomly assigned, and will
practice the two passes went over in the
introduction. The bounce and chest pass.
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There will be a teacher demonstration and
and student demonstration. This activity will
lead into more complex activities in the future.
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Students will be across from each other
--------------------------------------working on the chest and bounce pass. The
key points will be reinforced.
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Transition: Students will bring it over to the

meeting place to discuss the next activity.

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Activity 2: Pass and Defense ActivityStudents will be in groups of three, one

person will be playing defense in the middle
and the other two will be passing the ball
back and forth. The person in the middle
objective is to get to the person with the ball
as fast as they can and get in a proper
defensive position. The person with the ball
should hold it for about two to three seconds
so the person in the middle has time to get
over. Teacher and student demonstrations
will occur.


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Closure: Students will be asked a series of

questions about the key points to passing and
a proper defensive position. The teachers
will ask selected students to demonstrate a
proper bounce and chest pass. Also, all
students will show the teachers a proper
defensive position.
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