Chapters 10-11 Reading Questions Honors Senior Seminar

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Chapters 10-11 Reading Questions

Honors Senior Seminar
Chapter 10:
1. List two specific reasons the D.H.C. gives to explain why he is proposing that
Bernard be dismissed and punished
2. Where does the D.H.C. suggest that Bernard be sent to?

3. How does Bernard humiliate the Director?

4. What affectionate nickname does Linda use to refer to the Director?

5. How do the citizens of the World State respond when John calls the Director

Chapter 11:
6. Why is everyone interested in John, but not Linda?

7. How does Linda spend her time now that she is back in London?

8. How does John feel about Lindas use of soma and why?

9. What changes have happened in Bernards life since he, Lenina, John, and Linda
have returned from the Reservation? Why have these changes happened?

10. How does Mustapha Mond feel about the reports that Bernard is writing him?

11. Why does John vomit when touring the factory?

12. On page 165, why does Fanny say that Lenina is a lucky girl?

13. How does Lenina feel about John?

14. What is Johns response to the feely that he and Lenina attend together? Why does
he respond that way?

15. How does John and Leninas night together end?

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