Chapter 2 Islam Study Guide: Answer Each Question Using Complete Sentences. Section 1 - Pgs 174 - 180

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Chapter 2 Islam Study Guide

Answer each question using complete sentences.

Section 1 pgs 174 180
1) Describe in detail the Arabian Peninsula.
2) How did Arab merchants travel?
3) Why did Makkah become the richest city in Arabia?
4) Who brought Islam to Arabia and what did he preach?
5) Why did Muhammad and his followers leave Makkah?
6) Why did the leaders of Makkah give Muhammad control of the city?
7) Name two things that Islam, Christianity, and Judaism have in common.
8) What was the holy book of Islam?
9) List and describe the 5 pillars of Islam.
What is the Sunna?

Section 2 pgs 181 189

11)What is a caliph? How were the 1st four caliphs chosen?
How did the Arabs treat the people they conquered?
Name two reasons that Arabs were so successful in building their empire.
Which European country converted to Islam?
What do Sunnis and Shiites believe regarding the Umayyad dynasty?
Who were the Seljuk Turks and where did they rule?
Why was the Ottoman Empire important?
Why was Suleiman I a great leader?
Describe the Mogul leader Akbars rule.

Section 3 pgs 190 197


What is a mosque?
What is a bazaar?
What was the common language of the Muslim Empires?
What branch of mathematics did the Muslims invent?
What is an astrolabe?
What branch of science are Muslims the founders of?

Short Answer Questions:

26. What

was Muhammads message? (Explain at least two things he preached)

How did the poor, wealthy, and religious leaders react to it? (Make sure to
explain why the poor, wealthy, and religious leaders reacted the way they did.)

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