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Do not sell this pattern or any product made from this pattern

Finished Size

Knitted Minion
By: Alexandria Batista

Length: 2.25 in
Width: 3 in
Height: 6 in

Materials Needed:
Size 2 Double Pointed Needles.
Size 4 Yarn; Yellow, Blue, White, Black
Tapestry Needle
Stitch Marker
Safety eyes 0.5 cm

Body (Started from the bottom)

Using yellow, cast on 6 stitches and join in a round.
Rnd 1. [KFB]6x (12 sts)
Rnd 2. [KFB K1]6x (18 sts)
Rnd 3. [KFB K2]6x (24 sts)
Rnd 4. [KFB K2]8x (32 sts)
Rnd 5. [KFB K3]8x (40 sts)
Rnd 6. [KFB K4]8x (48 sts)
Rnds 7-46. Knit
Rnd 47. [K2tog K4]8x (40 sts)
Even Rnds 48-50. Knit
Rnd 49. [K2tog K3]8x (32 sts)
Rnd 51. [K2tog K2]8x (24 sts)
Rnd 52. [K2tog K1]8x (16 sts)
Stuff Piece
Rnd 53. [K2tog]8x (8 sts)
Rnd 54. [K2tog K1]2x K2tog (5 sts)
Stuff piece more if needed. Break yarn and draw it tightly through the remaining stitches
using a tapestry

Do not sell this pattern or any product made from this pattern

Overall Bottoms
Using blue, cast on 6 stitches and join in a round.
Follow the same steps for the body from Rnds 1-6.
Rnd 7. [KFB K7]6x (54 sts)
Rnds 8-14. Knit
BO all stitches. Break yarn and draw it tightly through
the remaining stitches using a tapestry needle, leaving a
long tail for sewing to the body.
Front Flap of Overalls (Knit flat)
Using blue, cast on 20 stitches
Row 1. K2tog, K16 K2tog (18 sts)
Row 2. Purl
Row 3. K2tog, K14, K2tog (16 sts)
Row 4. P2tog, P12, P2tog (14 sts)
Rows 5-16. Stockinette stitch
BO all stitches. Break yarn and draw it tightly through
the remaining stitch using a tapestry needle, leaving a
long tail for sewing to the body.
Back Flap of Overalls (Knit flat)
Using blue, cast on 16 stitches. Knit 14 rows in stockinette stitch and then BO all
stitches. Break yarn and draw it through the remaining stitch using a tapestry needle,
leaving a long tail for sewing to body.

Overall Straps (Make 2)

Using blue, cast on 2 stitches. Knit 28+ rows of stockinette stitch, depending on how
well you centered the back flap in regards to the front flap of the overalls (I had
to make one strap longer than the other one).
Break yarn and draw it tightly through
the remaining stitches using a tapestry
needle and leaving a long tail for sewing.

Do not sell this pattern or any product made from this pattern

Goggles (Make 1 or 2)
Using grew, cast on 24 stitches and join in a round, leaving a long tail for sewing to the
body. Knit 5 rounds and then BO all stitches. Break yarn and draw it tightly through the
remaining stitch.

Eyes (Make 1 or 2) Knit flat

Using white, cast on 5 stitches
Row 1. KFB, K3, KFB (7 sts)
Rows 2-6. Stockinette stitch
Row 7. K2tog, K3, K2tog (5 sts)
Break yarn and draw it tightly through the remaining stitches leaving a long tail for
sewing. Do not pull the yarn too tightly as you want to keep the shape of the eye. Insert
safety eye into the desired location on each eye and then sew the eyes just inside of the
goggles. I had a bunch of tails left over after I was done sewing so I just used them as my
stuffing to help keep the shape of the goggles, but stuffing works too. If you made two
goggles/eyes, sew them together before sewing them to your minion.

Do not sell this pattern or any product made from this pattern

Goggle Strap (Knit flat)

Using black, cast on 5 stitches. Stockinette stitch 66 rows and then BO all stitches. This
size fit mine, but how well you stuff your piece and if you chose to only make one eye
will affect the size of your strap so use this number as a guide. Break yarn and draw it
through the remaining stitch using a
tapestry needle, leaving a long tail for
sewing to the head.

Arms (Make 2)
Using yellow, cast on 8 stitches and join in a round. Leave a long tail for sewing to body.
Stuff piece lightly as you go.
Rnds 1-14 knit
BO all stitches. Break
yarn and draw it through
the remaining stitch and
sew end shut.

Hands (Make 2)
Using black, cast on 12 stitches and join in a round, leaving a long tail for sewing.
Rnd 1. Knit
Rnds 2-3. K2tog, K to end (11 sts)(10 sts)
Rnds 4-5. KFB, K to end (11 sts)(12 sts)

Forming Fingers
Knit 3 rows of I-cord on the first 4 stitches, break yarn and draw it tightly through those 4
stitches. Reattach yarn and redo this step on the next 4 stitches and then on the next 4
stitches after

Do not sell this pattern or any product made from this pattern

Legs (Make 2)
Using blue, cast on 14 stitches and join in a round. Leave a long tail for sewing to the
Rnds 1-2. Knit
BO all stitches leaving a long tail for sewing to the boots.

Boots (Make 2)
Using black cast on 5 stitches and join in a round.
Rnd 1. [KFB]2x K1 [KFB]2x (9 sts)
Rnd 2. K4, KFB, K4 (10 sts)
Rnd 3. KFB, K3, KFB, K1, KFB, K3 (13 sts)
Rnds 4-12. Knit
Stuff piece moderately. Break yarn and draw it tightly through
the remaining stitches. Sew up hole.

Pocket (Knit flat)

Using blue, cast on 6 stitches
Row 1. Purl
Row 2. K2tog, K2, K2tog (4 sts)
Row 3. [P2tog]2x (2 sts)
Break yarn, leaving a long tail for sewing to overalls, and
draw it tightly through the remaining stitches. Sew to overalls.

Do not sell this pattern or any product made from this pattern

Sew boots onto legs (non BO end). I did not stuff the legs because they didnt seem to
need it. Sew legs onto the underside of the body.
Sew on pocket.
Embroider a mouth using size three
yarn in black (I used 3 stitches). Feel
free to add hair.
Standing may be an issue

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