MUET Speaking

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MUET Speaking

Good morning/afternoon to everyone
Today, I will talk about ,..
From the question: What do you think is a major cause of stress to teenagers?
In your answer: What I think is a major cause of stress to teenagers.
Statement of Points
In my opinion,..
From the question: In your opinion, school-related problems are a major cause of
stress to teenagers. Elaborate on this.
In your answer: In my opinion, school-related problems are a major cause of
stress to teenagers.
I said that because:
In the question: school-related problems are a major cause of stress to
In your answer: school-related problems .* Explain what the issues are
and how plus why they are a major cause of stress to teenagers]..
School-related problems include the difficulties the teenagers face when dealing
with issues such as
-waking up early, catching their transportation, preparing for classes, completing
homework, attending lesions, preparing for exams and etc.
-some teenagers like to have more flexibility or freedom in life. Maybe they were
brought up that way . So they find it difficult to cope with so many things related
to the school.
-most teenagers complain about having to wake up so early to go to school and
also about the long hours spent in school.
- in between coming to school and going back, they also have to take part in
many activities so these cause stress to them.
-for example, the form 6 students who have to be in school until around 3
-for teenagers, having to cope with so many school-related problems are a major
cause of stress.
-take for example, students who are weak in certain subjects. They will struggle
to master the skills and to understand the lessons. They will fear that they will
fail in the subjects.
-these things might appear tedious or petty to adults but to teenagers-these are
their world.
Thus, it would be suffice for me to say that school-related problems are a major
cause of stress to teenagers. Thank you.
Skill Focus:
Stating and Justifying Point of View ( Explanation&Elaboration)

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