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Georgia Performance


American Government
Learning Objectives

Drew Elrod
American Government
Branches of Government
SSCG4 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
organization and powers of the national government.
a. Describe the structure and powers of the legislative,
executive, and judicial branches.
b. Analyze the relationship between the three branches in a
system of checks and balances and separation of powers.
2. Communication and collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate
and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support
individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or
others employing a variety of digital environments and
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to
multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
c. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by
engaging with learners of other cultures.
d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or
solve problems.
3. Research and information fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry.
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and
ethically use information from a variety of sources and
c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools
based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.
d. Process data and report results.
5. Digital citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues
related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of
information and technology.
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that
supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
c. Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
d. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.
The students will:
Understand the structure and powers of the executive,
legislative, and judicial branches of government.
Understand the basic functions of each branch.
Understand the relationship of the three branches to each

Technology Learning

Essential Questions

Understand the concept of checks and balances and
separation of powers.
Be able to perform individual tasks to demonstrate prior
and post knowledge of each branch of government.
The students will:
Perform classroom tasks using a computer.
Collaborate with other students and teachers using digital
learning environments.
Practice and use internet navigation skills.
Understand how to download, complete, and submit a
Word document.
Understand how to access online learning tools.
Understand how to use thoughtful and ethical practices of
the internet and computers.
1. What are some words you would use to describe the
executive branch?
2. Which chamber of Congress do you believe to be the
most prestigious and why?
3. Do you believe a federal judge should have a lifetime
term? Explain your answer.

Lesson 1Executive Branch

Bell Ringer- Students will enter the classroom and sign in to their BlackBoard account and
access American Government-Elrod. Each student will go to the folder labeled Branches of
Government and complete Executive Bell Ringer. Each student will post their response to the
question Who is your favorite president to the Padlet Wall.
Discussion-Teacher will engage the students in an informal discussion concerning the essential
question What are some words you would use to describe the executive branch?
Equipment- Each student will have their Mac laptop computer. These computers are provided
by the school. Wireless internet will be available for each student.
Assignment 1Executive Branch 1
Students will use BlackBoard to access the assignments for the executive branch. Using the
website provide under Executive Branch 1 the student will learn about the structure,
responsibilities, and history of the executive branch. Each student will download and open the
Word Document attached and use the website to answer the questions. Answers will be typed
using Times New Roman 12 point font on the Word Document provided.

Saving Instructions: Save the document and name it Executive_1

Submission Instructions: Click on the assignment title Executive Branch 1. Scroll

down to the section Assignment Submission. Select the Browse My Computer tab
and upload your newly saved Word document titled Executive_1. Once you see that
the file has successfully been attached, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the
Submit tab. If your submission was successful you will immediately see your
submission ticket on the screen. (Teacher is monitoring student progress, answering, and
assisting students with the assignment as needed.)

Assignment 2Executive Branch 2

Students will click on Executive Branch 2 and access the link to Ed Puzzle. Students will
login to there "Ed Puzzle" account and watch the video entitled "Article II for Dummies: The
Executive Branch Explained". The video prevents students from skipping any of the material.
Multiple choice and short answer questions are provided throughout the video. Students have
the ability to repeat any portion of the video for additional help or review. Students will
complete the video and questions and receive immediate feedback on the results.
Assignment 3Executive Wrap Up
Students will click on the assignment title Executive Wrap Up and answer the essential
question provided by typing their response in the Write Submission section.
E.Q.: What are some words you would use to describe the executive branch? Give at least 3
Lesson 2Legislative Branch
Bell Ringer- Students will enter the classroom and sign in to their BlackBoard account and
access American Government-Elrod. Each student will go to the folder labeled Branches of
Government and complete Legislative Bell Ringer. Each student will post their response to the
question What is one power you believe the legislative branch has? to the Padlet Wall.
Discussion-Teacher will engage the students in an informal discussion concerning the essential
question Which chamber of Congress do you believe to be the most prestigious and why?
Equipment- Each student will have their Mac laptop computer. These computers are provided
by the school. Wireless internet will be available for each student.
Assignment 1Legislative Branch 1
Students will use BlackBoard to access the assignments for the legislative branch. Using the
website provide under Legislative Branch 1 the student will learn about the structure,
responsibilities, and history of the legislative branch. Each student will download and open the
Word Document attached and use the website to answer the questions. Answers will be typed
using Times New Roman 12 point font on the Word Document provided.

Saving Instructions: Save the document and name it Legislative_1

Submission Instructions: Click on the assignment title Legislative Branch 1. Scroll

down to the section Assignment Submission. Select the Browse My Computer tab

and upload your newly saved Word document titled Legislative_1. Once you see that
the file has successfully been attached, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the
Submit tab. If your submission was successful you will immediately see your
submission ticket on the screen. (Teacher is monitoring student progress, answering, and
assisting students with the assignment as needed.)
Assignment 2Legislative Branch 2
Students will click on Legislative Branch 2 and access the link to Ed Puzzle. Students will
login to there "Ed Puzzle" account and watch the video entitled "Copy of Review: The
Legislative Branch Overview". The video prevents students from skipping any of the material.
Multiple choice and short answer questions are provided throughout the video. Students have
the ability to repeat any portion of the video for additional help or review. Students will
complete the video and questions and receive immediate feedback on the results.
Assignment 3Legislative Wrap Up
Students will click on the assignment title Legislative Wrap Up and answer the essential
question provided by typing their response in the Write Submission section.
E.Q.: Which chamber of Congress do you believe to be the most prestigious and why?
Lesson 3Judicial Branch
Bell Ringer- Students will enter the classroom and sign in to their BlackBoard account and
access American Government-Elrod. Each student will go to the folder labeled Branches of
Government and complete Judicial Bell Ringer. Each student will post their response to the
question How many Supreme Court justices are there? to the Padlet Wall.
Discussion-Teacher will engage the students in an informal discussion concerning the essential
question Do you believe a federal judge should have a lifetime term?
Equipment- Each student will have their Mac laptop computer. These computers are provided
by the school. Wireless internet will be available for each student.
Assignment 1Judicial Branch 1
Students will use BlackBoard to access the assignments for the judicial branch. Using the
website provide under Judicial Branch 1 the student will learn about the structure,
responsibilities, and history of the legislative branch. Each student will download and open the
Word Document attached and use the website to answer the questions. Answers will be typed
using Times New Roman 12 point font on the Word Document provided.

Saving Instructions: Save the document and name it Judicial_1

Submission Instructions: Click on the assignment title Judicial Branch 1. Scroll down
to the section Assignment Submission. Select the Browse My Computer tab and
upload your newly saved Word document titled Judicial_1. Once you see that the file
has successfully been attached, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Submit

tab. If your submission was successful you will immediately see your submission ticket
on the screen. (Teacher is monitoring student progress, answering, and assisting students
with the assignment as needed.)
Assignment 2Judicial Branch 2
Students will click on Judicial Branch 2 and access the link to Ed Puzzle. Students will
login to there "Ed Puzzle" account and watch the video entitled Judicial Branch". The video
prevents students from skipping any of the material. Multiple choice and short answer questions
are provided throughout the video. Students have the ability to repeat any portion of the video
for additional help or review. Students will complete the video and questions and receive
immediate feedback on the results.
Assignment 3Judicial Wrap Up
Students will click on the assignment title Judicial Wrap Up and answer the essential question
provided by typing their response in the Write Submission section.
E.Q.: Do you believe a federal judge should have a lifetime term? Explain your answer.

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