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Preparation Book for the TOEFL

Junior Test
Reading Comprehension

Diagnostic Test
Questions l-6 are about the following announcement.-

Winter Vacation Activities


Winter vacation is coming soon! And it's a great time to join one of the many community activities
available to Fullerton Junior High students. Here are the programs being offered this year:

Martial arts - get fit taking Taekwondo classes with local instructor Devin Lee.

Conversational language - join the conversation in beginning Spanish, Chinese, or French


Hip hop dance - take classes with Clive Campbell, star of the popular reality TV program
Show Us Your Moves.

Community service - volunteer to read to the elderly in the city's winter reading program.
For more information, students should meet in the gymnasium this Wednesday at lunchtime.
Brochures for all programs will be available there. They contain details regarding the locations,
prices, and times of the programs. To join one of the programs, students must register at the main
office of Fullerton Junior High. Keep in mind they will fill up fast. So, be sure to sign up early!

What is the purpose of the announcement?

To inform students about winter vacation programs
To warn students to sign up early for winter programs
To encourage students to volunteer for community service
To ask students to come to the gymnasium on Wednesday


According to the announcement, which program will be taught by a famous person?

Martial arts
Conversational language
Hip hop dance
Community service


What can be inferred about the community service program?

It costs a lot.
It will not be classes.
It is offered every winter.
It will not be popular with students.


Where are brochures about the classes available?

In the gymnasium
In the TV studio
In the main office
In the community center


In line 10, the word contain is closest in meaning to?



Why should students sign up early?

Classes will fill up fast.
Class times may change.
The main office often closes early.
They will get a discount price.


Questions 7-12 are about the following story.

Mom, you won't believe it! Rosi shouted as she burst in the door.
What's all the fuss? Rosi's mom asked.
Remember the contest I entered? I sent a letter to MVS about why I should be able to meet
Johnny Corazon!
MVS? That music video station?
Her mom's eyes grew wide as boiled eggs .So you won?
Not yet, said Rosi, but I'm a finalist! Now I have to make a video. If they pick mine, Ill get
to meet himin person!
That's wonderful! But you'd better get started, honey. Call me if you need help.
Rosi set up a video camera in her room. She turned on the camera and sang a song, and danced.
She tried over and over again until she got it right. Then she watched the best version several
times. But something didn't seem right. Rosi showed the video to her sister Anita.
What do you think? Rosi asked.
Well, your routine is good, Anita answered, but it seems sort of boring. Maybe it's because
the camera stays in the same place all the time.
Rosi sighed.
I have an idea, Anita said.
Rosi did her routine again. But this time, Anita held the camera and moved around. The new
video was much better.
Rosi went next door to her friend Albert's house. She showed him the video.
Well? she asked.
It pretty cool, I guess, Albert began, but
But what? Tell me!
I guess it seems weird that it's all in your room.
Oh, no ! Rosi moaned.
I can help, Albert said.
The three of them made a stage set in Albert's backyard. They used some old curtains and
painted cardboard. Finally, they shot the video again.\
That's it, said Rosi when they were done. That's as good as it's going to get.
Everyone wished her luck, and she sent the final version of her video.
Three days later, Rosi got a call. It was Johnny Corazon.
Congratulations! he said. Your video was great! No one else put as much thought into
camera angles and sets !
Rosi was quiet for a moment.
Mr. Corazon, that's very kind, she began sadly.But I can't accept. She explained that she had
got a lot of help.
Don't worry about that, Johnny said.I get a lot more help than you did.
Rosi listened carefully, thanked Johnny, and hung up.
Well, are you going to meet him? Rosi's mother asked, excitedly.
Rosi smiled wide.









What would be the best title for this story?

Rosi Learns to Dance
Rosi Gets Some Help
Learning Camera angles
Loving Johnny Corazon


When the author writes in line 7 that her mom's eyes grew wide as boiled eggs, the



author means that Rosis mom______________.

was very surprised
did not understand her
was very scared
did not care


How did Rosi become a finalist in the contest?

Her video was picked by MVS.
She wrote a letter to a music video station.
Her letter was picked by Johnny Corazon.
She appeared on a music video program.


Why does Anita think Rosi's video is boring when she first sees it?
Her routine is not very good.
The camera never moves.
She thinks Rosi's song isn't right.
The different versions all seem the same.

11. What can be inferred about the final version of Rosi's video?
(A) It took a long time to make.
(B) Rosi was not satisfied with it.
(C) Albert held the camera.
(D) Everyone thought it should win.
12. All of the following people worked on Rosi's video EXCEPT____________.
(A) Albert
(B) Rosi
(C) Anita
(D) Rosi's mom


Questions 13-22 are about the following passage




Ragtime is a fast and complicated kind of music that was popular around the beginning of the
twentieth century. Scott Joplin is now considered to be the most important American ragtime
composer and piano player. During his lifetime, Joplin only enjoyed a brief period of professional
success in the early 1900s. However, his work had an important, lasting effect on audiences, as well
as other composers.
When ragtime first appeared in the late nineteenth century, it was considered a low form of
cheap entertainment, not a serious musical movement. Then in 1899, Joplin wrote a ragtime song
called Maple Leaf Rag. The song showed Joplin's creative blend of African American rhythm and
more established European American musical styles. It was a huge success and helped to make
ragtime popular with the general public. Maple Leaf Rag was the first instrumental composition to
sell over one million copies of sheet music. It was also the first music by an African American to
find a large audience among European Americans.
Although the general ragtime style already existed before Joplin began composing, his work
attracted a lot of attention from other ragtime composers of his time. Songs like Maple Leaf Rag
influenced these composers mostly because they were very popular with the public. And many of
them started to add similar fast and complicated rhythm to their music. Later, composers came to
appreciate the high quality of Joplin's music, which has continued to capture the imagination of
many composers and musicians up to the present day. For example, many later jazz musicians were
influenced by Joplin's complex African-style rhythm. Jazz, in turn, went on to influence many more
popular music styles. These include the blues, rock and roll, soul, and even hip hop. As a result,
many music historians now list Joplin's work as an early basis of all modem popular music.


What is the passage mainly about?

Scott Joplin's fast piano playing
Scott Joplin's brief period of success
The types of music Scott Joplin liked
The importance of Scott Joplin's music


Which of the following is true of ragtime?

It was a popular type of music.
It began around the year 2000.
It disappeared around the year 1900.
It was most popular during Joplin's lifetime.


In line 3, the word brief is closest in meaning to______________.



Which of the following is true regarding Maple Leaf Rag?

It was a mix of musical styles.
It was not popular in Joplin's lifetime.
It was not a serious musical movement.
It helped make ragtime become cheaper.

17. In line 9, the word It refers to ______________.

(A) ragtime
(B) the general public
(C) African American rhythm


(D) the song Maple Leaf Rag

18. What does the author imply about European Americans in Joplin's time?
(A) Most of them were successful.
(B) Most of them were musicians.
(C) Most of them were tired of European American music.
(D) Most of them didn't listen to music by African Americans.
19. In line 14, the word attracted is closest in meaning to___________.
(A) drew
(B) grew
(C) made
(D) felt

20. Why did Ragtime songs like Maple Leaf Rag influence other composers around Joplins
(A) Scott Joplin was a European American.
(B) Scott Joplin was an African American.
(C) They already existed.
(D) They were greatly enjoyed by people.
21. In line 17 the words capture the imagination of are closest in meaning to __________.
(A) anger
(B) punish
(C) interest
(D) satisfy
22. All of the following kinds of music were influenced by jazz EXCEPT___________.
(A) ragtime
(B) blues music
(C) hip hop
(D) soul music


Practice Set 1
Questions l-9 are about the following passage.
Biorobotics is a field within robotic science that is based on the movements of living things. The
most famous biorobots look and move a lot like humans. However, there are several robots that have
been made to mimic animals. While many companies develop such robots as toys, some are used for
practical purposes.
0ne example of a biorobot is a flying robot that is based on the movements of bees. The robot,
named Carlton, was developed by the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence. Built to
be both light and powerful, it can hover like a bee in tight spaces and also change direction without
losing speed. This robot's abilities make it very useful for military and police search and rescue
missions. For example, Carlton can hide behind a tall wall, rise up to quickly look at what is on the
other side, and then hide again. It can also send video images of what it sees to soldiers in a safe
location far away.
Modsnake is a robot that was modeled on snakes. This robot was developed by the Carnegie
Mellon University Biorobotics Lab. It is made to move like a snake, so it can pass through narrow
spaces, move over all sorts of obstacles, climb poles, and even swim. The way Modsnake moves
makes it useful for a variety of tasks such as checking for survivors in collapsed buildings, finding
damaged areas inside of pipes and cleaning up oil spills in lakes and rivers.
A third robot, based on cockroaches, also has several uses Sprawl was designed by a research
team at Stanford University to take videos and recover small objects. Like many six-legged robots,
Sprawl was made to move like an insect. However, Sprawl is uncommonly fast and strong for its
size, just like a real cockroach. These characteristics make it particularly useful for military
situations in which an enemy might try to disable it. It is very difficult to shoot because it moves
quickly and is relatively small. Even if an enemy shoots Sprawl, it can usually keep functioning.





What is the passage mainly about?

Biorobots based on animals
Biorobots that work like humans
Military uses of biorobots
Flying abilities of biorobots


In line 3, the word mimic is closest in meaning to___________.



In line 3, the word some refers to____________.



According to the passage,

change directions quickly
climb in tight spaces
hide behind walls
send video images












What does the author imply about Modsnake?

It has no legs.
It moves quickly.
It can be dangerous.
It has no military uses.


In line 15, the word collapsed is closest in meaning to__________.



Which of the following is true about Sprawl?

It was originally built to destroy small objects.
It was developed by a German research team.
It is smaller than a cockroach.
It is small but very solid.


Why is Sprawl useful in military situations?

It cannot be shot.
It can shoot at the enemy.
It is small enough to be shot from a gun.
It will usually keep working even when shot.


In line 21, the word disable is closest in meaning to___________.



Practice Set 2
Questions l-4 are about the following flier.

Under the Sea Dance

The Jonestown Middle School student council invites all students to a dance party fundraiser.
Dont miss this great chance to mix with friends from school and maybe even make some new

Who: All grade 7, 8, & 9 students
Where: Jonestown Middle School Gymnasium
When: Saturday, October 12th
**Advance tickets are available only from a member of the student council

The dance party will help to raise money for the new library, so be sure to come out and show
your support. The theme for this party is Under the Sea, so wear a costume related to the sea or
sea life. A prize will be given for the best costume in each grade. Also, at the end of the night,
there will be a dance contest, with a prize going to the best dancer in each grade.


DJ Bonanza will be providing the tunes, and food and drinks will be available throughout the
nightAdvance tickets are $5, but hurry because they are only available until Friday. Tickets will be
$8 at the door.
Students will need a signed parent permission form to be able to attend the dance. See your
teacher for the form.

1. In line 2, the word mix is closest in meaning to___________.

(A) discuss
(B) arrive
(C) join
(D) dance
2. According to the flier, how many prizes will be given away at the dance party?
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 9
3. Which of the following is true about the dance contest?
(A) Everyone who enters will get a prize.
(B) It will be happening around 9 p.m.
(C) It will start right at 6 p.m. sharp.
(D) Only 9th grade students can enter.
4. How much does it cost to buy a ticket from a member of the student council?



Since its creation in 1958, NASA has successfully launched over one hundred manned flights
into space. In fact, most people today associate NASA with space exploration. However, what many
people do not know is the 1958 Space Act, which was the basis for NASA's creation, required that
the Administration's research benefit humankind. In its fifty-year history, NASA has fulfilled that
requirement by providing research for products that have helped people all around the world. Most of
these products are readily recognizable, and some play important roles in the daily lives of many.
People who wear glasses have NASA to thank for scratch-resistant lenses. In 1972, the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that, for safety reasons, all glasses lenses should be made of
plastic, not glass. Lens makers soon discovered that plastic was cheaper than glass; however, it
scratched easily. One American sunglasses company, Foster-Grant, turned to NASA for help. NASA
used a special plastic coating on astronaut helmets to keep them from being scratched by dirt
particles in space. Using this same coating technology, Foster-Grant created scratch-resistant plastic
Ear thermometers, now widely used by health care workers, were also a product of NASA
technology. In the early 1990s, a company called Diatek recognized the need for a quick and easy
way for nurses to take patients' temperatures. Like Foster-Grant, Diatek found the solution in NASA
technology. NASA had earlier invented a way to determine the temperature of distant stars by
measuring the amount of heat, or energy, they give off. Diatek used this same technology to measure
the amount
a patient's
eardrum gives
off. By doing this, they were able to get an accurate
the following
measurement of the patients body temperature.

5.What is the passage mostly about?

(A) The history of NASA research
(B) Products based on NASA research
(C) Companies who worked with NASA
(D) Inventions of the twentieth century
6.ACCording to the passage, what do many people not know about the 1958 Space Act?
(A) It was only legal for fifty years.
(B) It was the basis for NASA's creation.
(C) It said NASA's main goal was space exploration.
(D) It said NASA's research should be useful to everyone.
7.In line 4, the word fulfilled is closest in meaning to___________.
(A) obeyed
(B) ignored
(C) closed
(D) showed
8.In line 9, the word it refers to___________.
(A) glass
(C) plastic
9.Why did the FDA rule that lenses should not be made of glass?
(A) They were unsafe.
(B)They were expensive.
(C) They scratched easily.
(D) They had no plastic coating.


10. Why does the author discuss the company Diatek?

(A) To contrast it with the company Foster Grant
(B) To imply that it was also an American company
(C) To explain how ear thermometers were invented
(D) To give an example of a company that made use of NASA research
11. In line 16, the word determine is closest in meaning to___________.
(A) control
(B) want
(C) change
(D) learn
12. What was Diatek able to find out by measuring the heat an eardrum gives off?
(A) A patient's body temperature
(B) The temperature of a distant star
(C) How much energy a person has
(D) The amount of heat a body loses



Practice Set 3
Questions l-6 are about the following announcement.
Last Friday, a group of Middleton Junior High students competed in the State Junior Track
andField Championships in Wentworth City. This year, 23 students took part in 9 different events.
Of course, all students who competed should be proud of making it to the championships.
Nonetheless,special praise should be given to the following students, who all received medals in
their events:





Marlene Jonson

8 grade


200m sprint

Davey Kieslowski

7th grade


200m hurdles

Luis perez

9th grade


Long jump

Vijay mani

9th grade


5km walk

Tamara wainwright

9th grade



A very special thanks should go to our dedicated coach, Coach Evans, who spent countless
hours training with the athletes in the months before the championships. Thanks should also go to
the parent volunteers who traveled with the students on the bus to Wentworth. During the school
term,they also provided uniforms, taxi rides, and fan support when it was most needed. Without
them, this great success would not have been possible.

1. In line 4, the word Praise is closest in meaning to ___________.

(A) congratulations
(B) expectations
(C) opportunity
(D) trophy
2. Which 9th grade student did NOT receive a bronze medal?
(A) Vijay Mani
(B) Davey Kieslowski
(C) Luis Perez
(D) Tamara Wainwright
3. How many students on the team did NOT receive a medal?
(A) 23
(B) 18
(C) 9
(D) 5
4. What does the author point out by writing that Coach Evans spent countless hours
training with the athletes in line 6?
(A) He was very friendly to them.



(B) He gave a lot of his time to them.

(C) He worked with them after school hours.
(D) He helped them with their schoolwork.
5. In line 8, the word they refers to___________.
(A) the parent volunteers
(B) the championships
(C) the students
(D) the athletes
6. The parent volunteers did all of the following EXCEPT
(A) travel on the bus
(B) train with the athletes
(C) buy team uniforms
(D) give fan support



Questions 7-14 are about the following passage.





For millions of years, animals have communicated in numerous ways-from giving off
chemical signals, to performing complicated dances, to chirping, grunting, and howling. Humans,
on the other hand, have the ability to communicate using language. However, scientists do not
agree on when human language first appeared. The estimates range from a hundred thousand to
millions of years ago. But even if it is unclear exactly when it began, human language has
developed significantly in the past century,branching off into three different categories: natural,
artificial, and formal language.
Natural languages, also known as man-made languages, are languages that humans have
developed simply out of the need to communicate with each other. Natural languages are the
languages people speak, read, write, and listen to every day, such as English, Hindi, and Russian.
The vocabulary and rules of these languages have developed naturally, without the influence of
an author or creator modeling or altering the languages. In short, natural languages just happen.
Artificial languages are also man-made, but they are constructed, or made, by humans who
already use a natural language to communicate. The vocabulary and grammar of artificial
languages do not develop naturally but are constructed by an author or creator. There are a
number of reasons for constructing an artificial language. In some cases, it may be a scientific
experiment in language;in other cases, it may be the creation of an artist. An artificial language
may also be constructed to make communication easier between people of different nationalities.
Perhaps the best example of this is Esperanto, an artificial language created in 188 7 by L.L.
Zamenhof that was basically meant to simplify communication between Europeans.
Finally, formal languages are languages that communicate something, but they are not spoken
languages like natural and artificial languages. However, like artificial languages, they are
constructed. Formal languages are meant to be very precise in what they communicate. An
example of a common formal language is computer code. Computer code has its own set of very
strict rules and serves only to speak to a computer-people cannot use it to communicate with
each other.

7. What is the passage mostly about?

(A) The different types of languages
(B) The role of constructed languages
(C) The history of human communication
(D) The development of natural languages
8. In line 69 the phrase branching off is closest in meaning to___________.
(A) turning
(B) moving
(C) splitting
(D) going
9.According to the passage, what causes natural languages to develop?
(A) They are created by an author.
(B) They have no rules or vocabulary.
(C) People need to speak to each other.
(D) People learn to speak, read, and write.
10. In line 12, the word modeling is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) testing
(B) explaining



(C) skipping
(D) shaping
11. According to the passage, all of the following are reasons for constructing an artificial
language EXCEPT___________.
(A) to create something artistic
(B) to carry out a scientific study of language
(C) to communicate something without spoken language
(D) to make it easier for different people to talk to each other
12. Why does the author mention Esperanto?
(A) To explain how communication can be simplified
(B) To give an example of an artificial language
(C) To point out that the language has a creator
(D) To suggest that it is still used by many Europeans


13. How are formal languages different from natural and artificial languages?
(A) People do not speak them.
(B) People cannot understand them.
(C) They are constructed by a creator.
(D) They do not communicate anything.
14. In line 23, the word precise is closest in meaning to
(A) strong
(B) short
(C) clear
(D) fast


Practice Set 4
Questions 1-9 are about the following passage.





International model United Nations meetings are events at which high school and
college students from all over the world play the role of UN representatives. These
meetings are largely based on the real United Nations. They are even divided into
many of the same groups, such as the UN Security Council and the World Health
Organization. The events allow students to develop and strengthen skills that are
important for international careers, such as politics or international law.
One of the main goals of the meetings is to develop effective communication
skills. Because of this, students participate in many presentations, debates, and written
research assignments. For example, at the end of every meeting, each student group
writes a suggestion for solving one major world problem that they have learned about
through their research assignments. These groups then discuss their suggestion with
the rest of the student representatives in order to get them to support it. They may also
discuss and solve invented problems, such as imaginary wars or natural disasters.
Such activities challenge students' abilities to convey their thoughts in a clear,
thoughtful way.
In addition to working on basic communication, students at the meetings try to
express themselves in polite ways that help to solve problems. This is perhaps the
most difficult task for
real UN delegates, so model UN organizers put a lot of
emphasis on it. The organizers strongly encourage students to try to understand the
ideas of others, consider their feelings, and agree on solutions.
The meetings are also designed to help students become more open-minded.
Students often play the role of representatives for countries other than their own. This
encourages them to learn more about other cultures and to think about important
problems in different ways. While pretending to be from a different country, students
are exposed to a lot of ideas and information that they would not normally consider.
Usually, they come away with a much better understanding of people in different
cultures. This experience often gives them an advantage over schoolmates who only
learn about world events and international relations in traditional classrooms.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) Which countries participate in model UN conferences
(B) What students learn at model UN conferences
(C) How to solve invented problems at the UN
(D) Why viewpoints are changing at the UN
2.In line 3, the word They refers to___________.
(A) meetings
(B) groups
(C) representatives
(D) events
3.Why do students at model UN meetings participate in presentations, debates, and written
(A) To solve one major world issue
(B) To learn good communication skills
(C) To help them decide between careers
(D) To get student representatives to support them



4. Why does the author mention imaginary wars and natural disasters?
(A) To contrast them with real world problems
(B) To give two examples of invented problems
(C) To point out that students cannot control them
(D) To explain how problems are solved at the mock UN
5. In line 15 the word convey is closest in meaning to___________.
(A) show
(B) answer
(C) explain
(D) hide
6.Why do students play the role of representatives for countries other than their own?
(A) To express themselves in polite ways
(B) To decide which culture is the best
(C) To consider the feelings of others
(D) To think about issues in new ways
7.In line 26, the word exposed is closest in meaning to___________.
(A) limited
(B) produced
(C) open
(D) slow
8.What does the author imply about students who only learn in traditional classrooms?
(A) They are given a lot of information.
(B) They don't learn about international events.
(C) It can be hard for them to understand other cultures.
(D) It is very easy for them to understand their schoolmates.
9. Which of the following is NOT a major goal of students at the conferences?
(A) Solving problems
(B) Strengthening communication
(C) Considering different views
(D) Becoming UN representatives



Practice Set 5
Questions 1-9 are about the following passage.


As the student leader of the environmental club, I want to talk about a very important
issue that affects all of us at Wilmont Junior High.
Recently, a local factory was featured on a local news report. This factory makes tires.
The production of tires results in a lot of very harmful chemicals. In order to protect
citizens, government laws make sure that factories throw these away safely. However,
according to the local news report,the tire factory has been emptying its waste into a
nearby stream. In fact, factory workers were caught red handed dumping the chemicals
into the stream by a TV crew who were secretly filming them.
This makes all of us at the club very angry, and it should make you angry too, because
the stream I am talking about runs right past our school. We can see it when we play on
the soccer field at lunchtime. If you are worried about this pollution then come see us at
the environmental club We have written a complaint that all students should sign. We plan
to take it to the government and the factory owners in order to show them how unhappy
we are.

1. Why did the student write this article?

(A) To explain how factories endanger the lives of others
(B) To ask students to sign a complaint about the factory
(C) To warn students not to play in the stream near the school
(D) To argue that the factory should be closed down permanently
2. In line 3, the word featured is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) blamed
(B) contacted
(C) given
(D) shown
3. In line 7, the word these refers to___________.
(A) tires
(B) citizens
(C) chemicals
(D) workers
4. In line 7,the phrase caught red-handed is closest in meaning to___________.
(A) clearly seen
(B) badly hurt
(C) mostly hidden
(D) quickly chased
5. According to the author of the article, why should all students be angry?
(A) Factories are harming citizens.
(B) The government is closing a local factory.
(C) A local news station reported on a local factory.
(D) Pollution from a local factory runs by the school.
6. What is the environmental club planning to do about the pollution?
(A) Write a letter to the community newspaper
(B) Complain to the government and factory owners
(C) Show the government and factory owners the stream
(D) Ask the factory owners to visit the soccer field during lunchtime



Questions 7-11 are about the following passage


The army of the Roman Republic was highly organized, and its soldiers were
very disciplined. Enemies of Rome believed the key to defeating the Roman army was
to cause fear and confusion among its soldiers. To do this some of Rome's enemies
used elephants on the battlefield. As a result, the Romans were forced to come up with
effective ways of fighting against the giant animals.
0ne method was very simple. When elephants charged, the Roman soldiers would
simply move out of the way and let the charging beasts pass by. In battle, Roman
soldiers usually walked shoulder-to-shoulder in a single line. But they found that if
they broke the line, the elephants would charge by, and the soldiers would be out of
harms way.
Another method was more dramatic. The Romans discovered that elephants were
afraid of pigs and the squealing sounds pigs made. So, sometimes they would pour oil
on pigs and set them on fire. The elephants, terrified by the burning pigs and the
squealing noises, would turn and run. Some elephants actually trampled the soldiers on
their side.

7.What is the best title for this passage?

(A) Pigs on Fire
(B) Roman Wars
(C) How Ancient Romans Fought Against Elephants
(D) How Enemies of Rome Used Elephants in Battle
8. According to the passage, why did the enemies of Rome use elephants?
(A) They wanted to fool the Roman soldiers.
(B) They wanted to scare the Roman soldiers.
(C) They wanted to crush the Roman soldiers.
(D) They wanted to charge by the Roman lines.
9.Why did the Romans break the line when the elephants charged?
(A) They were undisciplined.
(B) They tried to ride the elephants.
(C) They tried to set the elephants on fire.
(D) They wanted to let the elephants pass by.
10. In line 10, the phrase out of harms way is closest in meaning to___________.
(A) hurt
(B) safe
(C) loose
(D) glad
11. Why did the Romans set pigs on fire?
(A) To feed the hungry soldiers
(B) To scare the enemy soldiers
(C) To charge the enemy soldiers
(D) To scare away the elephants



Practice Set 6
Questions l-6 are about the following letter.


Last week, I returned from England after three months of living abroad as an
international exchange student. Now, I am eager to share some of my fantastic experiences.
During my stay, I learned many things about the United Kingdom. I lived with a British
host family named the Atkinsons. We visited the Tower of London and watched a play in
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. They always gave me delicious meals. And they taught me
many interesting things that I could never learn from textbooks. Did you know that in
England people call a toilet a looFunny, isn't it?
Because I had to speak English all the time, my English skills improved dramatically
regular school classes in an English middle school. This was especially difficult for me in
the beginning. But surprisingly, before long, I began to understand what the students and
teachers were saying. The other boys were very kind to me, and I made lots of friends. So,
by the end of the third month, I almost didn't want to come home.

1. Why did the student write this letter?

(A) To argue that every student should study abroad
(B) To tell about his experience as an exchange student
(C) To suggest that he would like to live in England permanently
(D) To warn other exchange students against staying abroad too long
2.Which of the following did the student NOT do with the Atkinson family?
(A) Eat tasty English food
(B) Tour the Tower of London
(C) Read about England in textbooks
(D)Watch a play in the Globe Theatre
3. The student uses loo as an example of___________.
(A) a word that is only used in England
(B) how much his English has improved
(C) one of the many funny words he learned
(D) something he learned from the Atkinsons
4. In line 9, the word dramatically is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) occasionally
(B) greatly
(C) painfully
(D) loudly
5. What can be inferred from the letter about the regular classes at the English middle
(A) They were hard at first because he did not understand what others were saying.
(B) They were especially difficult at first because he did not know any other students.
(C) They were the only classes available to international exchange students.
(D) They were classes meant especially for international exchange students.
6.Why did the boy almost riot want to come home?
(A) His English improved.
(B) His host family fed him very well.
(C) He made many friends at school.
(D) He attended regular school classes.



Questions 7-15 are about the following passage.




It is common knowledge that spiders use their webs to trap insects. And many people
believe spider webs are all basically the same. However, scientists know this is not entirely
true. Some spiders have developed other uses for their webs. One such spider is the European
water spider, which uses its web to breathe underwater.
The European water spider spends most of its life underwater. It mates, raises its young,
and feeds on aquatic insects below the water's surface. However, since it needs to breathe,
the spider carefully stores a supply of air inside its web. This is what allows it to stay
underwater for long periods of time.
The web is shaped like a balloon with a hole in the bottom. This design traps a large
bubble of air inside the web While still allowing the spider to enter and exit through the
bottom to catch nearby insects. In fact, the water spider's web works much the same as a
diving bell, an early typeof submarine. Diving bells were basically large metal bells supplied
with air from a hose running to the water's surface. The air kept the water from filling up the
bell, and divers could enter and exit through the open bottom. Because of this similarity,
water spiders are sometimes known as diving bell spiders.
The water spider's web also makes breathing underwater possible by acting as a kind of
filter.Like humans, spiders breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Also like
humans, carbon dioxide is harmful to spiders. Thus, the water spider cannot breathe the same
air continuously. Its web is specially designed to let carbon dioxide escape, while allowing
oxygen in from the surrounding water. This extends the supply of oxygen within the web.
Although the web allows water spiders to stay underwater for long periods of time, some
trips to the surface are necessary. When the web needs more fresh air, the spider tips the web
and lets the 0ld air escape. Then, it swims to the surface to collect a fresh air bubble. The
spider traps the bubble of air beneath its stomach and holds it with its legs and special layer
of hairs. Then it dives back down to the web and refills it.

7.What is the passage mainly about?

(A) When spiders use different web designs
(B) Why water spiders need to breathe oxygen
(C)What scientists find interesting about spiders
(D) How a spider uses its web to breathe underwater
8.In line 7, the word stores is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) finds
(B) keeps
(C) loses
(D) finishes
9. In line 7, the word it refers to ___________.
(A) the web
(B) the spider
(C) air
(D) life
10. What does the design of its web allow the water spider to do?
(A) Breathe air from the water's surface
(B) Come and go through the bottom
(C) Blow it up like a balloon
(D) Trap aquatic insects inside it



11. In line 12, the word supplied is closest in meaning to ___________.

(A) made
(B) spent
(C) mixed
(D) filled
12. Why does the author mention diving bells?
(A) To illustrate how the spider's web works
(B) To explain how ear y submarines worked
(C) To note that water spiders have a new name
(D) To point out that metal bells are no longer used
13. According to the passage, why can't water spiders breathe the same air continuously?
(A) The oxygen stays in the web.
(B) The carbon dioxide will hurt them.
(C) The web does not let oxygen out.
(D) The air becomes too heavy.
14. In line 20, the word extends is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) increases
(B) delays
(C) removes
(D) uses
15. When its web needs fresh air, the water spider does all of the following EXCEPT
(A) dives down to the web and puts new air in it
(B) breathes in oxygen and breathes out carbon dioxide
(C) holds the air bubble with its legs and stomach hairs
(D) gathers a bubble of air at the water's surface



Practice Set 7
Questions l-9 are about the following passage.




Shortly after World War II, a Dutch art dealer was arrested for secretly selling paintings by
Vermeer (1632-1675) to Nazis who invaded Holland during the war. Because Vermeer is
considered to be one of Holland's best painters, the dealer was accused of selling national
treasures to the enemy. To avoid the punishment for this serious crime, he revealed that the
paintings were forgeries, or fakes-he had painted them himself and fooled the art world and the
Nazis. Today, experts agree that the forgeries do not look like Vermeer's other works. Why, then,
did the art world accept the fakes as real?
One reason why they were accepted was that the forgeries actually looked different than
Vermeer's other works. The dealer had claimed that the forgeries were from an obscure period
early in Vermeer's art career. Because painters' styles often change throughout their careers, art
historians at the time did not expect the new discoveries to look exactly like the known works of
Vermeer. In fact, because they did not look similar to the known works, experts did not bother to
look at them carefully. This is because experts expect a forger to copy famous paintings as closely
as possible. Once the art dealer's first forgeries were accepted as real, he was free to make more.
The others closely matched the first paintings in style, so they were also accepted as real Vermeer
paintings from the same early period.
Another reason experts were fooled is what some historians call The Emperors new clothes
effect. In Hans Christian Andersen story, The Emperor's New Clothes, two criminals convince an
emperor that he is wearing beautiful clothes, when he is actually naked. No one in the empire
wants to admit that they cannot see the clothes because they believe the clothes are magic and that
only good people can see them. Similarly, the art world was influenced by a famous art
historian,Wilhelm von Bode, who said the forgeries were some of Vermeer's best work. Because
von Bode was highly respected, other experts began praising the new discoveries. At the time,
this made it difficult to criticize the paintings or suggest that they were fakes.

1. What is the best title for this passage?

(A) The Nazi Invasion of Holland in WWII
(B) The Paintings of Vermeer's Early Period
(C) How Some Forgeries Fooled the Art World
(D) How Von Bode Influenced the Art World
2. According to the passage, why did the art dealer admit that he forged paintings?
(A) He felt bad about what he had done.
(B) He wanted to make the Nazis look bad.
(C) He wanted to avoid harsh punishment.
(D) He wanted to show that he was a good painter.
3. In line 9, the word obscure is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) poor
(B) difficult
(C) creative
(D) unknown
4. Why didn't experts expect the forgeries to look like Vermeer's known works?
(A) Painters' styles vary during their careers.
(B) Painters often create forgeries to fool experts.
(C) The paintings looked similar to Vermeers early works.
(D) The experts did not carefully inspect the forged paintings.
5. In line 13, the word them refers to ___________.



(A) historians
(B) experts
(C) the known works
(D) the new discoveries
6. In line 15, the word matched is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) fit
(B) met
(C) combined
(D) repeated
7. Why does the author mention the story The Emperor's New Clothes?
(A) To give an example of a forgery within the literary world
(B) To suggest that Vermeer was the Emperor of the art world
(C) To contrast the works of Vermeer with those of Hans Christian Andersen
(D) To illustrate how experts were fooled into believing the forgeries were real


8.In line 18, the word convince is closest in meaning to ___________.

(A) show
(B) persuade
(C) believe
(D) teach
9.According to the passage, why was it difficult to criticize the Vermeer forgeries after
(A) Art experts praised them.
(B) They were lost during the war.
(C) Wilhelm von Bode painted them.
(D) People believed they were magic.


Practice Set 8
Questions l-6 are about the following article from a student newspaper.


Hot days at school can be tough. Here are some suggestions to help you keep cool. Some
students like to play soccer during lunch break. But on hot days, you should try to avoid sports.
There's nothing worse than going back to class all soaked in sweat. So, instead of running around
the school grounds, try hanging out with your friends under the trees.
0n really hot days, try relaxing in the library during lunch break, reading a book or looking
through a magazine. You'II soon discover that the library has really great air conditioning.
During regular classes, the air conditioners help to keep students cool. But they dont always
work well. So, if it's a really hot day, try finding a seat away from the windows. It really helps to
get out of the sun. Or even better-find a seat right next to the air-conditioner, so you get more cool
1. Why did the student write the letter?
(A) To tell students how to stay cool on hot days
(B) To warn students not to stay outside too long
(C) To inform students that the library is the coolest place
(D) To complain that the school's air conditioning works poorly
2.In line 2, the word avoid is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) play
(B) skip
(C) attend
(D) stop
3.Why does the student recommend spending lunch break in the library?
(A) It has a lot of books and magazines.
(B) It is easy to relax in the comfortable seats.
(C) The air conditioners work very well there.
(D) The students can discover many new things there.
4.In line 7, the word they refers to ___________.
(A) classes
(B) students
(C) air conditioners
(D) windows
5.What does the student imply about window seats?
(A) They do not get any cool air.
(B) They are right next to the air conditioner.
(C) They are usually the best seats in the classroom.
(D) They are hot because they get a lot of sun i ;ht.
6.The article suggests students do all of the following on a hot day EXCEPT ___________.
(A) take a seat in class by the air conditioner
(B) avoid sports like soccer during lunch break
(C) find a seat by the window to get some air
(D) take a rest in the library, reading a book or magazine



Questions 7-13 are about the following story.






One last thing, kids, said Mrs. Hamid just as the bell rang who wants to be our class
I do !Brenda yelled.
I do,too! Hao added.
No one else spoke.
You two can give speeches tomorrow, Mrs. Hamid concluded.
On the bus, Brenda sat next to her best friend, Juana. Everyone was talking about the
election.Naturally, all the girls wanted to vote for Brenda. Brenda was very popular. But Hao was
the new boy. No one really knew him. Only a few of the boys wanted to vote for him, and that was
just because he was a boy. The rest of the boys didn't care about the election at all.
There are twelve girls, but only eleven boys, Brenda whispered to Juana.I've won already!
The next day, Brenda spoke first.
My speech is simple, she began. First, you all know me. And second, I'm a girl. That's all
there is to say.
Some of the girls laughed, and nearly all of them clapped eagerly.But Juana was
disappointed.She'd expected something better from her friend.
Then Hao stood up in front of the class.
OK, I'm new, he said. But do you really care if I'm a boy or a girl? Do you want to vote for
someone just because she's popular? Even though I'm new, I want our class to be the best. How? I
have some ideas about that.
Hao explained many new ideas for improving the class. Juana thought they were all really
good ideas. The boys concurred. At the end of Hao's speech, the boys stood up and cheered.
When it came time to vote, Juana couldn't decide what to do. Brenda was her best friend. But
Juana really thought Hao deserved to be president. If she voted for him, he might win.
Your votes, please, Mrs. Hamid requested.
She read each piece of paper and made marks on the board. At the end, there were eleven votes
for Brenda, and twelve votes for Hao.
That' s impossible! Brenda shouted.
Mrs. Hamid counted again.
Congratulations, Hao, she said.
7.What would be the best title for this story?
(A) How Juana and Brenda Became Friends
(B) How Hao Almost Won the Election
(C) Brenda's Request
(D) Juana's Decision
8. In line 15, the word early is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) angrily
(B) foolishly
(C) excitedly
(D) doubtfully
9. Which of the following did Brenda mention in her speech?
(A) She was new.
(B) She was a girl.
(C) She had good ideas.
(D) She was Juana's friend.
10. Why was Juana disappointed?
(A) She thought Brenda would give a better speech.
(B) She did not think the other girls should clap loudly.
(C) She thought Hao had good ideas for improving the class.
(D) She did not think Brenda's speech should be before Hao's.



11. Which of the following did Hao NOT mention in his speech?
(A) He was new.
(B) He had some ideas.
(C) He thought Brenda shouldn't be popular.
(D) He wanted their class to be the best.
12. In line 22, the word concurred is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) wondered
(B) objected
(C) agreed
(D) blamed
13. What does the author imply about Hao's victory?
(A) He won because Brenda voted for him.
(B) He won because Juana voted for him.
(C) He won because Brenda forgot to vote.
(D) He won because the girls did not vote.



Practice Set 9
Questions 1-4are about the following passage


Medical science has come a long way from its beginnings. Yet many early medical methods and
treatments, such as the use of certain herbs, are still effective today. However, throughout
history,there have also been some seriously misguided medical practices. One such practice was
mercury treatment.
Most people now know that mercury, the liquid metal inside old thermometers, is highly
poisonous. But doctors in the nineteenth century did not know that mercury was dangerous. In
fact, they gave mercury to patients as a cure for a number of infectious diseases. Not
surprisingly,patients often got much sicker after the treatment. Unfortunately, doctors usually
mistook the symptoms of mercury poisoning for advanced symptoms of the diseases they were
trying to cure.
They simply believed the mercury wasn't working. So, they would give the patients even more
mercury and sometimes end up killing them. Today, thankfully, doctors know about the dangers of

1. What is the best title for this passage?

(A) Medical Uses of Bloodletting
(B) Medical Uses of Mercury
(C) Medical Mistakes
(D) Medical History
2.What does the author say about doctors in the nineteenth century?
(A) They were not aware that mercury was poisonous.
(B) They couldn't cure serious infectious diseases.
(C) They discovered infectious diseases.
(D) They mistook mercury for poison.
3. What often happened to patients who were given mercury to cure infectious diseases?
(A) They became even more ill.
(B) They asked for more mercury.
(C) They were cured for a short time.
(D) They did not know they were sick.
4.Based on the passage, what is probably true about doctors who killed patients with
mercury poisoning?
(A) They gave them small doses of mercury.
(B) They did not know they had killed them.
(C) They began to use mercury more carefully.
(D) They believed the patients would die anyway.



Questions 5-12 are about the following story.






Late on a stormy night, Wendy woke to loud thunder. She looked outside her window. There
was a flash of lightning, and for a split second, she saw a strange man standing in the driveway
next door. Then he vanished.
The next morning, Wendy told her family what she saw.
That's just Mr. Green, her mom said. He's our new neighbor.
He looks really scary, Wendy said.
He' s probably a gangster, her brother Henry whispered.
I think so, too, Wendy whispered back.
That evening, Wendy saw Mr. Green carrying heavy boxes into his garage. She ran to get her
Let's spy on him, Henry suggested.
They sneaked next door. Henry peeked in the garage window.
He's gone, Henry whispered.
The kids opened a side door and tip-toed inside. Henry turned on his flash light. They saw a
printing machine with boxes of money next to it.
It's fake money! Henry gasped.
Wendy opened another box. It was filled with guns.
Let' s run ! she exclaimed.
The door opened suddenly. The kids hid quickly, just as the lights turned on. Wendy peeked out
from between two boxes and was surprised to see Mr. Green and her dad, together. Mr. Green took
a gun out of a box Wendy sprung to her feet .
Dad, look out! she screamed.
Both men were startled, but then they laughed. Let me explain, said Mr. Green. He pulled
the trigger of the gun, and water squirted out.
Oh, not real, said Wendy, smiling weak]y.
What about this! Henry shouted. He held up a counterfeit bill.
Look on the back, Mr. Green said, smiling.
On the back of the bill, it said,Green's Toy's.
These are advertisements, Mr. Green explained. I put them on the ground around my shop.
People find them, and some come in.

5. What would be the best title for this story?

(A) The Stormy Night
(B) The Gangster Next Door
(C) Wendy and Henry' s Misunderstanding
(D) Wendy and Henry Catch a Gangster
6.In line 3, the word vanished is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) escaped
(B) sprinted
(C) stared
(D) disappeared
7.How did Henry know that Mr. Green was not in the garage?
(A) The house lights were off.
(B) He looked in the window.
(C) The side door was unlocked.
(D) He saw boxes in the driveway.
8.In line 16, the word fake is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) false
(B) used
(C) large



(D) old
9. When the author writes in line 21 that Wendy sprung to her feet, the author means she
(A) jumped over the box
(B) stood up quickly
(C) got to her feet slowly
(D) stepped in front her dad
10. Why were the men surprised?
(A) Someone turned the lights on.
(B) The door opened suddenly.
(C) Wendy jumped up and yelled.
(D) They saw several boxes full of guns.


11. How did Wendy know the gun was not real?
(A) Mr. Green told her.
(B) Her dad laughed.
(C) It shot water.
(D) The lights came on.
12. What can be inferred about Mr. Green?
(A) He is a printer.
(B) He is a gangster.
(C) He owns a gun store.
(D) He owns a toy store


Achievement Test
Reading Comprehension
In this section of the test, you will read six texts and answer 42 questions. Choose the correct
answer to each question and mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.


Before you start, read the sample text and the sample questions below.

The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous bridge in San Francisco. The bridge has a red
color, but gray clouds often surround it. On clear days people come to take pictures
of the bridge. The pictures show the green hills next to the bridge and the blue
water under it.

Sample Text
Sample Question 1
What is this text mostly about?
(A) Gray clouds
(B) San Francisco
(C) A famous bridge
(D) Taking photographs
The correct answer is (C),A famous bridge.

Sample Question 2
What color is the Golden Gate Bridge?
(A) Red
(B) Green
(C) Blue
(D) Gray
The correct answer is (A),Red.


Questions l-5 are about the following flier.

Spring is here again! That means it's time for the Boulderville Middle School yearly bake sale and
fun day. The money raised will be used for a new gymnasium. If all goes according to plan,
construction will begin this fall. So, bring the whole family to the school this Saturday and join in
the fun. In the assembly hall, you can sample tasty baked goods made by Boulderville parents.
And be sure to buy a selection of delicious cookies, cakes, bread and pies. Then, join in one of the
following events:





Student art display

All day


Student dance show

4.m.m 7p.m

Assembly hall

Pie-eating contest


School grounds

Horse rides

All day

School grounds


The fun begins at noon and continues until r7 p.m. Families are invited to pack a picnic lunch . Or
you can enjoy barbequed sausages and hotdogs. Teachers will be selling them in the cafeteria
between noon and 3 p.m. They will also be serving refreshing ice drinks all day long.
So, mark it on your calendars. And we'll see you there!

1.In line 2, the word raised is closest in meaning to ___________.

(A) spent
(B) collected
(C) marked
(D) pulled
2.Which event does not share a location with another event?
(A) The pie-eating contest
(B) The horse rides
(C) The student dance show
(D) The student art display
3.According to the flier, when do the horse rides end?
(A) Noon
(B)3 P.m
(C)5 p.m
(D)7 p.m
4.All of the following will be on sale EXCEPT ___________.
(A) cookies
(B) bread
(C) hot dogs
(D) picnic lunches
5.In line 9 the word they refers to ___________.
(A) families
(B) parents
(C) teachers
(D) students


Questions 6-12 are about the following letter in a school newspaper.


At this time of year, many students feel anxious while they wait to find out their exam scores l
too am concerned about exam scored about exam scores this makes me think that all the stress
they cause is bad for our health in my opinion schools should focus less on other ways of learning
It is important to ask what are exams really for?The teachers tell us that exams are for testing
how much we have learned personally l think that exams mostly just test how well people take
exams! Lt seems to me that those who get high scores are good at taking exams ,but they are not
always the best students They may be good at studying details and memorizing facts but that does
not mean they are smartest students in the class
I believe that students would learn more at school if they could focus on learning together with
other students in class and with the teacher The time we spend preparing for and taking exams
could be spent sharing ideas instead of memorizing facts also if teachers gave students more of
their time and attention they would know more about our learning abilities and not need to give us
tests all the time.

6.Why did the student write the letter?

(A) To suggest that exams should be the main focus of learning
(B) To argue that schools should stress learning and not exams
(C) To warn teachers against spending too little time with students
(D) To disagree with the belief that taking exams has disadvantages
7.In line l, the word anxious is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) nervous
(B) proud
(C) angry
(D) hurt
8.What can be inferred from the letter about this student's exam scores?
(A) He did poorly on his exams.
(B) He feels good about his scores.
(C) He doesn't know his scores yet.
(D) He doesn't care about his scores.
9.Why does the student think exams are bad for students' health?
(A) They cause a lot of stress.
(B) They require students to study.
(C) They force students to focus.
(D) They call for new ways of learning.
10. In line 6, the word those refers to ___________.
(A) schools
(B) teachers
(C) exams
(D) people
11. Why does the student talk about studying details and memorizing facts?
(A) To explain how students can focus on learning together
(B) To argue that exams test how much students have learned
(C) To give an example of the kinds of useful skills that students should learn in class
(D) To note that those who get high exam scores may not be the smartest students
12. According to the student, how can teachers know more about their students' abilities?
(A) Give them tests all the time
(B) Spend more time with them
(C) Encourage them to memorize details



(D) Let them study for exams together

Questions 13-20 are about the following story.






Can you spare a little change? the old man asked Grace.I'm very cold and I have nothing to
The man's clothes were old, torn, and messy. He was not dressed warmly enough for the cold,
January weather.
Grace felt bad for him, so she checked her pockets for change. But she didn't have any money.
I'm sorry, sir. I don't have anything, she explained.I wish I could help you, really.
The old man smiled. I believe you would help if you could, young lady, he
answered.Thanks anyway. I appreciate it.
Just then a woman walked by. She was wearing a very expensive-looking fur coat. Two large
diamond earrings dangled from her ears. A pearl necklace hung around her neck.
It suddenly broke, scattering pearls in every direction.
Oh no! the woman exclaimed. My pearls! They're everywhere! She bent down and began
gathering the pearls, one by one. Grace and the old man helped her.
well,that seems to be all of them, the woman said.Thank you both so much for your help.
A long, black limousine pulled up to the curb. The woman got in and the limousine drove
Why didn't you ask her to help you? Grace asked the old man.
He scratched his head. I guess I just forgot, he answered, laughing.
Then Grace spotted something shiny in a crack in the sidewalk. It was a pearl.
You have to give that back to her, the old man warned.
Grace thought for a moment.But how can I? She's gone, and we don't even know her name. I
think you should take it.
The old man stared at the pearl for a moment.
No, that wouldn't be right, he said thoughtfully.
They decided to take the pearl to the police station. Grace left her cell phone number.
The next day, Grace got a call from the police station. An officer asked her to come at once,
although she had no idea why.
At the station, a police officer handed Grace an envelope. She opened it and was astonished to
find a lot of money. IF here was also a note that simply said, Thank you.
Grace ran to where she had seen the old man the day before. She found him and handed him
the envelope. He looked inside and smiled.
See, I knew you would help me, he said cheerily.

13. What would be the best title for this story?

(A) Grace's Pearl
(B) The Necklace
(C) Grace's Gift
(D) The Limousine
14. Why did Grace feel bad for the old man?
(A) He was all alone.
(B) He was old and ugly.
(C) He was cold and hungry.
(D) He was standing on the street.
15. Why didn't Grace give the old man money when she first saw him?
(A) She gave him a pearl instead.
(B) She had to keep her money.
(C) She didn't want to help him.
(D) She didn't have any money.



16. According to the passage. all of the following people looked for the scattered pearls
EXCEPT ___________.
(A) the police officer
(B) the woman
(C) Grace
(D) the old man
17. In line 18, the word spotted is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) noticed
(B) received
(C) hid
(D) felt


8. Why did Grace get a call from the police?

(A) They wanted to question her about the pearl.
(B) They wanted her to come to the station.
(C) She was going to be arrested.
(D) She left her phone at the station.
19. In line 27, the word astonished is closest is meaning to ___________.
(A) unsure
(B) angry
(C) surprised
(D) interested
20. What can be inferred about the envelope full of money?
(A) It was money from the woman.
(B) It was money the police had found.
(C) It was money the old man had lost.
(D) It was money the girl had lost.


Questions 21-26 are about the following passage.


Traffic congestion is a common problem in larger cities. In some cities, congestion gets so bad
during rush hour that it is sometimes faster to walk than to drive. Traffic accidents are also a
problem. Unfortunately, these problems are not easy to solve. However, an experimental traffic
system being tested in several cities in Northern Europe has led to some surprising results.
The system is calledshared streets. It is an experimental system that has very few traffic
laws.As a result, shared street areas have no traffic lights, street signs, or even divisions between
street and sidewalk.Although most people would expect this to cause the number of traffic jams
and accidents to pile up, thus far, there have been significant drops in both. One reason is that the
shared streets system encourages people to be more careful. Without traffic rules, people tend to
slowdown an d pay more attention to each other. Normal traffic systems, on the other hand, rely
on signs and signals, which people often miss or disobey, leading to accidents. In addition, the
shared streets system decreases traffic jams because without fixed lanes and parking spaces, it is
easier for cars to move around freely when there is a lot of traffic.

21. What is the best title for this passage?

(A) Changing Traffic Systems Around the World
(B) A Surprising Solution to Traffic Problems
(C) Making Cities Safer Places
(D) Why Traffic Laws are Dangerous
22. What does the author imply about rush hour in some cities?
(A) The fewer cars there are, the worse the traffic.
(B) The more cars there are, the faster they go.
(C) People always walk during rush hour.
(D) Cars can only move very slowly.
23. What is one reason that the shared streets system has decreased accidents?
(A) People have decided not to drive at all.
(B) People are more cautious of each other.
(C) The speed limit is lower.
(D) The laws are stronger.
24. In line 8, when the author writes that people expect accidents and traffic jams to pile up
the author means that people expect them to ___________.
(A) continue
(B) stop
(C) return
(D) increase
25. According to the article, why do normal traffic systems lead to traffic accidents?
(A) There are fewer traffic lights, street signs, and sidewalks.
(B) People often do not follow traffic signs and signals.
(C) They encourage people to drive cautiously.
(D) Cars can move around more freely.
26. According to the article, why does the shared streets system decrease traffic jams?
(A) Cars can move more freely in traffic.
(B) There is usually not a lot of traffic.
(C) There are more parking spaces.
(D) It is easier to change lanes.



Questions 27-35 are about the following passage.




Although fires are still a danger in every major city today, they were a much more serious
problem in earlier centuries. The historic Fire of London was a severe example of the damage fire
can cause. Ultimately, however, this disaster also positively affected the city.
In 1666, the Great Fire of London burned out of control for three days, destroying most of the
central district of the city. The disaster caused a huge amount of property damage-around seventy
thousand people lost their homes. At the time, there were only about eighty-thousand living in the
city. There are no accurate records of how many people died in the fire because the worst damage
happened in poor neighborhoods. Unfortunately, the government did not record the deaths of poor
people in those early times.
When the fire happened, people in London were already struggling to survive a large plague
outbreak that had begun in 1665. London's housing troubles were a major cause of the problem. At
the time, much of central London consisted of closely packed and poorly made wooden buildings
that made it hard for people to stay warm in winter weather. This created an unhealthy
environment because germs travelled freely from home to home. In addition, the buildings were
on narrow, dirty streets where people threw their garbage. Rats were attracted by the garbage in
the streets, and they brought fleas-the carriers of the plague. Once people caught the plague from
flea bites, the disease spread rapidly throughout the city especially in the cramped central district.
It was at this time,in these terrible conditions, that the Great Fire raged through London.
Despite the damage, the fire had a positive effect because it destroyed the old, poorly made
wooden buildings. It also killed most of the rats and fleas, which slowed the spread of the plague.
After the fire, the government rebuilt the damaged areas. Whenever possible, they used brick or
stone. Thus, the new houses were much more solid and more difficult for rats to enter. Widened
streets and improved garbage collection also made the area less attractive to rats. These measures
cut down the rat population further, which had an obvious effect on the number of fleas remaining
in the city. The wider, cleaner streets also helped to stop the disease from spreading from person to
person because there was simply more room to walk.


27. What is the passage mostly about?

(A) How the plague spread through London
(B) Some benefits of the Great Fire of London
(C) The rebuilding of London after the Great Fire
(D) The damage caused by the Great Fire of London
28. Which of the following is true regarding fires in the past?
(A) They only happened in major cities.
(B) They always had some positive effects.
(C) They caused small amounts of damage.
(D) They were more dangerous than fires today.
29. Why are there no accurate records of how many people died in the fire?
(A) The records were destroyed in the fire.
(B) The people were dying from the plague.
(C) The fire burned out of control for three days.
(D) The deaths of poor people were not recorded.
30. In line 10,the word struggling is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) fighting
(B) hoping
(C) planning
(D) failing
31. In line 15, the word they refers to ___________.



(A) germs
(B) streets
(C) rats
(D) diseases
32. In line 17,the word cramped is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) old
(B) unpopular
(C) damaged
(D) crowded
33. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a problem with London housing in
(A) Closely packed houses
(B) Unclean streets
(C) Poor quality brick
(D) Badly made buildings
34. Why did the government rebuild with brick and stone after the fire?
(A) To save on building costs
(B) To make houses stronger
(C) To keep flees out of the city
(D) To rebuild London as it was before
35. In line 23, the word measures is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) tools
(B) steps
(C) buildings
(D) reasons



Questions 36-42 are about the following passage.




The stock market is an important part of the world economy. The market itself is not a single
place, like a store, but rather a system in which people buy and sell stocks. Obviously, people
invest in stocks to make money. There are two basic ways to make money in the stock market.
One way to make money involves sharing some of the companys profits. Basically, when
someone buys stock in a company, that person becomes a shareholder-one of many part-owners.
As a part-owner, the shareholder gets part of any money that is left over after the company pays
for expenses and development. Usually, when a company is making a profit, it sends money to its
shareholders up to four times a year. Sometimes the companies offer shareholders more stock ins
instead of cash. In either case, this payment is known as a dividend. For people who own many
shares of stock, dividends can add up to a great deal of money.
People can also make money when stock prices go up. When stock prices go up, the value of
that stock increases. Thus, shareholders make money when they sell the stock at a higher price.
For example, if someone buys one share of stock for $100 and sells it when the price has gone up
to $150, that person makes $50. However, stock prices do not always go up. Sometimes they stay
the same; or worse, they go down. Of course, all shareholders hope stock prices go up, so they can
make money on their investment. However, in the end, buying stock is a lot like playing a betting
game ,and the investor who buys stock is betting that the price will go up.
The question, then, is who controls stock prices? Actually, stock prices fluctuate due to several
factors. When a company's profits increase, its stock prices usually go up as well.Also, when
business in general is good or bad in a particular industry, such as the IT industry, it can affect the
stock prices of individual companies within that industry. Furthermore, sometimes there are global
money problems that cause serious trouble for investors all around the world. Often, when this
happens, the prices of most stocks on the stock market fall severely. That, in turn, causes more
global money problems,which can lower prices even more

36. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) The ways that companies make a profit
(B) The ways that investors predict stock prices
(C) How people make money in the stock market
(D) How stock prices are affected by global money problems
37. In line 4, the word profits is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) prices
(B) jobs
(C) dealings
(D) earnings
38. In line 7, what does the word it refer to?
(A)A company
(B) A shareholder
(C)A stock
(D) A profit
39. According to the author, what do shareholders get?
(A) A great deal of money four times a year
(B)A share of the company's products
(C) Part of the company expenses
(D) Part of the company's profits
40. Why is buying stock like playing a betting game?
(A) Shareholders sell their stock at a higher price.
(B) Shareholders bet stock prices will stay the same.



(C) Investors bet stock prices will increase.

(D) Investors make money on their stock.
41. In line 18, the word fluctuate is closest in meaning to ___________.
(A) stop
(B) vary
(C) buy
(D) sell
42. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor that affects stock prices?
(A) A company's profits
(B) Investments in stock
(C) Global money problems
(D) Business in a specific industry



Vocabulary Practice
Choose the synonym for the underlined word.
1. lt's a great time to join one of the many community activities available to Fullerton Junior High
(A) impossible
(B) accessible
(C) enjoyable
(D) reliable
2. Rosi shouted as she burst in the door.
(A) broke
(B) cried

(C) hit


(D) threw

3.They contain details regarding the locations, prices, and times of the programs.
(A) from
(B) throughout
(C) about
(D) by
4.To join one of the programs, students must register at the main office of Fullerton Junior High.
(A) make up
(B) pick up
(C)fill up
(D)sign up
5.If they pick mine , Ill get to meet himin person!

Words in context
Choose the word of phrase that best completes each sentence. Change the forms if

set up

had better



1. Here are the programs being __________________ this year.
2. Community service __________________ to read to the elderly in the city's winter reading
3. Remember the contest I__________________? I sent a letter to MVS about why I should be
able to meet Johnny Corazon!l
4. That's wonderful! But you __________________ get started honey. Call me if you need
5. Rosi __________________ a video camera in her room last night.


Definition & Logic

Choose the phrase or clause that best completes each sentence.
1.If someone says that something seems boring, then probably __________________.
(A) the person feels happy about it
(B) the person is not interested in it
(C) the person wants to know more about it
2. lf someone hung up , then probably __________________.
(A) the person didn't want to talk on the phone any more
(B) the person was disappointed
(C) the person enjoyed a conversation very much


3.A person who speaks excited will __________________.

(A) feel sad
(B) make people upset
(C) deliver surprising news

Collocations in Context

the video
her luck
an important effect on

Make collocations to fill in the blanks. Change the forms if necessary

1. Rosi __________________ the camera and sang a song, and danced.
2.The three of them made a stage set in Albert's backyard. They used some old curtains and
painted cardboard. Finally, they__________________ again.
3.Everyone __________________ and she sent the final version of her video.
4.Joplin's work __________________ audiences, as well as other composers.


Unit 1 Exercise
Choose the word that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the




original pair.





performance: ______________

Idioms in Context
Complete the sentences using the idioms in the box. Change the forms if necessary
had better
keep in mind

hang up
set up

1. To join one of the programs, students must register at the main office of Fullerton
Junior High ______________ they will fill up fast. So, be sure to sign up early!
2. That's wonderful! But you ______________ get started, honey. Call me if you
need help.
3. Rosi called a wrong person, so she apologized and ______________.
4. Rosi ______________ a video camera in her room. She turned on the camera
and sang a song and danced.

Choose the word that best complete each sentence

Brochures contain details regarding the locations prices and times of the
Details regarding the places costs and times of the programs are ______________
in the pamphlets

2. Thats it ,said Rosi when they were done.

Rosi said Thats it, when they ______________ the work

3. Joplins work had an important lasting effect on audiences as well as other

Not only other composers but also audiences were greatly______________ by


Joplins work
(A)enjoyed (B)entertained

(C)influenced (D)limited

4. Joplins work attracted a lot of attention from other ragtime composers of his time

Other ragtime composers of Joplonns time ______________ much attention to his




Unit 2 Exercise
Practice 1-3
Choose the synonym for the underlined word.
1. Biorobotics is a field within robotic science that is based on the movements of living things


2.there are several robots that have been made to mimic animals
3. many companies develop such robots as toys


4.It is made to move like a snake so it can pass through narrow spaces move over all sorts of
obstacles climb poles and even swim
5.The way modsnake moves makes it useful for finding damaged areas inside of pipes

Words in context
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence change the forms if

a variety of





1.while many companies develop such robots as toys some are used for practical
2.Built to be both light and powerful it can ________________ like a bee in tight spaces and also
change direction without losing speed
3.this robots abilities make it very useful for military and police search and ________________
4. Modsnake is a robot that was ________________ on snakes
5.The way modsnake moves makes it useful for________________ tasks suck as checking for
survivors in collapsed buildings finding dam=aged areas inside of pipes and cleaning up oil spills.


Definition & Logic

Choose the phrase or clause that best completes each sentence.
1.If the weather is uncommonly cold the in is
(A) a signal that spring is coming
(B)good for outside activities
(Cc) a lot colder than usual
2.If someone disables a system, then probably
(A) it will work as usual
(B) it will stop working
(C) it will start again


3.A machine which functions well

(A) works without problem
(B) needs fixing
(C) stops frequently

Collocations in Context
Make collocations to fill in the blanks. Change the forms if necessary.


some new friends
this great chance


These characteristics make it particularly ________________ military situations.


Don't ________________ to mix with friends from school.


This is a great chance to ________________.


Wear a costume ________________ he sea or sea life.


Choose the synonym for the underlined word.
1.LikeFoster-Grant,Diatek found the solution in NASA technology.
(B) act
(C) product


2.NASA had earlier invented a way to determine the temperature of distant stars.
(A) bright
(B) remote
(C) shiny
3.The amount of ice in Antarctica is decreasing every year.
(A) height
(C) size
(D) tip
(B) quantity


4.By doing this, they were able to get an accurate measurement.

(A) similar
(B) wide
(C) satisfied

(D) exact

5.NASA had earlier invented a way to determine the temperature of distant stars.
(A) bought
(C) developed
(D) needed
(B) measured

Words in Context
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Change the forms if


give off


1.Ear thermometers were also a ________________ of NASA technology.

2.In the early 1990s, a company called Diatek ________________ the need for a quick
and easy way for nurses to take patients' temperatures.
3.By doing this, they were able to get an accurate measurement of the patient's body

4.Last Friday, a group of Middleton Junior High students ________________ in the

State Junior Track and Field Championships in Wentworth City.
5.Diatek used this same technology to measure how much heat a patient's eardrum


Definition & Logic

Choose the phrase or clause that best completes each sentence.
1.If special praise is given to someone, then probably
(a) the person missed an important chance
(b) the person did a good job
(c) the person failed to do something
2.If someone received a golden medal in the Olympics, then probably
(a) the person was the winner
(b) the person was a referee
(c) the person was a coach
3.A person who has the ability to communicate
(a) needs a lot of friends
(b) speaks several languages
(c) expresses his opinion well

Collocations in Context
Make collocations to fill in the blanks. Change the forms if necessary.

countless hours
numerous ways

1.He is Coach Evans, who ________________ training with the athletes in the months
before the championships.
2.For millions of years, animals have communicated ________________.
3.Scientists do not ________________ when human language first appeared.
4.Special praise should be given to the following students who all ________________ in
their events.


Unit 2 Exercise
Choose the word that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the
original pair.




lily : flower
loose : tight
hospital : doctor
rabbit : jump
food : chef
loose : find





= ________________ insect
= friend : ________________
= space : ________________
= bee : ________________
= novel : ________________
= ________________ : catch

Idioms in context
Complete the sentences using the idioms in the box. Change the forms if necessary.
agree on
make it

based on
mix with

give off
take part in

1.Biorobotics is a field within robotic science that is ________________ the movements of living
2.Humans have the ability to communicate using language. However, scientists do not
________________ when human language first appeared
3.Don't miss this great chance to ________________ friends from school.
4.This year, 23 students ________________ 9 different events.
5.NASA had earlier invented a way to determine the temperature of distant stars by measuring the
amount of heat or energy, they ________________.
6.of course, all students who competed should be proud of ________________ to the


Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1.There will be a dance contest, with a prize going to the best dancer in each grade.
There will be a dance contest, and a prize will be ________________ to the best
dancer in each grade.
(a) announced
(b) applied
(c) gained
(d) given
2.Students will need a signed parent permission form to be able to attend the dance
Students must get a signed parent permission form in order to ________________
the dance
(a) find out
(b) go to
(c) focus on
(d)ask for
3.A very special thanks should go to our dedicated coach Coach Evans.
We should be ________________ to our devoted Coach, Evans.
(a) nice
(b) sorry
(c) thankful
4.Without them, this great success would not have been possible.
With their help, we could ________________ this great success.
(a) lose
(b) achieve
(c) expect


5.Scientists do not agree on when human language first appeared.

Scientists have ________________ ideas about when human language was first
(a) different
(c) same
(d) unclear
(b) similar
6.An artificial language may also be constructed to make communication easier
between people of different nationalities.
An artificial language may be ________________ for easier communication between
people from different countries as well.
(a) discussed
(b) found
(c) made
(d) used


Choose the synonym for the underlined word.
1. At the end of every meeting, each student group writes a suggestion for solving one
major world problem.
(a) common
(b) important
(c) several
(d) final
2. The events allow students to develop and strengthen important skills.
(a) gain
(b) use
(c) compare
(d) improve
3.Such activities challenge students' abilities to express themselves in a clear way.
(a) test
(b) repeat
(c) study
(d) avoid
4.International model United Nations meetings are largely based on the real United
(a) probably
(b) eagerly
(c) necessarily
(d) mainly
5.One of the main goals of the meetings is to develop effective communication skills.
(a) friendly
(b) efficient
(c) systematic
(d) basic

Words in Context
Choose the word that best completes each sentence. Change the forms if necessary.





1.Students may also discuss and solve invented problems, such as ________________
wars or natural disasters.
2.Such activities challenge students' abilities to ________________ their thoughts in a
clear, thoughtful way.
3.The events allow students to develop and strengthen s kills that are important for
international ________________. such as politics or international law.
4.The meeting are even ________________ into many of the same groups, such as
the UN Security Council and the World Health Organization.
5.Student groups then discuss their suggestion with the rest of the student
representatives in order to get them to ________________ their suggestions.


Definition & Logic

Choose the phrase or clause that best completes each sentence.
1.If someone joins an environmental club, then probably ________________.
(a) the person likes to use many kinds of chemicals
(b) the person is interested in preventing pollution
(c) the person never uses public transportation
2.A thoughtful person will ________________.
(a) put himself before others
(b) be full of imagination
(c) respect others' opinions
3.An open-minded person ________________.
(a) doesn't like people who have a different opinion
(b) is willing to accept different views
(c) doesnt care what others think

Collocations in Context
Make collocations to fill in the blanks. Change the forms if necessary.
put a lot of emphasis
give them
be exposed

this experience often
an advantage over

1.Students ________________ a lot of ideas and information that they would not
normally consider.
2.Model UN organizers________________ expressing oneself in polite ways.
3.This experience often ________________ schoolmates.
4.students often________________ for countries other than their own.


Choose the synonym for the underlined word.
1.Now, I am eager to share some of my fantastic experiences.
(a) happy
(c) patient
(d) shocked
(b) anxious
2.lived abroad as an international exchange student for three months.
(a) overseas
(b) greatly
(c) beneath
3.Sometimes they would pour oil on pigs and set them on fire.
(a) remove
(b) play
(c) burn

(d) throw

4.Some elephants actually trampled the soldiers on their side.

(a) tickled
(c) crushed
(d) tempted
(b) saved
5.The Romans discovered that elephants were afraid of pigs
(b)found out


Words in Context
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Change the forms if
come up with



1.The elephants were afraid of pigs and the ________________ sounds pigs made.
2.Roman soldiers found that if they broke the line,the elephants would charge by and
the soldiers would be out of ________________ s way.
3.the elephants by the burning pigs and the squealing noises, would turn and ran.
4.The Romans were forced to________________ effective ways of fighting against
the giant animals.
5. Last week, I ________________ from England after three months of living abroad
as an international exchange student.


Definition & Logic

Choose the phrase or clause that best completes each sentence.
1. If something is not entirely true then________________.
(A) it is always wrong
(B) it is partially true
(C) it is absolutely true
2.If an animal is breathing, ________________.
(A) it is dead
(B) it is young
(C) it is alive
3.if you spend something it will ________________.
(A) become less
(B) stay the same
(C) increase in amount

Collocations in Context
Make collocations to fill in the blanks Change the forms if necessary.


the water's surface

regular school classes

1. Last year, I________________ in an English middle school.

2. Because I had to speak English all the time my English skills________________.
3. It is ________________ that spiders use their webs to trap insects.
4.The European water spider mates raises its young and feeds on aquatic insects


Choose the word that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the
original pair.






1. stop : continue = ________________ : exit

2. math :

subject = teacher :________________

3. cheese : milk

= can :________________

4. singer : concert = actor : ________________

5. question : answer = problem :________________
6. leave : stay = difference :________________

Idioms in Context
Complete the sentences using the idioms in the box. Change the forms if necessary.
come away with
out of harm's way

feed on
result in

make sure
work on

1. Roman soldiers found that if they broke the line, the elephants would charge by,
and the soldiers would be ________________.
2. The European water spider raises its young, and ________________ aquatic insects
below the waters surface.
3.In addition to________________ basic communication, students at the meetings try to
express themselves in polite ways.
4.In order to protect citizens government laws ________________ that factories throw
harmful chemicals away safely.
5. When the meetings are over7 students usually________________ a much better
understanding of people in different cultures.
6. The production of tires ________________a lot of very harmful chemicals.


Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. I am eager to share some of my fantastic experiences.
I can't ________________ to talk about some wonderful things that I experienced.
(a) pretend
(c) resemble
2.One of the main goals of the meetings is to develop effective communication skills.
________________ effectiveness in communication skills is one of the main goals of
the meetings.
(a) Increasing
3.Enemies of Rome believed the key to defeating the Roman army was to cause fear
and confusion among its soldiers.
Enemies of Rome thought that they could beat the Roman army
(a) stopping
4.Because I had to speak English all the time my English s kills improved
I always spoke English so I made a ________________ improvement in my English
(a) Small
(b) significant
(c) similar
(d) difficult
5. The water spider's web works much the same as a diving bell.
The water spider's web and a diving bell almost have the same________________.
(a) function
(b) characteristic
(c) quality
6.The Romans were forced to come up with effective ways of fighting against the
giant animals.
The Romans had to________________ successful ways to fight the beasts.
(a) think of
(b) turn up
(c) grow up
(d) cut down


Choose the synonym for the underlined word.
1. Vermeer is considered to be one of Hollands best painters.
(a) respected
(c) promoted
(d) limited
(b) regarded
2.The dealer was accused of selling national treasures to the enemy.
(a) foe
(c) promoted
(d) foreigner
(b) friend
3.The dealer fooled the art world and the Nazis.
(a) hated
(c) deceived
(b) liked

(d) misunderstood

4.The dealer had claimed that the forgeries were real.

(a) maintained
(b) confessed
(c) defined

(d) thought

5.The dealer revealed that the paintings were forgeries.

(a) hid
(c) contented
(d) remembered
(b) disclosed

Words in Context
Choose the word that best completes each sentence. Change the forms if necessary.



1.A Dutch art dealer was ________________ for secretly selling paintings by Vermeer.
2. The Nazis________________ Holland during the war.
3. To avoid the________________ for the serious crime, he revealed that the paintings were
4. The forgeries looked like Vermeer's other ________________.
5. The forgeries were from a(n) ________________ period early in Vermeer's art care.


Definition & Logic

Choose the phrase or clause that best completes each sentence.
1. If someone convinces other people, then probably________________.
(a) the person is really handsome
(b) the person is very reliable
(c) the person is very rich
2.A criminal should ________________.
(a) be sent to prison
(b) study at school
(c) be respected
3.If someone does not bother to do something, then probably________________.
(a) the person thinks it is not necessary to do so
(b) the person thinks it is essential to do so
(c) the person thinks it is difficult to do so

Collocations in Context
Make collocations to fill in the blanks. Change the forms if necessary.

be accepted


1. The new discoveries look________________ the known works of Vermeer.

2. Once the art dealer's first forgeries________________ real, he was free to make
3. The new discoveries did not look________________ the known worKs of Vermeer.
4. Because people________________ von Bode other experts began praising the
new discoveries.


Choose the synonym for the underlined word.
1.The girls clapped eagerly.
(b) enthusiastically
(a) calmly

(c) unwillingly

2.Some of the girls laughed, but Juana was disappointed.

(a) satisfied
(b) frightened
(c) disheartened

(d) noisily
(d) surprised

3.Hao explained many new ideas for improving the class and the boys concurred.
(a) agreed
(b) dissented
(c) clapped
(d) laughed
4.'Your votes, please, Mrs. Hamid requested.
(a) understood
(b) stopped
(c) demanded

(d) concluded

5.Nearly all of boys supported Hao's ideas.

(a) quickly
(b) almost
(c) surely


Words in Context
Choose the word that best completes each sentence. Change the forms if necessary





1.At the end of Hao's speech, the boys stood up and ________________.
2.Brenda was her best friend, but Juana really thought Hao________________ to be
3.Many early medical methods, such as the use of certain herbs, are
still________________ today.
4.Everyone was talking about the election. Naturally, all the girls wanted
to________________ for Brenda.
5.There are some seriously misguided medical practices. One such medical practice
was mercury ________________.


Definition & Logic

Choose the phrase or clause that best completes each sentence
1.A highly poisonous substance may ________________.
(a) be very harmful to our health
(b) be very rare and expensive
(c) be very useful for medical purposes
2.If Wendy saw something for a split second, then probably________________.
(a) she did not like it
(b) she did not know what it was
(c) she did not tell her family about it
3.f someone looks scary. then probably________________.
(a) children will not like him
(b) children will be kind to him
(c) children will laugh at him

Collocations in Context
Make collocations to fill in the blanks. Change the forms if necessary.


flash of


1. Doctors gave mercury to patients as a(n) ________________ the disease.

2. Doctors thought that they could cure a number of ________________ by using
3. Doctors would give the patients even more mercury and sometimes
________________ killing them.
4. Late on a stormy night, there was a(n) ________________.


Choose the word that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the







original pair.
1.picture : painter = crime
2.flashlight : switch = gun

: ________________
: ________________

3.artist :work

= forger :________________

4.mercury :metal

= lawyer : ________________

5.president :country = emperor: ________________

6.wide : narrow

= famous : ________________

Idioms in Context
come a long way
spy on

get out of
turn on

hang out with

vote for

Complete the sentences using the idioms in the box. Change the forms if necessary.
1. Instead of running around the school grounds, try ________________ your friends
under the trees.
2.Try finding a seat away from the windows. It really helps ________________ the
3.Everyone was talking about the election. Naturally, all the girls wanted to
________________ Brenda.
4.Medical science has ________________ from its beginnings.
5. Henry ________________ his flashlight at the moment.
6.Lets ________________ him, Henry suggested. They sneaked next door.


Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
1.Art historians did not expect the new discoveries to look exactly like the known
works of Vermeer.
Art historians thought the new discoveries wouldn't look very ________________
(a) different
(b) similar
(c) huge
2.Most people now know that mercury is highly poisonous..
It is now common sense that mercury is a very ________________ substance
(a) hard
(b) pure
(c) harmful
(d) oily
3.Juana really thought Hao deserved to be president.
Juana really thought Hao was the ________________ person to become president
(a) strange
(b) unrealistic
(c) best
(d) disappointing

4.At the end of Hao's speech, the boys stood up and cheered.
When Hao ended his speech, the boys stood up and showed their ________________
for him.
(a) disappointment (b) support
(c) objection
(d) votes
5.The doctors believed the mercury wasn't working.
The mercury was believed to be ________________
(a) expensive
(b) packed
(c) ineffective

by the


6.Hao explained many new ideas for improving the class and the boys concurred.
When Hao explained many new ideas for improving the class, they were
________________ by the boys.
(a) rejected
(b) ignored
(c) discussed
(d) accepted


Choose the synonym for the underlined word.
1.Teachers will be serving refreshing ice drinks all day long.
(a) offering
(b) organizing
(c) selling



2.Bring the whole family to the school this Saturday and join in the fun.
(a) same
(b) close
(c) some
3.Be sure to buy a selection of delicious cookies, cakes, bread and pies.
(a) pleasant
(b) small
4. I, too. am concerned about exam scores.
(a) worried
(b) excited



5.In my opinion, schools should focus less on exams and more on other ways of
(a) imagination
(b) feeling
(c) view

Words in Context
choose the word that best completes each sentence. Change the forms if necessary.




1. In the assembly hall, you can ________________ tasty baked goods made by
Boulderville parents.
2. The fun begins at noon and ________________ until7 p.m.
3. At this time of year, many students feel ________________ while they wait to find
out their exam scores.
4. Its time for the Boulderville Middle School yearly bake sale and fun day. The
money ________________ will be used for a new gymnasium.
5. Those who get high scores are good at ________________ exams.


Definition & Logic

Choose the phrase or clause that best completes each sentence.
1. If something has changed its direction,then ________________.
(a) it has stopped moving
(b) it has made a turn
(c) it has slowed down
2.A car that has pulled up to the curb is ________________.
(a) driving past the curb
(b) not moving right now
(c) driving over the speed limit
3.f somebody bends down, then probably ________________.
(a) the person is using a ladder
(b) the person is too weak to move
(c) the person is trying to pick something up

Collocations in Context
Make collocations to fill in the blanks. Change the forms if necessary.

prepare for

a little change
his head

1.The time we spend could be spent ________________ sharing ideas instead of

memorizing facts.
2.Students would learn more at school if they could ________________ learning
together with other students in class and with the teacher.
3.Can you ________________ ? the old man asked Grace.
4.The old man ________________ . I guess I just forgot, he answered, laughing.


Choose the synonym for the underlined word.
1.Fires are still a danger in every major city today.
(a) foreign
(b) ancient
(c) crowded


2.The worst damage happened in poor neighborhoods.

(a) caused
(b) attended
(c) formed

(d) occurred

3.There are no accurate records of how many people died in the fire
(a) precise
(b) furious
(c) fond

(d) actual


4.When the fire happened, people in London were already struggling to survive a large plague
(a) striving
(b) starting
(c) learning
5.The fire caused severe damage. Ultimately, however, it also positively affected the city.
(a) supported
(b) controlled
(c) influenced
(d) managed

Words in Context
Choose the word that best completes each sentence. Change the forms if necessary.




1. The ________________ Fire of London was a severe example of the damage fire
can cause
The Great Fire of London ________________ much of central London.
3.There are no accurate records of how many people died in the fire.
________________ the government did not record the deaths of poor people in those
early times.
4.London's housing troubles were a major ________________ of the problem.
5.Much of central London consisted of closely ________________ and poorly made
wooden buildings.


Definition & Logic

Choose the phrase or clause that best completes each sentence.
1.If someone has an ability to attract people, then probably ________________.
(a) the person has a lot of friends
(b) the person wants money from them
(c) the person feels unhappy about them
2.A solid house will ________________.
(a) not last for a long time
(b) not easily collapse during an earthquake
(c) not be popular among buyers
3.An improved garbage collection will ________________.
(a) be a serious problem
(b) make an area more attractive to rats
(c) have a positive effect on public health

Collocations in Context
Make collocations to fill in the blanks. Change the forms if necessary
the carrier

an unhealthy environment
the plague
of the plaque


Closely packed wooden buildings________________ because germs travelled

freely from home to home.


Rats brought fleas - ________________.


The disease________________ throughout the city.


People________________ from flea bites.


Choose the word that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the
original pair.






Spring: season = fire :


bee : insect


winner : medal =shareholder: ________________


soft : rough


fire : extinguish = problem : ________________


small : big



= cancer: ________________


: ________________

= decrease : ________________

Idioms in Context
Complete the sentences using the idioms in the box. Change the forms if necessary.
consist of
pay attention to

in general
pull up

out of control
stare at

1. When business ________________ is good or bad in a particular industry, it can

affect the stock prices of individual companies within that industry.
2.A black limousine________________ to the curb. The woman got in and the
limousine drove away.
3.The old man________________ the pearl for a moment.
4.Without traffic rules, people tend to slow down and________________ each other.
5.The Great Fire of London burned________________ for three days.
6.At the time, much of central London________________ closely packed and poorly
made wooden buildings.


Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1.In the assembly hall, you can sample tasty baked goods made by Boulderville
in the assembly hall, you can ________________ tasty baked goods prepared by
Boulderville parents.
(a) bring
(b) buy
(c) make
(d) try
2.At this time of year, many students feel anxious while they wait to find out their
exam scores.
Around this time every year, many students feel nervous until their exam results.
(a) come out
(b) find out
(c)turn in
(d)fit in
3.The teachers tell us that exams are for testing how much we have learned.
We are told that teachers give us exams ________________ they can test how much
we have learned.
(a) while
(b) although
(c) so that
(d) unless
4.The disaster also positively affected the city.
The disaster ________________ positive results to the city.
(a) decreased
(b) paid
(c) invited

(d) brought

5.Buying stock is a lot like playing a betting game.

Buying stock and playing a betting game ________________each other.
(a) are shared by
(b) resemble
(c) look for
(d)are unrelated to
6.think that exams mostly just test how well people take exams!
I believe that exams are mainly for testing people's________________ to take exams.
(a) willingness
(b) ability
(c) tricks
(d) behaviors


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