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An OS Dedicated to the whole cast

Arjun OS: Zindagi

Arjun reached work a bit late today. He had fallen asleep very late, if it could be
said sleeping, since he has almost woken up almost every hour with nightmares of
Roshni dying and being stabbed. He would wake up screaming her name, but it was
too late, he could never save her then and neither in his dreams. He woke up and
went for jogging as usual, then got ready and left for work without taking any
breakfast as usual. He was driving on the road when he met Raju, the child from the
trafficking case. Raju used to attend the night classes now and was trying his best
to become an officer like Arjun. Despite himself, Arjun couldnt do anything but stop
and talk with him for some time. He thus reached office slightly late. But hopefully
they had no case till now.
He walked till his office passing by Shrees table, but he could see no one there.
They must be gossiping somewhere! that was the first thought which came to his
mind. He ignored the sudden burst of anger, and went slowly in his office. He sat in
his chair and savored the peace for some time, before taking Roshnis case file
again. He would go through it again, just in case he may have missed something.
He opened up a drawer to remove the file when he found himself staring at a coin in
the right corner of it. He took it out and looked at it. He felt a sudden twinge of pain
when he remembered where he found it.
He was looking for a marker, when they told him to go through Riyas desk. There
he had found this coin. He remembered how Riya had given him this coin during
the Ganpatis stolen idol case. This was what saved him from dying, and he also
remembered that he put it back in the temple after the case, then how did this
reached here! Without realizing he put it in his pocket and went to solve the
pending case.
Arjun rolled the coin between his fingers and somewhere started to remember Riya,
his dead colleague
He remembered the way the first time they ever met. Before then he had never
ever fought physically with a woman, but that girl just started to attack him without
even giving him a chance to say anything. It was only later that they came to know
that they were both working for ETF. He smiled slightly when he thought how her
hair clip had gotten struck in his shirt, and he had taken it. All the memories of Riya
flashed between his eyes, some nice ones and some angry ones. How one day he
had thought that she was getting into his private life, and he had shouted at her to
stay away from him. Then afterwards they seemed to come around a bit, and Riya
started to make slowly a way in his life. How she wanted to be good like him? But
unfortunately she died a young and untimely death. He still remembered the day

Riya died, it was the second time in his life he failed to save someone close to him.
This added to the guilt that he couldnt save everyone He put the coin back in his
drawer, he was gonna cherish this for ever, the only remembrance he had of his
colleague Riya.
He pushed Riya back in his thoughts, and decided to concentrate on his dead wifes
case. Unfortunately just as he opened the file, Shree barged in his office. Shree
looked very happy, as if he had discovered and managed to invent something.
Arjun closed the file and waited for Shree to talk.
Shree was the most efficient tech he had ever met, Shree would do everything he
ever asked him. It was very rare that Shree failed in his job. He was the best when it
came to retrieving information. And he had also to work till late nights for him.
Arjun thought about how Shree was always there for him despite the way Arjun at
times shouted at him, yet Shree never ever complained, though at times Shree did
make faces, but Arjun preferred ignoring it. Shree would one day become a very
important person from the way he loved and was dedicated to his work.
Arjun wasnt disappointed, Shree had actually come to tell Arjun about his latest
discovery in technology. Arjun listened to him and when he saw that Shree was
getting lost in his discovery, Arjun put a stern face and stopped Shree. Got Shree
could go on hours and hours about technology. Shree murmured an apology, in no
way discouraged though, and went away, probably looking for any victim to share
this good news, Arjun thought amused.
Arjun again went to take the file, when this time it was his phone which disturbed
him. He glared at the poor phone and picked it up, talking angrily, Hello! What is
Rawte, I have an important meeting with the Commissioner, so Ill come late,
Rathore said angrily and cut the call, without any thanks or anything. Arjun stared
at the phone, and wanted to bit Rathores head off, but he controlled himself.
Rathore, the chief of ETF, was one of the most honest person. But apart from that,
Rathore was also his best friend, actually ex-best friend, that too since a very long
time now. Rathore was the one who introduced him to Roshni, and he had never
forgiven him yet for Roshnis death. Rathore thought Arjun was responsible for
Roshnis death, and in Arjuns eyes he also considered himself guilty because he
should have been able to save Roshni. Arjun hoped that one day Rathore could
forgive him. Arjun was all alone and needed his friend badly, but he wouldnt ever
force or blackmail his friend back, Arjun decided that hed wait till the end for his
friend to be back.
Arjun again pushed back his loneliness away, and decided to concentrate on
Roshnis case again. He opened the file and again went through all the clues and
details. He was completely lost in this file when after one hour, Chotu barged in.

Sir, we have a new case! Chotu said, A dead mans body has been found in an
abandoned house!

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