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Amniocentesis &

In Vitro Fertilization

Amniocentesis is the removing of amniotic fluid from the uterus, and

using it for testing and treatments. First you prepare the abdomen by
sterilizing, then a needle is inserted inside through the skin, into the
In vitro means in glass. It
represents the procedure of
uterus, and in the amniotic sac. Usually not more than an ounce of fluid is
undergoing In Vitro Fertilization removed, but situations vary due to the different tests. Finally the needle
(IVF) which is performed outside
is extracted and the fluid is placed in a plastic container, then sent to the
the mother?s womb and in a glass

The process of IVF is, fist you

stimulate the follicles and eggs in Two diseases that amniocentesis can test for is cystic fibrosis, and Down
order for them to develop and
syndrome. Mucus that is in the lining of lungs, liver, intestines, sinus, and
reach their highest fertilization
sex organs its consistency is wet and slippery. It keeps the organs moist
chance. Then the eggs are
retrieved and are fertilized in the and prevents from getting infected. When you have cystic fibrosis it?s
lab. Lastly they transfer the
thick and sticky, it builds up in your lungs and blocks airway. The buildup
embryo on day 3 (When they are of mucus makes it the perfects place for bacteria to grow. Down syndrome
in cleavage stage) or on day 5
is a genetic disorder that is also called trisomy 21. It causes distinct facial
(When they have reached a
features, delays in development and can be associated with thyroid or
blastocyst stage).
heart disease.
The IVF process allows for
embryos to be genetically tested
on day 5 or 6 when they reach the
blastocyst stage, by taking a
biopsy of the cells then are sent
to genetics laboratory for
evaluation. Then they can
CEO: Anne Wojcicki
determine if the DNA is abnormal,
this way embryos can be
Founders: Anne Wojcicki
genetically selected and let there
Linda Avey Paul Cusenza
be less of a chance of genetic
Headquarters: Mountain View,
disease. The embryos that are not
selected are frozen and put to
storage for a number of reasons
like, the couple later wants to
start treatment again, for other
infertile couples, or for scientific

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