Project Report On Insurance Industries

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This is certify that the report submitted by the under mentioned

students is in partial fulfillment for the completion of “ Project
Report ” in 1st,semester of MBA+ PGDA dual program for year 2008-
TITLE OF THE REPORT- Analysis of insurance Industry
ICICI Lombard
New India assurance
HDFC Standard life Insurance

Prof. XXXXXXX K.K.Bhasin

( DIRECTOR ) ( Prof. Incharge)



In the fast changing scenario of the corporate world, practical

knowledge of industrial environment and business practices is
becoming necessary day by day to compete with the cut-throat
competition. So with the theoretical knowledge the practical
knowledge of the industry is also important to know about the
prevailing business environment.
There were so many objectives of the group during this report. The
objective of the practical study to become more aware about the
industrial environment .We came to know styles, their attitude
towards their work and their services towards their customers. Apart
from these direct benefits of developing communication skills and
approaching work as a team with co-ordination .the experience was
very wonderful because we got a chance to analyze the marketing
function of Insurance Industry


At on set of this report we would like to thank first of all the

management of the insurance for co- operating with our team
to gather information about their working. throughout the
project on the Insurance Industry we received full co-operating
from all level ,and as gesture of INSURANCE’S gratitude we
would like of dedicate this report to the staff of INSURANCE
and their spirit of working ,which has motivated us all along the
Insurance Project.

First we submit our sincere thanks to our Director

K.MADHAVI KHARE and to our Prof. K.K.BHASIN who
gave us the chance to exploit ourselves in business environment.


 To develop analytical skills of industry.

 To develop communication skills.

 To have realistic behavior of industry.

 To have empirical touch of a program.

 To know about the different aspects of industry

 To take the system of function of industry.

 To nourishing the practical knowledge.

 To take a chance to interact with persons in industrial


Brief History Of Insurance
The story of insurance is probably as old as the story of mankind.
Life Insurance in its modern form came to India from England in the
year 1818. Oriental Life Insurance Company started by Europeans in
Calcutta was the first life insurance company on Indian Soil. All the
insurance companies established during that period were brought up
with the purpose of looking after the needs of European community
and Indian natives were not being insured by these companies.
However, later with the efforts of eminent people like Babu Muttylal
Seal, the foreign life insurance companies started insuring Indian
Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society heralded the birth of first
Indian life insurance company in the year 1870, and covered Indian
lives at normal rates. Starting as Indian enterprise with highly patriotic
motives, insurance companies came into existence to carry the
message of insurance and social security through insurance to various
sectors of society.
Bharat Insurance Company (1896) was
also one of such companies inspired by nationalism. The Swadeshi
movement of 1905-1907 gave rise to more insurance companies. The
United India in Madras, National Indian and National Insurance in
Calcutta and the Co-operative Assurance at Lahore were established
in 1906. In 1907, Hindustan Co-operative Insurance Company took its
birth in one of the rooms of the Jorasanko, house of the great poet
Rabindranath Tagore, in Calcutta.
The first two decades of the twentieth century saw lot of growth
in insurance business. From 44 companies with total business-
in-force as Rs.22.44 crore, it rose to 176 companies with total
business-in-force as Rs.298 crore in 1938.


 What is life insurance?

Life Insurance is an agreement that guarantees payment of a stated amount of
monetary benefits at the end of a specified term or on the death of the life

 Why do I need life insurance?

Life Insurance provides for financial security in the event of death or on the
inability to earn due to physical disabilities. Besides providing for financial
security in the case of one's untimely death, it can be used to accumulate a kitty
for your old age, systematically build assets, for funding your child's education
and also for saving on taxes.


 What is nomination? And who is a nominee?

Nomination is a right conferred on the life insurance policyholder to appoint a
person or persons to receive the policy monies in the event of the policy
becoming a claim by death. Any policyholder, who is a major and the life insured
under a policy, can make a nomination.
A nominee is the person designated by the policyholder to receive the proceeds
of an insurance policy, upon the death of the insured.

 Can I change my nomination?

Yes. You can change your nomination at any time till the maturity date. All you
need to do is to inform us about the change through the specified form.

 What details am I to provide about the nominee/s?

The following details are necessary when filling in the proposal form: full name
of the nominee, address, age, and the relationship between you and the nominee.

 What is the difference between nomination and assignment?
While nomination is an authorisation to receive the policy monies in the event of
death of the life assured, it does not give the nominee an absolute right over the
money received to the exclusion of other legal heirs. Further, the nomination can
be revoked or cancelled at any time during the lifetime of the policyholder at his
will and pleasure or by a subsequent assignment.

On the other hand, assignment of an insurance policy is a transfer or assignment

of all rights and liabilities of the insurance policy in favour of the assignee.


 What is a Claim?
A claim is the payment made by the insurer to the insured or claimant on the
occurrence of the event specified in the contract, in return for the premiums paid
for the insured.

 Once all the requirements are submitted, how much time does
the Company take to settle the Claim?
The Company settles the Claim within 8 working days after all the records,
documents and necessary forms are submitted and documentation is completed.

In case, the Claim warrants further verification, the Company keeps the Claimant
informed of the same. Subsequently, when the decision is taken, it is
communicated to the Claimant by a letter. From November 2005, we have started
sending SMS Alerts to the advisor of the policy to enable the quick
communication of the decision of the claimants.

 What is IRDA?
IRDA is Insurance Regulatory Development Authority, that has been set up to
protect the interests of the policy holders, to regulate, promote and ensure orderly
growth of the insurance industry and for matters connected therewith or
incidental thereto. [This definition has been taken from the IRDA website]

 What are IRDA guidelines pertaining to Claim processing?
As per IRDA (Insurance Regulatory Development Authority), the Insurance
Company is required to settle a claim within 30 days of receipt of all
However, if the claim warrants further verification, the Company
should complete its procedures within 6 months from receipt of written
intimation of the claim. If the Company settles the claim beyond 6 months
period, the interest is payable by the Company on the claim amount. The interest
is payable only where the Claimant has submitted all the requirements. Further,
rate and period of interest are decided as per IRDA guidelines.

 Who is entitled to receive the Claim benefit?

The nominee or appointee (in case of minor nominee) last recorded under the
Policy in case of Policy on own life.
The proposer in case the Policy is not on own life.
Assignee in case the Policy was assigned.
Life Assured himself in case of policy on own life for living benefit claims (Eg
Critical Illness rider)

 How do I make a Maturity Claim?

You must send us the:
- Completed Claim form
- Policy of life assurance
- Proof of age, if not submitted earlier

 What is the benefit of opting for riders / add-ons?

Riders / add-ons are the additional benefits that can be added to the basic old
policies prior to July 1, 2006, by paying a marginal additional premium. Riders
offered by us are:
a. ADBR: Accident & Disability Benefit Rider
b. ABR: Accident Benefit Rider
c. CIBR: Critical Illness Benefit Rider
d. WOPR: Waiver of Premium Rider.
e. IBR: Income Benefit Rider.

 What is the difference between switch and redirection?

A switch will enable you to shift the existing units of your unit-linked policy into
a new fund and will not change your future premium allocation.

A premium redirection will enable you to change your allocation for all the
future premiums of your policy. However, your existing units will not be shifted
into a new fund.

 In case I lose my policy document how do I obtain a duplicate

You will need to pay the charges towards the issue of a duplicate policy, which
will also include the charges for stamp fee. We will send a ‘Duplicate Policy
Request’ form that you will need to fill and send us. You will also need to send
us additional requirements like FIR copy/advertisement in the newspaper

 How will the Net Asset Value (NAV) be calculated for my

servicing requests?
The Net Asset Value (NAV) is applicable at the time of valuation/purchase. It is
calculated as the value on the day you make a transaction request (provided it is a
working day).

 How do I notify a change in address? OR How can I change my

policy details?
You have the following options:
1. Download the ‘Change Request’ form from the Download Centre section of
our website, fill and send it to us.
2. Call our Customer Service Helpline numbers mentioned in the Contact Us
section of the website.
3. Or write to us at the corporate address mentioned in the Contact Us section of
the website.

 How do I effect a Top- up/Fund Switch/Premium Redirection?

1. Download the appropriate form from the Download Centre section of our
website, fill in and send it to your nearest ICICI Prudential Branch.
2. For Switch and premium redirection, you can login to the website with your
user id and password and give your request online.

 Can I change the frequency of payment for my policy?

Yes, you can change the premium frequency from low (annual) to a higher
frequency (bi-annual or monthly) or vice-versa.

 When does a policy lapse?

A policy lapses when the policy holder fails to pay the premium even within the
grace period. In this case, the policy loses all its benefits.

Surrender/Partial withdrawal / Assignment

 Can I surrender my policy?

After you pay premiums for at least three consecutive years, your policy acquires
a surrender value and you can surrender the policy. If you have an ICICI
Prudential single premium policy, you can surrender your policy after the first

 What do I need to do to surrender my policy?

You need to submit a ‘Surrender Request’ form which is available in Download
Centre section of our website. Alternatively, you can contact us at any of our
touch points.

 What is partial withdrawal?

Partial withdrawal of a policy implies withdrawal of only a part of the funds of
your policy. The applicable norms for partial withdrawal may differ for every
product. For product-specific details on the same, please refer to the respective
product brochures that are available in the Products section of our website.

 What are Top-ups?

Top-ups are one-time payments. You have the flexibility to make an additional
investment through a top-up, which is over and above your regular premium
payments. You can make a top-up at any time while your policy is in force. The
applicable norms for top-ups may differ for every product. For product-specific
details on the same, please refer to the product brochures available in the
Products section of the website.

 What is ‘transfer’ or ‘assignment’ of a life insurance policy?

Transfer or assignment is a method of transferring one’s transferable interest in a
life insurance policy to another person or institution, for example, as a security
for repayment of loans.

 Can I assign a policy?

Yes, you can assign a policy. To assign the policy, you have to notify us
regarding the assignment.

 How do I assign a policy or transfer a life insurance policy?

Assignment or transfer of a life insurance policy may be made by simply making
an endorsement to that effect in the policy document. Another way of
transferring or assigning the life insurance policy is to get a separate assignment
deed executed.
The former case is the preferred mode of assignment as it is exempt from further
stamp duty. An assignment should be signed by the assignor or his duly
authorized agent, and should specifically state the fact of transfer or assignment.
The document should be attested by at least one witness.

 Is assignment allowed on all the insurance plans?

Assignment is applicable on all insurance plans except Pension Policies and
Married Women’s Property Act (MWP).


Mr.VIJAY JOSHI ( Branch Manager)

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited
‘Snah Ganga’ 4th Floor , Shankarseth Road.Swargate

Pune-411037 Fax:020- 244 1880

Branch Manager

Partner Partner

U .M. U.M. U.M. U.M.

A.U.M. A.U.M A.U.M A.U.M A.U.M A.U.M A.U.M A.U.M

AUM complete BMRT to promote UM.
• Complete to target any Advisor promote to AUM (within
6month /1-year 36cash)

• One A.Unit Manager per month add new 10-20 Advisors.

Know more about our products

Traditional Plan

• Life Time Super

• Save ‘n Product

• Life Guard

• Cash Back

Pension Plan

• Premium Life Pension

• Life Time Super Pension

Health Plan

• Health Solution

• Crisis Cover

Children Plan

• Smart Kid

• Smart Kid Unit Linked

Ulp Plan

• Life Time Stage

• Premier Life Gold

 Important Product
Product min-max Yearly Half Monthly Riders
age yearly
Life-time Stage 24-35 18,000 9,000 1,500 ADBR/CIBR/WOPR
Premier Life-Gold 0-65 1,00,000 ------------ ----------- ADBR/ CIBR
Life time Pension 18-70 12,000 6,000 1,000 ADBR/ WOPR
Save’nProct 10-45 6,000 3,000 500 ADBR /CIBR
Money back 10-45 6,000 3,000 500 ----------

 Premium Allocation Charge

Annual Premium(Rs.) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3-10 Year 11on words

12,000-20,000 20% 4-9% 1% 0%

20,000-50,000 17% 4-9% 1% 0%

50,000-And above 14% 4-9% 1% 0%

 The detail of the fund

Fund Name & Asset Mix Min % Max % Potential Risk

Flexi Growth II 80% 100% High

0% 20%

Maximiser II 75% 100% High

0% 25%

Flexi Balance II 0% 60% Moderate

40% 1005

Balancer II 0% 40% Moderate

60% 100%

Protector II 100% 100% Low

Preserver 0% 50% Capital Preservation

50% 100%

Switching Option

• With this option you can switch between the various funds.

• 4 Free switches are allowed every policy year.

• The minimum switch amount is Rs. 2000.

 Surrender Policy

No. of completed Policy Years Surrender value as a % of fund

3 Years 96%
4 Years 98%
5 Years & Above 100%

New plan from ICICI Prudential AMC

ICICI Prudential AMC launched the ICICI Prudential Micro

Systematic Investment Plan with a minimum investment of Rs. 50 per
month. This facility provides an opportunity to invest small amounts
periodically and build a corpus of savings over the long term. It gives
a choice of investments to this segment wherein they could also
choose to participate in debt and capital markets. According to a
release, the key features of the plan are: minimum investment amount:
Rs. 50 and in multiples thereof, minimum redemption amount: Rs.
500, entry load: 2.25 per cent, exit load: variable as per the amount
invested, the duration of investment and the scheme. Only the growth
option is available and there is no lock-in period, adds the release.


It was much later on the 19th of January, 1956, that life insurance in
India was nationalized. About 154 Indian insurance companies, 16
non-Indian companies and 75 provident were operating in India at the
time of nationalization.
LIC had 5 zonal offices, 33 divisional offices and
212 branch offices, apart from its corporate office in the year 1956.
Since life insurance contracts are long term contracts and during the
currency of the policy it requires a variety of services need was felt in

the later years to expand the operations and place a branch office at
each district headquarter

"Explore and enhance the quality of life of people through financial
security by providing products and services of aspired attributes with
competitive returns, and by rendering resources for economic

"A trans-nationally competitive financial conglomerate of significance
to societies and Pride of India."


As individuals it is inherent to differ. Each individuals insurance

needs and requirements are different from that of the others. LIC is
Insurance Plans are policies that talk to you individually and give you
the most suitable options that can fit your requirement.

it was much later on the 19th of January, 1956, that life insurance in India
was nationalized. About 154 Indian insurance companies, 16 non-Indian

companies and 75 provident were operating in India at the time of

LIC had 5 zonal offices, 33 divisional offices and 212

branch offices, apart from its corporate office in the year 1956. Since life
insurance contracts are long term contracts and during the currency of the
policy it requires a variety of services need was felt in the later years to
expand the operations and place a branch office at each district headquarter

Jeevan anurag Komal jeevan
Cda endowment vesting at
Marriage endowment or
Cda endowment vesting at
Educational annuity plan
Jeevan kishore Jeevan chhaya
Child career plan Child future plan


Jeevan Aadhar
Jeevan Vishwas


The Endowment Assurance Policy
The Endowment Assurance Policy-Limited Payment
Jeevan Mitra(Double Cover Endowment Plan)
Jeevan Mitra(Triple Cover Endowment Plan)
Jeevan Anand
New Janaraksha Plan

Jeevan Amrit


Jeevan Shree-I
Jeevan Pramukh


The Money Back Policy-20 Years
The Money Back Policy-25 Years
Jeevan Surabhi-15 Years


Jeevan Bharati


The Whole Life Policy
The Whole Life Policy- Limited Payment
The Whole Life Policy- Single Premium
Jeevan Anand
Jeevan Tarang


Two Year Temporary Assurance Policy
The Convertible Term Assurance Policy
Anmol Jeevan-I
Amulya Jeevan (Closed)

LIC’s Special Plans are not plans but opportunities that knock on
your door once in a lifetime. These plans are a perfect blend of
insurance, investment and a lifetime of happiness!


New Bima Gold


Bima Nivesh 2005

Jeevan Saral

Jeevan Madhur

Health Plus


E-procurement (electronic procurement, sometimes also known as

supplier exchange) is the business-to-business or business-to-
consumer purchase and sale of supplies and services through the
Internet as well as other information and networking systems, such as
Electronic Data Interchange and Enterprise Resource Planning.
Typically, e-procurement Web sites allow qualified and registered
users to look for buyers or sellers of goods and services. Depending
on the approach, buyers or sellers may specify costs or invite bids.

Transactions can be initiated

and completed. Ongoing purchases may qualify customers for volume
discounts or special offers. E-procurement software may make it
possible to automate some buying and selling. Companies
participating expect to be able to control parts inventories more
effectively, reduce purchasing agent overhead, and improve

manufacturing cycles. E-procurement is expected to be integrated with
the trend toward computerized supply chain management.

There are six main types of e-procurement:

• Web-based ERP (Electronic Resource Planning): Creating

and approving purchasing requisitions, placing purchase orders
and receiving goods and services by using a software system
based on Internet technology.
• e-MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Operating): The same as
web-based ERP except that the goods and services ordered are
non-product related MRO supplies.
• e-sourcing: Identifying new suppliers for a specific category of
purchasing requirements using Internet technology.
• e-tendering: Sending requests for information and prices to
suppliers and receiving the responses of suppliers using Internet
• e-reverse auctioning: Using Internet technology to buy goods
and services from a number of known or unknown suppliers.
• E-informing: Gathering and distributing purchasing
information both from and to internal and external parties using
Internet technology.

Advantages and disadvantages of E-


Advantages include getting the right product, from the right supplier,
at the right time, for the right price and the right quantity. In reality e-
procurement has the advantage of taking supply chain management to
the next level, providing real time information to the vendor as to the
status of a customer's needs.

For example, a vendor may have an agreement with a

customer to automatically ship materials when the customer's stock
level reaches a low point, thus bypassing the need for the customer to
ask for it. A major disadvantage to this type of agreement could be
that the vendor has the power to take advantage of the customer by

knowing more information about the customer than they would have if
the customer was in a normal supply chain management structure.


ICICI Lombard General Insurance

Office No. 206-219,sohrab Hall
Sasoon Road , Pune Station
Sangamwadi, T.P. Scheme

Know more about our products

 Commercial Vehicles
 Fire Insurance
 Marine Insurance
 Industrial Insurance

 Corporate Insurance
 Liability Insurance
 Shop Insurance
 Others

Scope of cover
The Insurance Policy broadly covers losses due to:
• • Fire, lightning, explosion and implosion
• Aircraft damage, riot, strike, malicious damage and terrorism
• Storm, tempest, flood and inundation
• Impact damage, subsidence
• Landslide/rockslide
• Bursting and/or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and
• Missile testing, leakage from automatic sprinkler
installations and bush fire

Sum Insured
Property can be insured on depreciated cost (market value) or
replacement cost basis. In order to get full protection, insurance on
reinstatement (replacement) basis is recommended.

• Premium rate depends on construction of building and
• Discount/ loading in premium is given based on past claims
experience for risks exceeding Rs. 50 crores sum Insured at
any location and installation of Fire Extinguisher Appliances.

Policy Coverage
ICICI Lombard Commercial Vehicle insurance offers Third Party only
cover for Goods-carrying Commercial vehicles. This cover is
applicable to Public and Private Carriers including Motorized Three
Wheelers and Motorized Pedal Cycles.

Our Commercial Vehicle insurance Policy is governed by the Indian
Motor Tariff. It defines Goods-carrying Commercial Vehicle as:
Public Carriers (other than three wheelers)

Private Carriers (other than three wheelers)

Goods Carrying Motorized Three Wheelers and Motorized Pedal

Cycles. (Public Carriers)

Goods Carrying Motorized Three Wheelers and Motorized Pedal

Cycles. (Private Carriers)

It covers you for:

a) Personal Injury
b) Property damage
Third Party Insurance cover for Personal Injury includes:

 Home Insurance
It is imperative that you secure your home from natural and man-made
catastrophes. Our Home Insurance Plan ensures you peace of mind by
protecting the structure and the contents of home.

Policy Coverage
You can choose to buy insurance for only the building (structure) of
your home, or only the contents (belongings) or both.
The policy covers the losses to the structure and contents of your
home due to any natural and man made calamities.

The calamities covered are:
- Fire
- Riot, strike & malicious damage
- Explosion & implosion
- Earthquake
- Lightning
- Storm, cyclone, tempest, tornado, hurricane, flood & inundation
- Damage due to impact by vehicles
- Missile testing operation
- Subsidence, landslides and rockslides
- Leakage from automatic Sprinkler installations
- Aircraft damage
- Bursting and/or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes

Burglary cover (only for contents):

The contents of your home are also covered against loss due to
burglary or an attempted burglary. It also covers loss of jewellery,
silver articles and precious stones kept under lock and key, up to 25%
of the total content sum insured or Rs. 1 Lac, whichever is lower.

Optional covers:
Terrorism cover - Covers any damages and losses to the structure
and / or contents of your home due to acts of terrorism.

Additional expenses of rent for alternative accommodation – If

you are forced to shift into an alternative accommodation because
your home is destroyed or damaged by any insured peril, the policy
will cover you against the additional rent.

The maximum coverage is up to Rs. 1,00,000 for up to 6 months. The

cover is available only if you are insuring the structure of your home.

Key Benefits
Comprehensive cover - Covers both structure and contents of your

Avail 15% discount on a 3 years home insurance policy and 25%

discount on 5 years policy.

Optional covers available - Terrorism and Additional expenses of

rent for alternative accommodation.

Alternate Covers - A Home Insurance cover allows you to avail an

optional cover for alternative rent & Terrorism cover.

Need for Policy

FICCI surveys show that realty rates may escalate 10%-15% in next
6 months of 2007

According to official statistics, the Maharashtra floods on July 26,

2005, has led to damages to over 1,87,000 houses all over the State,
affecting eight lakh families

Protect your single largest investment against losses due to natural

or man-made calamities like fire, floods, burglary, earthquake

Cover your household contents including furniture, durables,

clothes, utensils, jewelry, at market value to accommodate inflation

Sum Insured: How to calculate the sum insured for:

Home Structure:
The home insurance policy insures the structure of your home for its
reconstruction value (and not for market value). Reconstruction value
is defined as the cost incurred to reconstruct the home if it is damaged.
On the other hand market value is a combination of cost of land,
demand & supply scenario, etc.

Sum insured is calculated by multiplying the built up area of your

home with the construction rate per sq. feet, e.g. if your built up area
of your home is 1000 sq. feet and the construction rate is Rs. 800 per
sq. feet, the sum insured for your home structure is Rs. 8,00,000.

We recommend the rate of construction for your location when you

are buying online. However, this value can be revised appropriately if
expensive material - like marble flooring, etc. – has been used in
construction. If your home has lawn / garden surrounded by a
perimeter wall, the construction rate can be revised to include the cost
of construction of this wall in home structure sum insured.

City Category Constructio

n Cost
Large Cities(Mumbai,Bangalore,Delhi,Gudgaon) Rs.800
Mid-Sized Cities (like:Hyderabad, Ghaziabad, Rs.600
Nagpur, indore, Ahemdabad)
Other Cities / towns Rs.400

Home Contents:
The contents of your home - furniture, durables, clothes, utensils, jewelry,
etc. - are to be valued on market value basis i.e. the current market value of
similar items after depreciation. Depreciation does not apply for jewellery.

Claims Process: Know all about making a claim

Home Claim Procedure:

Log your claim by calling our toll free number 1800 209 8888.

Provide relevant information, which includes your policy and other

details regarding your claim. Consequently, your claim request is
authenticated and is escalated to the company's claims department.

Company's claims department validates and registers the request. They

appoint a surveyor within 48 hours.

The insured submits all the relevant documents to the surveyor. The
surveyor submits the Final Survey Report (FSR) along with the
documents within 7 days.

If surveyor is not appointed, the company's claims department sends a

letter of requirement for submitting documents to the insured within 24
hours of claim intimation.

On receipt of documents, the claims department processes the claim

within 7 days. On approval of the claim, a letter is send to the insured
giving the approved amount of settlement along with the discharge

Payment cheque is released on receipt of the signed discharge voucher.

Documents Required

Duly completed and signed claim form

Xerox copy of policy

Copy of FIR

Final Report from police

Copy of all invoices, price lists, repair estimates

Why buy online

Why buy online at We give you a few of many
reasons why -

Highest Levels of Security: Click to view our security certifications:

TRUSTe Privacy Seal Program
VeriSign Certification

Digitally signed policy is available 24X7 online, customer can take prints
instantly. The hard copy of the policy is couriered the same day (or next
day if customer buys after 6 PM) and will reach him/her within 2-3
working days.

0% EMI option: You can pay online through ICICI Bank or Citibank Credit
Card at 0% EMI (interest-free EMI).

 Travel Plans
Individual Overseas Plan

All overseas travel policies charge premium on a slab basis. Which means if you
are on a 16 day trip, you end up paying for 21 days, as the slab is 14 to 21 days.
But with us you ‘pay per day’.

 Motor Plans
Car Insurance
A comprehensive policy that not only covers you against third party but
also against accidents, damage, injury and much more.

Introduction :
ICICI Lombard brings to you a comprehensive Package
Policy for your four-wheelers, which covers Loss or damage to Loss or
damage to your vehicle: The policy covers you against any loss or damage
caused to the vehicle due to the following natural and man made calamities.

Natural Calamities – Fire, explosion, self-ignition or lightning, earthquake,

flood, typhoon, hurricane, storm, tempest, inundation, cyclone, hailstorm,
frost, landslide, rockslide.

Man made Calamities – Burglary, theft, riot, strike, malicious act, accident
by external means, terrorist activity, any damage in transit by road, rail,
inland waterway, lift, elevator or air.the vehicle insured, Personal Accident
and Third Party Liability.

Policy Coverage
Our Motor insurance Policy is governed by the Indian Motor Tariff. It covers

you for:

Personal accident cover: The motor insurance provides compulsory

personal accident cover of Rs. 2 lakhs for individual owner driver of the
vehicle insured while travelling in, mounting or dismounting from the car.
You can also opt for a personal accident cover for passengers.
Third party legal liability: This protects you against legal liability arising
due to accidental damages
- Any permanent injury/ death of a person
- Any damage caused to the property.

Policy Exclusions
Under this policy, you are not covered against -

Normal wear, tear and general aging of the vehicle

Depreciation or any consequential loss
Mechanical/ electrical breakdown
Wear and tear of consumables like tyres and tubes
Vehicle being used otherwise than in accordance with limitations as to use
Damage to/ by a person driving the vehicle without a valid license
Damage to/ by a person driving the vehicle under the influence of drugs or
Loss/ damage due to war, mutiny or nuclear risk

 Two Wheeler Insurance

A composite policy that protects you against unfortunate accidents, third
party liability, injuries and damages.

Two- wheeler riding calls for a constant alertness from theft and accidents.
Two-wheeler policy guarantees safety for your vehicle and yourself, thereby
making your ride stress- free.

Policy Coverage
A composite policy that protects you against an unfortunate accident, third
party liability, injuries and damages.
Two-wheeler insurance policy is governed by the Indian Motor Tariff. It
covers you for:

Loss or damage to your vehicle: The policy covers you against any
loss or damage caused to the vehicle due to the following natural and man
made calamities.

Natural Calamities – Fire, explosion, self-ignition or lightning, earthquake,

flood, typhoon, hurricane, storm, tempest, inundation, cyclone, hailstorm,
frost, landslide, rockslide.
Man made Calamities – Burglary, theft, riot, strike, malicious act, accident
by external means, terrorist activity, any damage in transit by road, rail,
inland waterway, lift, elevator or air.
Personal accident cover: The motor insurance provides compulsory
personal accident cover of Rs. 1 lakh for individual owner driver of the
vehicle insured while travelling on, mounting or dismounting from the
vehicle. You can also opt for a personal accident cover for passengers.
Third party legal liability: This protects you against legal liability
arising due to accidental damages for
- Any permanent injury/ death of a person
- Any damage caused to the property

Key Benefits

Package Policy for your Two Wheelers with Own Damage + Personal
accident + Liability cover

You can avail of our cashless claim facility at our Cashless Garage Network
all across India.

Avail of the following bonuses and discounts -

No Claim Bonus: If you do not make a claim during the policy period, a No
Claim Bonus (NCB) is offered on renewals. This discount can go as high as
50%. (NCB will only be allowed provided the policy is renewed within 90
days of the expiry date of the previous policy.)

Transfer your NCB: You can transfer full benefits of No Claim Bonus
when you shift your motor insurance policy from another company to ICICI

The discount rate remains the same, provided you show evidence that you
are entitled to No Claim Bonus from your previous motor insurance

Voluntary Excess discount: A further discount on the premium is available

if you opt for a Voluntary Excess in addition to the Compulsory Excess.
(Compulsory Excess is the amount of loss which the insured has to bear in
each and every claim.)

Additional discounts: If you are a member of a recognized Automobile

Association in India you can avail a discount of 5% on the OD Premium
subject to a maximum of Rs. 50.

Discount for Anti-theft Devices: In case you have installed ARAI approved
anti theft device in your vehicle, you get a discount of 2.5 % on the OD
Premium to a maximum of Rs. 500.

 Student Medical Insurance

A comprehensive cover, which insures you against unfortunate incidents
or unexpected expenses abroad and provides timely assistance and
support when you need it the most.

Health Plans
Critical Care
Lump-sum benefit on diagnosis of Critical Illness/Major Medical Illnesses
and Procedures, Personal Accident and Permanent Total Disablement
(PTD) .

Critical Care Sum Insured Table

Covers Sum Insured Options
Critical Illness/Major Medical Illness Diagnosis Rs. 3, 6 or Rs. 12 Lakh

Accidental Death
Permanent Total Disability (PTD)

Critical Care Premium Table

Sum Insured = Rs. 3 Lakh Sum Insured = Rs. 6 Lakh Sum Insured = Rs.
Premium (Rs.)
12 Lakh

Age Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D Plan E Plan F 3 Years 5 Years
Group/Policy (1 Year) (3 Years) (5 Years) (1 Year) (3 Years) (5 (Rs.) (Rs.)
Tenure Years)
20 – 25 900 2,900 4,850 1,800 5,800 9,700 11,600 19,400
26 – 30 1,000 3,300 5,650 2,000 6,600 11,300 13,200 22,600
31 – 35 1,250 4,150 7,000 2,500 8,300 14,000 16,600 28,000
36 – 40 1,500 5,150 9,200 3,000 10,300 18,400 20,600 36,800
41 – 45 2,700 10,250 19,100 5,400 20,500 38,200 41,000 76,440

• (Inclusive of Service Tax @ 12.36% and Education Cess at 2%)

• The premium depends on the applicant's age* and the policy tenure opted for.
• Age is calculated as on the date the policy is issued (i.e.age completed as on his last birthday)

Health Advantage Plus Insurance

A unique policy that covers hospitalisation and Outpatient Department
Expenses (including Dental treatment, cost of medicines and drugs) and
enables optimum tax savings of up to Rs. 5099 u/s 80D.

Policy Coverage

This is a comprehensive Tax-Saving health plan and provides 2 covers:

Basic Hospitalisation Cover

Outpatient Department (OPD)

Basic Hospitalisation Cover

This covers inpatient hospitalisation expenses up to sum insured of Rs. 2 or

Rs. 3 Lakhs (depending on the plan chosen). You can avail the cashless
claim facility in any of the 4500+ network hospitals across India.

Basic Hospitalisation cover includes:

Medical expenses incurred as an inpatient during hospitalisation for more
than 24 hours, including room charges, doctor’s / surgeon’s fee, medicines,
diagnostic tests, etc.

30 days prior to hospitalization

60 days post hospitalization
Pre-existing disease can be covered after the 2nd year provided the
policy is renewed with us for three consecutive years.
Technologically advanced treatment that do not need 24-hour
hospitalisation but are covered under this policy are:-

- Cataract
- Lithotripsy (Kidney Stone Removal)
- Tonsillectomy
- Eye Surgery
- Dialysis
- Dilatation & Curettage
- Chemotherapy

Coverage limit for specific ailments / conditions:

Certain specific ailment(s) / surgery(s)/ procedure(s) are covered up to pre-
defined limits under this policy (subject to the total sum insured). Click here
for the details.

All others ailment(s) / surgery(s)/ procedure(s) are covered up to the sum

insured under the policy.

*- Pre-hospitalisation period, the period of Hospitalisation and the Post-

hospitalisation period, should fall within the Period of Insurance

Outpatient Department (OPD)

This covers outpatient treatment expenses in the form of reimbursement of

medical bills, dental expenses, etc. In case of an OPD treatment (Outpatient
Department), the claims will be settled later after furnishing the medical
prescription documents/bills.

Outpatient Department Covers:

Room, Boarding Expenses as charged by the Hospital

Nursing Expenses
Expenses related to Dental Treatment
Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Medical Practitioner, Consultants, Specialist Fees
Anaesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre Charges, Surgical
Consumables, Medicines and Drugs, Diagnostic Materials and X-ray,
Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cost of Pacemaker, Cost of
Artificial Limbs External Medical Aids, Dental treatment charges,
Ambulance charges

OPD claims can be lodged only once during the Period of Insurance,
within a period of 90 days from start of cover and 30 days of end of

Sum Insured for Plans covering 2 individuals comes under the Floater

Family Floater Plan

A single policy that secures the hospitalization expenses of your entire
Family Floater Health Plan - Introduction
For the first time in India, one single policy takes care of the
hospitalisation expenses of your entire family. Family Floater Health
Plan takes care of all the medical expenses during sudden illness,
surgeries and accidents.

Key Benefits
One Policy – One Premium for the entire family. The floater health
plan covers your entire family under one policy with one sum
insured and one premium. This takes care of hospitalisation
expenses in case of a sudden illness, accident or planned surgery of
the entire family.
Income Tax benefit under Section 80D. Click here to know more
about Tax Benefit
5% discount on premium for every claim free year
Digitally signed policy is available 24X7 online, customer can take
prints instantly. The hard copy of the policy is couriered the same
day (or next day if customer buys after 6 PM) and will reach
him/her within 2-3 working days.
No health check up required upto the age of 45 years (as on last
Medical Tests at the rate of Rs. 646 (per insured member). Click
here for Medical Test Details
Free health check-up coupon for any one insured family member.
Click here to know more.
Hassle free claims procedure
Cashless claim facility available at over 4,500 network hospitals
across India.
Multiple payment options – credit card, net banking (direct debit),
and cheque / demand draft.
You can pay through your ICICI Bank or Citibank Credit
Card and avail of Interest-Free equal monthly installments
(EMI) for your premium.
Note: EMI option subject to minimum annual premium of Rs.

Additional Benefits:

Up to 2-year Cover- We offer a continuous 2-year protection with

no increase in premium in the second year. This one time payment
of premium for 2 years takes care of your renewal hassels next
year. The sum insured is reinstated to the full sum insured after the
first year. Option for 1 year cover also available.
Single Policy- Single document, single premium, and single date
to track. No need for separate policy for family members.

*Optimum Tax Benefit of Rs 5099/- subject to the provisions of

Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and amendments made
thereafter. (assuming highest tax bracket and premium of Rs. 15,000)

The enrolment age (of the senior most family member) should be
between 19 years to 60 years.
Other members in the plan can be less than 19 years of age (i.e. up to
91 days).
The insured child aged between 91 days to 5 years must be
accompanied by at least 1 Adult Member.
The policy cover is renewable till the age of 70 years.
The customer can buy the policy for any family member(s).
For the purpose of income tax exemption u/s Sec. 80D, the policy
should be bought only for self, spouse, dependent children and
dependent parents.

Need for Floater

Healthcare costs have been rising at more than 20 percent on an
annualised basis and out of pocket spending on healthcare still
continues to be around 75 percent. Source TOI
Protect your entire family with a single policy against unforeseen
medical contingencies
Save Tax up to Rs. 5099/- under section 80 D of the Income Tax
Supplements employer-based health plans with higher sum insured
and medical benefits
Individuals require to have an insurance that caters solely to their
health needs, apart from life insurance and investments, that
provides cover against expenses incurred during hospitalization, as
well as before and after
Avail cashless hospitalisation through ICICI Lombard's network of
4500 + hospitals across India

Claims Process
Know all about making a claim

Cashless claim settlement process

Reimbursement claim settlement process
All India Cashless Hospital Network
Documents Required
Download Pre Authorisation Form
Download Claim Form


We at HDFC Standard Life realise that not everyone has the same kind of
needs. Keeping this in mind, we have a varied range of Products that you
can choose from to suit all your needs. These will help secure your future
as well as the future of your family.

Protection Plans

You can protect your family against the loss of your income or the burden
of a loan in the event of your unfortunate demise, disability or sickness.
These plans offer valuable peace of mind at a small price.

Our Protection range includes

• Term Assurance Plan

• Loan Cover Term Assurance Plan.

Investment Plans
Our Single Premium Whole Of Life plan is well suited to meet your long
term investment needs. We provide you with attractive long term returns
through regular bonuses.

• Single Premium Whole Of Life plan

Pension Plans
Our Pension Plans help you secure your financial independence even after

Our Pension range includes

• Unit Linked Pension,

• Unit Linked Pension Plus

Savings Plans
Our Savings Plans offer you flexible options to build savings for your
future needs such as buying a dream home or fulfilling your children’s
immediate and future needs.

Our Savings range includes

• Endowment Assurance Plan

• Unit Linked Endowment

• Unit Linked Endowment Plus

• Unit Linked Endowment Plus II

• Money Back

• Unit Linked Enhanced Life Protection II

• Children's Plan

• Unit Linked Young Star

• Unit Linked Young Star Plus

• Unit Linked Young Star Plus II


Secure your family’s financial independence and self-respect.

You have always ensured that your loved ones keep living a respectable
life with their heads held high. But life can be uncertain. As a prudent
family man, you need to secure your family's future and protect your pride
and your family's self respect. You need to have a plan to take care of your
family if something unfortunate were to happen to you.

With our Protection Plans, you can protect your family from
uncertainties in life such as your unfortunate death or critical illness.
And ensure that your family lives a life of self-respect and dignity
even in your absence.

Our Protection Plans give you :

• An ideal way to secure the financial future of your loved ones.

• High cover at a very nominal cost plus an option of adding optional
benefits to cover for other eventualities.
• A choice of two plans depending on your requirements:
• HDFC Term Assurance Plan : A pure risk cover plan, which gives
you protection against the uncertainties of life.
• HDFC Loan Cover Term Assurance Plan : An ideal way to cover
your home loan or other loan liabilities.
• Choice of premium payment options-regular premium or a single one-
time premium.
• Choice of taking the plan on a single life basis or a joint life (first claim)


Step 1 Choose the life cover required to secure your family's future in your absence

Step 2 Choose from any one of the 3 additional optional benefits as per your

Step 3 Work out the premium payable along with our Financial Consultant

Tax Benefits

Upto Rs. 33,990 saved on
Across All investment of
Sec. 80C All the life insurance plans.
income Slabs. Rs. 1,00,000.

Across all Upto Rs. 33,990 saved on

Sec. 80 CCC All the pension plans.
income slabs. Investment of Rs.1,00,000.

Upto Rs. 3,399 saved on All the health insurance riders
Across all
Sec. 80 D* Investment of available with the conventional
income slabs.
Rs. 10,000. plans.

TOTAL Rs. 37,389

SAVINGS Rs. 33,990 under Sec. 80C and under Sec. 80 CCC , Rs.3,399 under Sec. 80
POSSIBLE ** D, calculated for a male with gross annual income
exceeding Rs. 10,00,000.

Under Sec. 10(10D), the benefits you receive are completely tax-free,
Sec. 10 (10)D
subject to the conditions laid down therein.

* Applicable to premiums paid for Critical Illness Benefit, Accelerated Sum Assured and
Waiver of Premium Benefit.

** These calculations are illustrative and based on our understanding of current tax legislations,
which are subject to change.

 One-stop shop for employee-benefit solutions

HDFC Standard Life has the most comprehensive list of products for
progressive employers who wish to provide the best and most innovative
employee benefit solutions to their employees. We offer different products
for different needs of employers ranging from term insurance plans for pure
protection to voluntary plans such as superannuation and leave encashment.
We now offer the following group products to our esteemed corporate
• Group Term Insurance
• Group Variable Term Insurance
• Group Unit-Linked Plan


Whatever the business – It’s the people who make it a success. Everybody
requires some type of life insurance, especially when others depend on
them financially. The Group Term Insurance (GTI) plan meets this need
and serves as an ideal way for companies to reinforce their bond with their
employees. The sort of needs, you, as an employer need to cater to could be
in form of:

• Employee benefits
• Cover for housing or vehicle loans given by you to your
• A GTI cover for future service gratuity liability to be taken along
with the HDFC Group Unit Linked Plan
The HDFC Group Term Insurance is a cost-effective plan that addresses
these needs. In addition you have the choice to opt for a GTI with an
experience discount feature ("Profit Share"), where a discount is given on
future premiums in case of favorable claim experience (subject to group
The HDFC group term insurance plan will have the following structure:
• One year renewable term insurance plan
• One master policy issued covering all members of the group
• Sum assured is payable on death (either due to natural causes or

The plan covers death due to any cause; accidental or natural, and hence is
more comprehensive than Group Personal Accident Insurance. Several
multinational corporations, large Indian companies, foreign banks and
software companies have already chosen the HDFC Group Term Insurance,
an innovative product from HDFC Standard Life Insurance, to protect their
Optional Rider Benefits
• Accidental Death Benefit
• Total Permanent Disability
• Total Permanent and Partial Diability Benefit
• Critical Illness Benefit

Social Product
Development Insurance Plan

Development Insurance plan is an insurance plan which provides life

cover to members of a Development Agency for a term of one year. On
the death of any member of the group insured during the year of cover, a
lump sum is paid to that member’s beneficiaries to help meet some of
the immediate financial needs following their loss.

• Eligibility
- Members of the development agency and their spouses with:
- Minimum age at the start of the policy 18 years last birthday
- Maximum age at the start of policy 50 years last birthday
Employees of the Development Agency are not eligible to join the
group. The group to be covered is only eligible if it contains more
than 500 members.

• Premium Payments
The premium to be paid will be quoted per member in the group and
will be the same for all members of the group.
The premium can only be paid by the Development Agency as a
single lump sum that includes all premiums for the group to be
covered. Cover will not start until the premium and all the member
information in our specified format has been received.

The premium rate is Rs. 25 per Rs. 10,000 of lump sum, per

• • Benefits
On the death of each member covered by the policy during the year
of cover a lump sum equal to the sum assured will be paid to their
beneficiaries or legal heirs. Where the death is as a result of an
accident, an additional lump sum will be paid equal to half the sum
assured. There are no benefits paid at the end of the year of cover
and there is no surrender value available at any time.

• The role of the Development Agency

Due to the nature of the groups covered, HDFC Standard Life will be
passing certain administrative tasks onto the Development Agency.
By passing on these tasks the premium charged can be lower. These
tasks would include:
Submission of member data in a specified computer format
Collection of premiums from group members
Recording changes in the details of group members
Disbursement of claim payments and the mortality rebate (if any)
to group members
These tasks would be in addition to the usual duties of a
policyholder such as:
Payment of premiums
Reporting of claims
Keeping policy holder information up to date
Training and support will be available to give guidance on how to
complete the tasks appropriately.
Since these additional tasks will impose a burden on the
Development Agency, the Development Agency may charge a Rs.
10 administration fee to their members.

• Prohibition of rebates
Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938 states
No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or
indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or
continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to
lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the
commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the
policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a
policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in
accordance with the published prospectus or tables of the insurer
If any person fails to comply with sub regulation (previous point)
above, he shall be liable to payment of a fine which may extend to
rupees five hundred


The percentage change figures include percentage change figures for

India which are computed based on the percentage movement in the
new business of HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited
as a whole to avoid distortion due to changes in the Group’s
shareholding in the joint venture during 2006 and 2007.


“Mr- Lachjay Nil (Branch Manager)

Mob - 02026344161
Branch office (152601)
MG. Road (Pune)”
Competitor- United India Insurance Company
Best policy :- Apna Insurance
Types of health insurance covered
1. Basic health insurance cover :

A health insurance plan which health’s you in hospital room
charges, doctor/surgeon fees, medical tests, medicines and related
2. Critical illness cover:
This covers critical illness. It gives a lump sum amount on
detection of the disease. It is added benefit to the basic
3. Family & Floater coverage :
In the event family member are being covered. A floate
policy or a family package helps reduce the premium out
flow more over premium cost can be reduced by purchasing
health insurance cover for a longer duration.

4. Long form health plan : The premium on a long torm critical

illness plan is the way to go premium is such plans remain stable for a
period of five years.


Insurance playing good roll in our human being.

Previously insurance was not so popular . But day by
day insurance tenacity is become growing in human
mind. Human thing that insurance is not help for
economy of life it also help secure & safe of life.
There for Indian government has been able to cover
only 20% of insurance . But the develop country like
USA & UK they covered 95%.


Web site


• ICICI Lombard General Insurance

Office No. 206-219,sohrab Hall
Sasoon Road , Pune Station
Sangamwadi, T.P. Scheme


• HDFC Standard life insurance

Near Aadinath society
Pune satara road 411009

• Life Insurance corporation of india

95-L Br.,47/2,Sardar Building
Pune satara road, 411009

• Mr.Vijay Joshi (B.M)

ICICI Prudential life insurance company ltd.
Senh Ganga 4th floor Shankrseth Road Swargate
Pune 411037, Fax- 020-24441880


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