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What Happened Part 2

After examining it, I made a conclusion. It was a baby ghost!! I went ecstatic. I didn’t know what
to do. I thought that since nobody believes me about anything, that I would hide it. I ran to my room. I
knew my mother would soon be home. Kaitlin and Ricky went to a party and wouldn’t be back ‘till dark.
My father had an emergency in the O R and would be there all night. I held the baby in my hands. It
looked so CUTE. I decided to name it Ranofer. I looked it over, sadly, it was a boy. I got a towel and
wrapped it up in it so it was comfy. Now I looked for a crib or something so the baby could sleep later.
I ran back to the baby. Of course he had left. I ran room to room, and I finally found him. He was
in the play pen. He wanted to play. I found him a ball and took him back to my room just as my mother
pulled in the drive way. I quickly put Ranofer down and ran to see my mother.
See had gone to the store, Price Chopper. I had to help her unload the car.
Finally we finished. Mom brought home fish and popcorn chicken. I only eat the fish. Each fish
and popcorn chicken comes with French fries. Once we were done, I ran up to my room. For once, the
baby was here. He was sleeping in his crib. I fed him some warm milk and rocked him to sleep. I then
went back down stairs to find my mother looking at old photos. It had looked like she had been crying.
One minute later, I asked her why she was crying.
“She said that Kaitlin and Ricky were at that party and they had made a bad decision. Kaitlin and
Ricky got drunk. They knew that they would be in trouble so, they decided to drive. They were half way
home when they crashed into a head on collision. The other car was coming around a turn and couldn’t
avoid them. Sadly, everyone was killed.”
“How do you know all this?”
“They had called your father because they were drunk. Only they left because he was really
“How are you doing with all of this?”
‘’Well I don’t know. I think I might go in shock, but I’ll be fine.
“Don’t worry; we’ll get through this soon.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“Me too, me too.”

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