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Capps 1

Chasitie Capps
Mrs. Wilkerson
British Literature: 7th Period
17 August 2015
Career Essay
While taking my career assessment surveys I was really opened up to a lot of different
career opportunities. I could really be anything I put my mind to. The results of my first survey
said I was a thinker, a helper, and a doer. I completely agree. Some of the career matches given to
me were Clinical Nurse, Healthcare Social worker, Judge Magistrate, and Healthcare Science.
These matches really hit home plate.
Ever since I can remember my dream has always been to become a pediatrician. At a
young age I realized I enjoy helping people, as I got older I developed more of a natural maternal
instinct. Children love me and I love children. I have 8 nephews and 3 nieces, so you can easily
see where my instincts came from. My long-term goal is to start my own pediatric office.

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