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I can feel the gusting wind in every inch of my body as I lay in the dark,

feeling the coldness of the icy grass that I laid upon. I watched as the snow drop
into the ground when suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards me. I trembled
upon the sight of what I see. I could not believe my eyes and the thing in front of
me. A dream, it was not, nightmare doesnt even come close. I never felt terror
as I do now. My feet started to numb and I could do nothing but stand as he rush
to where I halt unable to move or make even a single noise. It happened all so
fast, he is now right beside me, circling and examining me. He rushed towards
my neck. I felt him run his hand on it but I could do nothing. I let him do what he
wants as I close my eyes and pray. What monster, a vicious night crawler. A
monster in human form. Helpless as I am, I mustered all strength I can gather
and speak Please, dont kill me. I heard him chuckle and say Oh, honey, you
got to try harder than that. I slowly opened my eyes and see a dazzling person
directly looking at me. He laughed at the sight of me terrorized and confused.
Tell me, what I will get of not killing you, because you see, Im really hungry
love, and Im perfectly sure youd be a great dinner, he said.
Ill do everything you ask of me, just just please spare me, I said. He
chuckled and turned his back on me and say, You owe me one then, Ill come
collect it, soon, and in the blink of an eye he vanished.
Ringgg!!!!!!!!!! My bed... My bed? What am I doing on my bed? Last night,
what was I doing last night??? I was... Was it just a dream? Still confused but I
got up and prepared to go to school. As I walk down from my room to our humble
dining hall I saw my mom with her Eye brows on peak like a time bomb ready to
explode any minute. I turned my head back preparing to go back to my room
when suddenly I heard a swift breeze behind me. And where do you think youre
going your Excellency she angrily uttered. Mom, its so early in the morning
and youre a little riled, loosen up I told her with my puppy eyes hoping to
extinguish the aura of a volcano about to burst. I am not riled, I am infuriated!
You deliberately disobeyed me. She shouted angrily. Mom, Im sorry Ill bring
that always from now on I conceded. You should! That talisman is meant to
protect you and cloak your powers so that you wont be an open book easy to
read by supernatural, the next time you leave it Ill shove it down your neck.
Threatened as I may be, I kinda understand her anger, after all, I am precious
heir of the Witheridge Family, a bloodline of powerful witches, but no matter how
power my parents are, it seem like I havent inherited a single drop of ability
from them and it kinda worries them a lot. Last time I check I burned our storage
room at the backyard when I was training to make a decent fire, maybe my
incantations are off and dont forget the moment where I embarrassed them for
trying show off and summoned a dead puppy instead of summoning my familiar.
I was in Trans when suddenly my mom hugged me and said Honey, you know
how much Daddy and I love you, we just dont want anything bad happen to
you. I know that mom, Im sorry.
After eating I went outside and waited for the school bus when a very
noisy came and hugged me tightly saying How was the party? Huh?! Huh?!
Found a handsome boy made out and kissed?? I cant wait for you to tell me!
She hurriedly said. I didnt go to the party, my parents are kinda overprotective
and you know that I told her. Melea Witheridge you are beautiful but you will
die alone. She said while hugging me and then laughed so hard that I almost

wanted to smack her. Camilla Stroemberry as weird as your name, what are you
doing here teasing me so early in the morning? I am after all as your beautiful
best friend who happened to care so much that you might end up rocking your
own chair and watching TV series alone when you grow old and by the way my
surname is not weird, its just UNIQUE, got it? Now lets go
Started the usual day as an ordinary human, you see we cannot let other
people see us nor let them know that the evil witches of every fairy tale is true. I
kinda hate it actually, the way stories about my kind is exaggerated. Were not
some medieval ugly, wretched old woman luring children in a candy house, make
them fat and eat them, gross, I mean who would even try to eat human flesh?
While on our way to school I saw something that got shivers run down my spine,
like the night I met that vampire, I looked outside through the bus window when I
got a glimpse of him, he was already at the school gate, staring and I can see the
smirk painted in his face. I was so startled, I didnt notice Camilla was already
shouting my name Melea! Melea! Hey, are you okey? She worriedly ask, I
turned my gaze to her and tell her Yes, Im fine, when I looked back he was
gone. Is this the day hes gonna ask my bargain? Seven gates of hell, please
have mercy on me.
Hey, why are you such in rush? Are you running from someone? Seems
like youve seen a ghost. Cam asked. Youve got no idea Camille I replied.
Before I dismiss you, I wanted you to know that someone just transferred
to the school from Pennsylvania and Hes gonna be attending class here so
be nice Mrs. Barnes announced. What did she just said He? Oh bloody
great please tell me its not him. Please Okay introduce yourself to the
class. Im Athan, Athan Crowe I know that voice, thats thats him! Its
the vampire. You can sit there beside Ms. Witheridge. He walked towards
me and as he gets closer, the beating of my heart gets faster then he
suddenly talked. Hi love, dont sweat I m not here to collect your owe yet
but I must say, your reaction is priceless he said and chuckled. What are
you doing here? All these innocent people, are you going to hurt them? I
asked with these burning intent my heart like any minute now, Im gonna
turn this conceited brat into cinders. Easy there love, You dont want
these people finding about us so if I were you, I rethink my action and Im
here to hurt them, Im here for you. If you dont wake up soon youll die
He said and then suddenly vanish out f thin air while everyone continued
to walk out from the classroom like nothing happened. Hey, have youve
seen this guy, hes name is Athan, he entered the room earlier? I asked
Camilla when she suddenly laughed so hard, I would want to throw her in a
cliff. What are you 3ven talkin about, whos Athan? Dont tell me- what?
No! No, of course not I interrupted. Oh come on, Im your best friend,
you dont get to keep secrets from me. She said with big shining puppy
Whats happening? Who is Athan and why is h telling me to wake up? I dont get

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