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Egypt has one of the longest histories of any modern country.

Political Structure

In 525 B.C Egypt came under Persian control.
In 18th century became largely muslim.
France and Britain fought for influence over Egypt throughout the 19th century during Viceroy
Muhammad Ali successfully governed and reformed egypt.
Egypt is recognized as a leader among Arab nations both politically, culturally, and economically.
Egypt was the first Arab nation to sign a peace treaty with israel. (1979)
President Mubarak has taken an active role in the peace processes. His government continues
to steer a middle road that maintains egypt's traditions while adapting to modernity.
Culture Factors

Egypt's population of 80.3 million is growing by 1.7 percent. The rest of the population is
composed of Nubians,Bedouin,Nomads, Greeks, Italians, and Syro-Lebanese.
90 percent of all Egyptians are Sunni, Muslims, or Coptic Christians.
Muslims are supposed to pray five times a daily.
Coptic Christians are Egypt's largest religious minority. Their population is estimated to be more
than seven million.

Egypt shares maritime borders with Cyprus, Greece, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.
Egypt is on its way to shedding the exceptionalism that has dogged its political regimes for
much of the last half century.
Egypt's major environmental issues include water quality and quantity, soil loss, urban growth,
air pollution, and the environmental effects of tourism.
Egypt gets almost all their water from the Nile. The water quality of the Nile is seriously
threatened by untreated industrial and agricultural wastes, sewage, and municipal wastewater.

The Egyptians used non-coin forms of silver and gold. Such as silver rings and gold pieces
shaped like sheep, centuries before minting coins out of the metals.
Egypt was firmly ensconced by the early 1980s in the rank of the third worlds more dependent,
financially troubled economies. Total foreign debt, under $3 billion in 1973, had grown to 16
billion by 1979. Egypt's debts are growing bigger and bigger each year.
Egypt is a member of the WTO since June 30,1995.

Egypt produces 630,600 barrels of oil a day, and exports 155,200 barrels per
day, the country also exports metal products, cotton, textiles and chemicals.

Egypt and the EU signed a treaty called the Association Agreement in 2001 that came into force in 2004,
also called as the Partnership Agreement, which establishes a free trade area over a 12-year transitional
period by 2016.

- The Egyptian army ranks were changed after the revolution of 1952 and the fall of the monarchy.
In the year 1958 the crown was replaced by the Eagle of Saladin (the new coat of arms) and the
Turco-Egyptian ranks were changed into Arabic ranks.


Egyptian history dates back to about 4000 B.C. , when the kingdoms of upper and lower Egypt, already
highly developed to a high degree of complexity, were united. Egypt's golden age occurred at the same
time with the 18th and 19th rulers (16th to 13th century B.C.), during which the empire was established.
Persia conquered Egypt in 525 B.C. , Alexander the Great muted it in 332 B.C. , and then the dynasty of
the Ptolemies ruled the land until 30 B.C.

Over the last 50 years Egypt came across a lot of rulers.

The Egyptian Crisis began with the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, when hundreds of thousands of
Egyptians took to the streets in an ideologically and socially diverse mass protest movement that
ultimately forced longtime president Hosni Mubarak from office.

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