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Hey class, howre you all doing?

Today Im going to try my hardest to

persuade you to share my views on the subject of something. *pause*
Hey! Dont look at me like that! How am I supposed to know what Im
gonna talk about? Nobody told me what to (look at screen) Oh. Today,
Im going to talk about the abundance of ignorance found around the
world, and why everyone should try their hardest to get all the information
they can about the situations theyre in before jumping to conclusions or
doing something impulsively.
Before jumping in, lets define Ignorance: lack of knowledge or
-A month ago, friend & I were driving to this campus, hit a silly situation
-Started to cross North St. bridge over I-4 to Douglas Ave (past the I-4
-Neared intersection, we were in appropriate lane to go straight
-Truck in front of us not in appropriate lane, intended to go left
-Truck driver didnt know this (how didnt he?)
-Light to go left turns green, guy in front of truck doesnt move, truck
-Truck always had plenty of room to get over and go, but didnt, was funny
Later same month, same friend and I were playing online game, LOL

5 vs 5 TEAM-BASED game. Jumped in with 3 random players

-We were put in the crappies situations weve ever been in (weve played
a ton)
-Were down bot, getting our teeth kicked in (metaphorically), getting no
-Most of the game, no help even after repeated asking/pleading
-Situation out of our control, were getting the blame for the whole match
-Eventually, mid enemy comes bot to cash in on the kills
-Mid teammate does nothing
-Top starts agreeing with mid guy, blaming us as well
-End game, we get blamed for the entire match
-Game finally ended after ~30m, most toxic/torturous match weve played
-Mid guys parting gift: Its hard to be the best when everybody else
-Ill let you guys figure out how the game ends
Those are just some examples from my experiences
Youve likely all been part of similar, or on both ends of a conflict caused
by ignor
Youve heard ignorance is bliss, which is very true, from my exps.
To show how prevalent ignorance can be, common scenarios:

Voting: average joe votes for president based off of press

However, due to nature of media & bias within, mr. joe may not know all of
the truth about his candidate, thus causing a vote partly off of
Govt: less common, govt officials can occasionally take bits of a whole
picture and put together w/ implications to make poor decision off of
Racism: tons of situations (and famous ones) in US where despite what
really happened in a situation/wrongdoing/crime, blame was thrown
around b/c skin color, assumptions made. Also applies to religion
Now you may be wondering, what can all this ignorance cause? Really,
what cant it cause? Infidelity, jealousy, poor decisions, disagreements,
distrust, car crashes, injuries, death. Like MLK JR once said, Nothing in
the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious
stupidity. But how can all this come from ignorance? Say youre driving,
look away to text, ignore a stop sign ahead, blow through it, t-bone
someone, while going 40 over the speed limit sign you ignored. Say you
come home, sig. other is out, you think theyre cheating, so you revengecheat, they find out BOOM RELATION RUINED. Say your friend got a new
game and is out somewhere wanting to play when they get back, but
youve heard crap about the game. You uninstall it thinking youre doing

him favor, he comes home, you tell him what you did, he beats you up for
being a total jerk, which is p much justified.
Ignorance may be bliss, but only for the one being ignorant; anyone else
can be at risk. Now what can we do to put a stop to ignorance? Quite
simply: patience. In any given situation if enough patience is applied, all
the information can be let out in the open and situations involving
ignorance can be completely avoided. So if you ever find yourself in a
situation where youre confused and feel like jumping to conclusions,
dont. Make sure you know everything you can about what youre involved
in before doing something impulsive and ignorant you may regret.

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