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Elsa Guereca
Briana Ibarra
Period 2

What is LSD?
LSD is classified as a hallucinogen.
Available in liquid, powder, capsules, or tablets.
It can be taken in through any pore of the body.
Effects usually begin 20-90 minutes after ingestion. The effects
can last up to 12 hours
Other names for LSD are:
Yellow Sunshine

Basic Ingredients
Lysergic Acid- occurs naturally in the ergot fungus that
is found in wheat and rye.
Morning Glory seeds (containing LSA)- also called Blue
Convolvulus, contain the natural tryptamine called
Lysergic Acid Amide
Ergot Alkaloids- are derived from common fungus.

Physical Effects of LSD

When tripping on acid it is common for an individual to
obtain the following effects:
Dilated pupils
High/Low temperatures
Sweating or chills
Loss of appetite
Dry Mouth

Mental Effects of LSD

When tripping on acid an individual is liking to deal with these effects:
Visual Hallucinations
Sense of Euphoria
Distortion of time and identity
Impaired depth perception
Distorted perception of size and shape
Terrifying thoughts and feelings
Panic Attacks
Flashbacks of past trip, long after drug was originally ingested

Some cases of diagnosis of schizophrenia after use of the drug

have been reported.

Effects on Nervous System

LSD works like serotonin neurons and binds with
serotonin receptors. It interacts with particular receptors
but not in the same way serotonin does. It sometimes
inhibits them and sometimes it excites them. It excites
the part of the brain known as the locus corulus.
Serotonin is responsible for mood, appetite, sexual desire,
sleep, and social behavior.
Alters mood, thought, and perception (Prefrontal cortex)
Can cause auditory and visual hallucinations
Can cause paranoia and dream-like states

What does it cost?

Depending on the dealer, a single
tab can cost from three to about
forty dollars.

Who is Most Likely to Try Acid?

Approximately 200,000 try acid for the first time
each year.
A study conducted in 2008 came to the conclusion
that about 377,000 people ages 12- 25 had used
the drug.
In 2010, one in three youths (age 12-17) claimed
that LSD was easily obtainable.


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