JFAC Workgroup Motion Sheet 2 - 2.25.16

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Health Education, FY 2017 MOTION: | move, for the Health Education Programs’ FY 2017 appropriation, the JFAC adjusted budget, which includes increased benefit costs, a3% CEC, and the 27th payroll. There is $58,400 one-time from the Generel Fund for replacement items that include $41,300 to replace a four-wheel drive vehicle for the Washington-Idaho Veterinary Program, $10,200 for seven laptop computers and two computer monitors for the ldaho Dental Education Program, and $6,900 for replacement computers for the Family Medicine Residencies Program. Aso included is $84,200 for contract inflation at the Washington-Idaho Veterinary Program, at the Idaho Dental Education Program, and at the University of Utah Medical School Program. There are three Ine items in this motion. Line item #2 provides 1.0 FTP and $278,900 ongoing from the General Fund for five new medical students in the \WWAMI Program. Of this amount, $231,100 is for personnel costs and $47,800 is for operating expenditures. This will bring the new entering class of 2076 up to 40 students. Line item #4 provides $84,600 ongoing from the General Fund for two new medical students at the University of Utah Medical Schoo! Program. This will bring the new entering class of 2016 up to 10 students. Line item #5 provides $180,000 ongoing from the General Fund to provide six additional residents to the Kootenai Health Family Medicine Residencies Program. This will complete year three of a three-year build out of this program. | The totals for this motion are 24.80 FTP, $13,514,000 from the General Fund, and $317,200 of dedicated funds for a total of $13,381,200. This motion includes carry over of any unencumbered and unspent dedicated funds appropriated and reappropriated from FY 2016 into FY 2017 for the Dental Education Program. This motion also inclides exemptions from object code transfer provisions of Section 67-9511(1) & (Q), Idaho Code, for dedicated funds. 2fsaf20ns 7:27PM * Spec Frogs 1 to — ste ——° 0909) 8 | [move for the Special Programs' 2017 appropriation, the JFAC adjusted budget, which includes increases in benefit costs, and a 9% CEC, and the 27th payroll, Also included is $32,900 one-time from the General Fund for replacement items. Of this amount, ‘$20,500 is for Geological Survey to replace a server and outdated office equipment and $12,400 is for the Museum of Natural | History to replace instruction and computer equipment. There are five line items in this motion. Line item #1 provides 1.0 FTP and $88,100 to Forest Utlization Research to hire an economic research scientist. Of this amount, $85,100 is for personnel costs and $3,000 is for one-time capital outlay, Line iten #2 provides 1.0 FTP and $83,200 to Forest Utiization Research to hire a communications assistant and to develop ‘outreach materials. Of this amount, $53,200 is for personnel costs and $30,000 is for operating expenditures. | Line itam #5 provides 1.0 FTP and $129,700 from the General Fund to Geological Survey to hire a Geohazards Geologist and to | y 3 purchase equipment. Of this amount, $98,200 is ongoing and $31,500 is one-time. | Line item #8 provides 1.0 FTP and $92, 100 from the General Fund to Geological Survey to hire a GIS Analyst and to purchese equipment. Of this amount, $89,200 is ongoing and $2,900 is one-time. Line item #7 provides $5,000,000 ongoing from the General Fund to increase the scholarships in the Opportunity Scholarship Program. ‘Totals for this motion include 42.13 FTP, $15,430, 100 from the General Fund, and $1,724,400 of federal funds for a total of $17,154,500. Discussion: This motion includes a 56.9% increase from the General Fund and a 17.2% decrease from federal funds, for a ‘otal | percentage increase of 43.9%. Intent language is included. anajans 730° Special Programs 2 z 10,510,600, 6 2.00 — 10.422. 100. e]__108.05. 706.0% | move for the Special Programs’ 2017 appropriation, the JFAC adjusted budget, which includes increases in benefit costs, and a 3% CEC, and the 27th payroll. Also included is $32,900 one-time from the General Fund for replacement items. Of this amount, $20,500 is for Geological Survey to replace a server and outdated office equipment and $12,400 is for the Museum of Natural History to repiace instruction and compute: equipment. There are three line items in this motion. Line iter #5 provides 1.0 FTP and $129,700 from the General Fund to Geological Survey to hire a Geohazards Geologist and to purchase equipment. Of this amount, $98,200 is ongoing and $31,500 is one-time. Line item #6 provides 1.0 FTP and $92,100 from the General Fund to Geological Survey to hire a GIS Analyst and to purchase equipment. Ofthis ‘amount, $89,200 is ongoing and $2,900 is one-time Line itern #7 provides $10,000,000 ongoing from the General Fund to increase the scholarships in the Opportunity Scholarship Program. Totals for this motion include 40.13 FTP, $20,258,800 from the General Fund, and $1,724,400 of federal funds for a total of $21,983,200. Discussion: This motion includes a 106.9% increase from the General Fund and a 17.2% decrease from federal funds, for a total percentage increase of 84.4%, Intent language is included. * 2/24/2016 7:11PM Special Pregrams 3 ae — a i | move for the Special Programs' 2017 appropriation, the JFAG adjusted budget, which includes increases in benefit costs, and _ 12.3% CEC, and the 27th payroll. Also included is $32,900 one-time from the General Fund for replacement items. Of this ‘amount, $20,500 is for Geotogical Survey to replace a server and outdated office equipment and $12,400 is for the Museum of Natural History to replace instruction and computer equipment. There are five line items in this motion Line item #1 provides 1.0 FTP and $88,100 to Forest Utilization Research to hire an economic research scientist. Of this ‘amount. $85, 100 is for personnel costs and $3,000 is for one-time capital outlay, 1.0 FTP and $83,200 to Forest Utilization Research to hire a communications assistant and to develop Line item #2 provid Of this amount, $53,200 is for personnel costs and $30,000 is for operating expenditures. | outreach material Line item #5 provides 1.0 FTP and $129,700 from the General Fund to Geological Survey to hire a Geohazards Geologist and to purchase equipment. Of this amount, $98,200 is ongoing and $31,500 is one-time. LLine item #6 provides 7.0 FTP and $92,100 from the General Fund to Geological Survey to hire a GIS Analyst and to purchese equipment. OF this amount, $89,200 is ongoing and $2,900 is one-time, Line item #7 provides $3,000,000 ongoing from the General Fund to increase the scholarships in the Opportunity Scholarship Program. Tolals for this motion inciude 42.13 FTP, $13,430,100 from the General Fund, and $1,724,400 of federal funds for a total of $15,154,500. Discussion: This motion includes a 36.5% increase from the General Fund and a 17.2% decrease from federal funds, for a total percentage increase of 27.1%. Intent language is included. yaranns 733°M FY 2017 Special Programs Intent Language SECTION 3. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. Moneys appropriated from the General Fund to the Scholarship and Grants Program for the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, that are unexpended and unencumbered on June 30, 2016, are hereby appropriated and shall be transferred by the State Controller to the Opportunity Scholarship Program Account created in Section 33-4303, Idaho Code. SECTION 4. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. Due to staffing changes within the University of Idaho's Geological Survey Program, it is the intent of the Legislature that during the time period July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017, the Geological Survey Program is to provide services in eastern Idaho that are equivalent to or better than the services currently being provided in that region. The Board of Education shall report to the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee, prior to the committee's 2016 fall interim meeting, on the services provided by that program. SECTION 5. An emergency existing therefor, which emergency is hereby declared to exist, Section 3 of this act shall be in full force and effect on and after its passage and approval (OSBE FY 2017, No Transfer Motion: I move, for the Office of the State Board of Education's FY 2017 appropriation, the JFAC adjusted which includes benefit cost increases, a 3% CEC, the 27th payroll, and statewide cost allocation. Also included is $17,900 from the General Fund for one-time replacement items and $14,000 for contract inflation for membership dues increases for the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). This motion includes three line items. Line item #1 provides 1.0 FTP and $66,100 for a Human Resource Specialist to be housed in the Office of the State Board of Education but will be shared with Professional-Technical Education.- <1 ° Line item #2 provides 1.0 FTP and $87,500 fer a Teacher Effectiveness Program Manager to focus on K-12 teacher effeciveness statewide. Line item #3 provides 1.0 FTP and $100,700 to hire a Longitudinal Data System Analyst to continue to build-out the state longitudinal data system. There is also a recommended decrease in the College and Universities’ Systemwide program in the same amount; and therefore, this position would result in no increase in funding Budget ‘The totals for this motion are: 28.75 FTP, $2,877,900 from the General Fund, $717,900 of dedicated funds, and $2,736,100 of Federal Funds, for a total of $6,331,000. Included is carryover authority for appropriated or reappropriated federal funds and funds from the Charter School Authorizers Fund. 24/206 7:33 PM

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