JFAC Workgroup Motion Sheet 1

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Building Safety aif-Governing Agoncles ‘Aganey Request ‘Governors Ree ‘Motion for Rep. Horman Division of Building Safety FTP____Goneral__Dedicated_ Federal Total 121.00) 711,307,000, 16,300____14,386,600, 0.00 300,000 o "300,000" 7E1.00. (047,603,200, 7300___17,686,000, 0.00 0 0 0 ° 721.00. 047,604,300, 16,300 14,686,600. 0.00 (0 _ (283,800) 7 289,600) 21.00 (044,317,600 7300 11.402,800, 0.00 128,600 300 "29,900 0.00 0 16,400 20 16,600 0.00 281,900 ° 281,900 0.00 9 13,200 ° 13,200 0.00, 0 734/000 1.200 235,200 0.00, 263,00 00 264,00 72,106,000. 3 721.00. (012,258,100 7,600 12,348,700 ‘316,200 400 0 ‘98/800 © ‘8,800 44.400 100 9 1,100 ° ‘100 168,000 0.00 ° ‘58/000 0 68,000 194,000 0.00 0 194,000 0 194,000 © 0.00 9 0 0 ° Taare 600 725.00. (042,620,000 7600 43,707,600 1.542.000, 3.00 01,316,700. 2.500 4,521,000, 13.5%, aie 17% 1.6% MOTION: Beginning with a base of $11,402,800, include $129,900 for benefit cost increases, include $18,600 for inflationary adjustments, include ‘$281,900 for replacement items, include $13,200 for Statewide Cost Allocation, include $235,200 for change in employee compensation, include '$264'100 for the 27th pay period, include line item 1 for 4 FTP and $98,800, include line item 2 for 1 FTP and $1,100, inlcude line item 3 for $68,000, | and include line item 4 for $194,000: for FY 2017, | move $12,620,000 from dedicated funds, and $87,600 from federal funds for a total of $12,707,600 and cap full-time equivalent positions at 126. | DISCUSSION: This motion includes the JFAC adjusted budget for benefit cost increases, Statewide Cost Allocation, a 3% CEC, anc the 27th pay period. The motion also includes $18,600 for contract inflation for rent, Additionally, this motion includes replacement items as recommended which include computers, menitors, printers, and ten vehicles. Finally, this budget includes 4 line items. Line item 1 restores 4 FTP and provides ‘appropriation to purchase equipment for the new employees. Salaries and benefits will be paid with existing resources. Line item 2 provides an addtional FTP and $1,100 to purchase office equipment. Again, salary and benefits will be paid with existing resources. Line item 3 will provide for ‘workstation cubicles and tenant improvements while reducing the space available to the Department of Labor. Line item 4 provides for new equipment including offsite storage for database equipment, VOIP telephones, network switches and additional software. If House Bill 514, which creates the Office of School Safety and Security, passes both chambers, line item 5 will be taken up as a trailer appropriation at a later date, Overall, this budget is | 2 11.6% increase over the FY 2016 original appropriation. j Page 1 2/24/2016 5:06 PM Industrial Commission findustriat Commission "Agency Request Wotion for Rep. Monks & Sen. Jonnson Industrial Commission ‘General Total FTP ___Goneral___Dedieated Federal Tota [F¥-2016 Original Appropriaion 2 a a. ‘D—16,286,200 600,000 16,086,200 0. 0. Of 0.00 2 o ° 0 2076 Total Appropriation ° (01646 200 | 138.25 ‘016,246,200 600,000 16,046,200 0 o ‘of 0.00 9 ° 0 0 o 01646 200 | 738.25, ‘016,246,200 690,000___16,048,200 o 2. (196,800]] 0.60 ‘0 — (196,600) 0 (196,800) o (0 15849,400 | 198.25, (076,009,400 600,000 16,649,400 0 0 739000] 0.00 O 139.000 7 739,000 0 ° 2a7100] 0.00 ° ° 247,400 ° 0 9.00 ° ° (63.400) Jchange in Employee Compensation ° 9 2.00 ° ° 225,200 laren Payroll 9. 9 0.00 ° © 277 500 Fy 2017 ‘Maintenance 0. 0. 738.25 ‘015,875,000 890,000 16,675,000 H, Now Equipment 0 0 0.00, 0 15,200 0 75,200, 2. Commissioner Compensation © 9. 0.00 9 ° 0 ° [FY 2017 Total, 0 16446,600 0 46704,400| 198.26 ‘046,801,000 630,000 16,691,000. [Difieronce trom FY 2076 Apprap a. 400,400, 0, 655.200 | 0.00, o_ 644,600 0 44,800, 25% 25% | 00% 12h TOK 50%, MOTION: Beginning with a base of $15,849,400, include $139,000 for benefit cost increases, include $247, 100 for replacement iterrs, include a ‘$63,400 reduction for Statewide Cost Allocation, include $226,200 for change in employee compensation, include $277,500 for the 27th pay period, | and include line itern number 1 for $15,200; for FY 2017, | move $15,891,000 from dedicated funds and $800,000 from federal funds for a total of ‘$16,691,000 and cap tull-ime equivalent positiohs at 138.25. DISCUSSION: This motion includes the JFAC adjusted budget for benefit cost increases, Statewide Cost Allocation, a 3% CEC, and the 27th pay period. Additionally, this motion includes replacement tems 8s recommended which include office equipment, two vehicles, computer equipment, and & server. Line item 1 provides $15,200 for additional equipment which includes two printers and teleconferencing equipment. The orly difference from the Governor's recommendation is the 3% for the Commissioner salaries which requires legislation and will be addressed another dey. Overell, this budget is a 4.1% increase above the FY 2016 original appropriation. Page 2 2/24/2016 5:06 0M, Insurance [Deparment or insurance “gency Request ‘Govemors Rec ‘otion for Rep. Youngblood & Son. Johnson Dopartmont of Insurance General Total General Tota FTP General Dedicted Federal Total ¥ 2016 Original Appropriaion: 0 9,028,500, o___ 97a 600] 73.80, 0 _#,371,200 657,300 8,628,500 0. o 0. 0.00 0 2 o 2 2016 Total Appropriation 0 07078,600 (09028 500 | 73.60. ‘0__4377,200 657,300. 3028500, 0. o 0, ‘of 0.00. 0 ° c 2 2016 Estimated Expenditures, ‘09,028,600 ‘0 9%8 500 | 73.60) (0 _6371,200 657,300 3028, 500, moval of One-Time Expenditures. o 159,400) 0 (150.400 0.00. (0 (159,400) a (159,400) IFY 2017 Base ‘0 8.860,100, ‘0___8869.100 | 73.50 ‘08,211,800 687,300 3,269,100, [Benorit Costs 0 76,000 ° 78200] 0.00, 0 74,100 “4.100 78,200 JRoplacomentitoms 0 248,700 9 24700] 0.00 © 240,100 5.600 245,700 [statewide Cost Allocation ° (6600) ° 800} 0.00 ° (6.800) ° (6,800) [Change in Employee Compensation ° 46,500 ° 138900] 0.00, 0 133,300 6.600 138,900 laren Payroll 0. 484.400 9 164400] __0.00 0 __ 157,000 400 164,400 [Fy 2017 Program Maintenance 02,348,000, 0 9480,700| 73.60, ‘0 #,n08, 700 64,000 9,499,700. [F- Radios, Fire Shelters, Gas Monitors 0 “48,000 0 48000) 0.00 0 48,000" ° 45,000 lz. Addl Desks, Laptops, and Equipment o 19,200 0 19.200] 0.00, 9 3.600 15,600 19,200 IFY 2017 Total 0. ans, 100, o 73.50) (08,860,300 696,600. 256,900 [Orfiecence trom FY 2076 Apron. 2. ‘304.600, 0. 0.00, 489,100 35.300, 126,400 43% 20%. 5.3% 6.0% 50% T MOTION: Beginning vith a base of $8,896,100, include $78,200 for benefit cost increases, include $245,700 for replacement items, include a $6,600 | | reduction for Statewide Cost Allocation, include $138,900 for change in employee compensation, include $164,400 for the 27th pay period include line item 4 for $48,000, and line item 2 for $19,200; for FY 2017, | move $8,880,300 from dedicated funds, $696,600 from federal funds for @ total of $9,556,900 and cap full-time equivalent positions at 73.5. DISCUSSION: This motion includes the JFAC adjusted budget for benefit cost increases, Statewide Cost Allocation, a 3% CEC, and the 27th pay period. Additionally, this motion includes replacement items as recommended which include computers, computer equipment, three vehicles, telephones, printers, and scanners. Line item 1 provides new seven portabl Je VHF, UHF, 700 & 800 spectrum multi-band radios and accessories; ‘seven wildland fire shelters; and three multi-gas detectors/monitors. Line item 2 provides office furniture, laptops and two routers. Overall, this budget is an 5.9% increase above the FY 2016 appropriation. Page 3 2/24/2016 5:06 PM Labor parmont of Labor ‘Raency Request ‘Governor's Rec Wotion for Rep. Gibbs & Sen. Wortimer Department of Labor ‘General Tota ‘General Total FIP General Dedicated __Fecorat Total final Approprialion 320,700 sa.57ee00] —_320700___«2,578,000| 700.00 429,700__ 26,626,800 66,611,400 92,678,900 320,700 $2,377,800] 820,700 $2,122.00] 100.00 329,700 26,425,700__ 66,691,400 02,977,000 7,400) "198,600 4200 02800] 0.00, 4.200 531,200 602,600 [Replacement items 0 392,000 ° 392000] 0.00, ° ° 392,000 [Statewide Cost Allocation 0 41200 0 1200] 9.00 9 4,000 1,200 [change tn Employee Compensation 2200 419,000 5600 1288300] 9.00 6.800 4,031,700 1.250'300, laren Payot 8,100, 1.294;400 8100 1284400] _0.00, 8.100, 4,106,600 4/201,400, [FY 2017 Program Maintenance ‘22400 é46e3,a00 | 339.600 5672600] 700.00 339,600 39,342,100 96,927,500 H, Now Ff Equipment 0 ‘328,000 0 325000] 0.00 328,000 ° "338.000 J2. Ui Consortium Expansion © 8412700 0 © 6117.70] 0.00 9 6,412,700 6,112,700 3, Workforce Dev Grants ° 3.318.500 9 2000000] 0.00 © 2,000,000 2,000,000 [4 Building Mainionance and Repairs 0 24,500 ° 264500] 0.00 0 "264,00 "268,509 5, overhead Costs from Federal Grants 0 136,500 0 436500] 0.00 0 0 136,900 6. Workload increase ° 81,600 ° 0} 900 ° 0 0 7. Idaho Rural Partnership 0 0 £0,000 30.000 50,000 ls. Fraud Prevention © © © 280.000 0 JFY 2017 Total ‘azavo0 —Toa,e0z,600 | 365.600 T0a019,200 7oxg70 200 [Difference trom FY 2076 Appr 41,700 1233 700 (6,900 12,240,300 12,240,500 36% 13.9% EK. 132% 13.2% MOTION: Beginning with a base of $92,377,800, include $602,800 for benefit cost increases, include $392,000 for replacement iterrs, inciude $1,200 | for Statewide Cost Allocation, include $1,259,300 for change in employee compensation, include $1,294,400 for the 27th pay period, include line item 1 | for $328,000, include Ine item 2 for $6,112,700, inlcude line item 3 for $2,000,000, include line item 4 for $264,500, include line item 5 for $136,500, and include line item 7 for $50,000; for FY 2017, | move $389,600 from the General Fund, $34,931,000 from dedicated funds, and $69,496,600 from federal funds for a total of $104,819,200 and cap fulltime equivalent positions at 700. DISCUSSION: This motion includes the JFAC adjusted budget for benefit cost increases, Statewide Cost Allocation, a 3% CEC, and the 27th pay period. Additionally, this motion includes replacement items as recommended which include two vehicles, and two network switches. Finally this budget includes 6 line items. With the exception of line item 2 and line item 8, line items are as recommended. Line items 2 and 8 are reduced to reflect committee acticn for supplemental appropriations set earlier this session. Those supplemental requests were recommended one-time for FY 2016 and FY 2017. This committee appropriated an ongoing amount, negating the need to add additional line items for FY 2017. Overall, this budget isa 13.2% increase over the FY 2016 original appropriation. Page 4 2/24/2016 5:06 PM

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