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Logging in build 2015.1.0.

2309 started at: Thu Feb 18 01:07:47 2016

[01:02:28.032] 02:10:17.428 | Failure during Import of: file:///E:/Ruggero/Peppe
[01:02:28.032] 02:10:17.433 | Impossibile importare il file 'lOGO 9 HQ.psd'.
La larghezza o l'altezza dell'immagine non possono superare i 8191 pixel. Le dim
ensioni totali dell'immagine non possono essere maggiori di 16777215 pixel. Prim
a di importarla, riducete le dimensioni dell'immagine.
[01:23:41.125] 02:31:30.522 | Already creating a thumbnail for PI:ParameterizedH
TMLPageItem U506. May not be a problem.
[01:23:41.454] 02:31:30.849 | HTMLPI::callCompletionFuncWithCachedBMD has no _po
sterCompleteFunc. Hope that's ok
[01:23:43.579] 02:31:32.974 | Already creating a thumbnail for PI:ParameterizedH
TMLPageItem U351. May not be a problem.
[01:23:43.875] 02:31:33.279 | HTMLPI::callCompletionFuncWithCachedBMD has no _po
sterCompleteFunc. Hope that's ok
[01:55:28.438] 03:03:17.838 | quitWithUI:Quitting Application. Called by:
[01:55:30.235] 03:03:19.633 | Quitting Application after 115.4 minutes. Called b
Logging ended at: Thu Feb 18 03:03:29 2016
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Thu Feb 18 10:53:52 2016
[39:30:40.453] 02:24:33.003 | Beginning SaveAs of 'Sito web-1' to file 'C:\Users
\Ruggero\Documents\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:2034
[39:30:40.953] 02:24:33.507 | SaveAs complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documen
ts\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:950272 mod Date:Sat Feb 20 02:24:33 GMT+0100
2016 highest UID:2034
[39:50:23.734] 02:44:16.289 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:2138
[39:50:23.937] 02:44:16.502 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:1048576 mod Date:Sat Feb 20 02:44:16 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:2138
[39:56:38.718] 02:50:31.282 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:2178
[39:56:38.968] 02:50:31.526 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:1277952 mod Date:Sat Feb 20 02:50:31 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:2178
[40:02:40.953] 02:56:33.517 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:2206
[40:02:41.109] 02:56:33.670 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:1277952 mod Date:Sat Feb 20 02:56:33 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:2206
[42:45:20.203] 05:39:12.759 | quitWithUI:Quitting Application. Called by:
[42:45:21.703] 05:39:14.262 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:3016
[42:45:21.953] 05:39:14.505 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:1277952 mod Date:Sat Feb 20 05:39:14 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:3016
[42:45:24.265] 05:39:16.825 | Quitting Application after 2565.3 minutes. Called
Logging ended at: Sat Feb 20 05:39:33 2016
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Sat Feb 20 16:16:00 2016

[00:00:26.813] 16:16:27.687 | Trying to open file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\ww

w.peppercorns.muse with size:1277952 mod Date:Sat Feb 20 05:39:14 GMT+0100 2016
[00:00:26.828] 16:16:27.694 | Opening file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.peppe
rcorns.muse' with status:success size:1277952 mod Date:Sat Feb 20 05:39:14 GMT+0
100 2016 highestUID: 3016
[00:04:08.828] 16:20:09.700 | Beginning SaveAs of 'user-library-site' to file 'C
:\Users\Ruggero\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Muse CC Libraries\2015.1\Senza titol
o\Senza titolo.muse' highest UID:104
[00:04:09.250] 16:20:10.120 | SaveAs complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\AppData
\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Muse CC Libraries\2015.1\Senza titolo\Senza titolo.muse' fi
le size:360448 mod Date:Sat Feb 20 16:20:10 GMT+0100 2016 highest UID:104
[01:30:51.938] 17:46:52.803 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:3544
[01:30:52.172] 17:46:53.045 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:1671168 mod Date:Sat Feb 20 17:46:52 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:3544
[04:50:42.656] 21:06:43.521 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:5740
[04:50:43.016] 21:06:43.880 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:4456448 mod Date:Sat Feb 20 21:06:43 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:5740
[05:05:54.328] 21:21:55.193 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:5824
[05:05:54.516] 21:21:55.380 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:4489216 mod Date:Sat Feb 20 21:21:55 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:5824
[05:09:12.235] 21:25:13.110 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:5832
[05:09:12.391] 21:25:13.266 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:4521984 mod Date:Sat Feb 20 21:25:13 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:5832
[05:10:49.453] 21:26:50.329 | HTMLExport www.peppercorns(1 pages) to 'www.pepper' completed with 1 warnings.
[05:10:49.453] 21:26:50.329 | 91027:Il modulo Contattami configurato con un indir
izzo e-mail, che non corrisponde al nome del
server Alcuni provider di servizi di hosting rifiutano l'invio
di e-mail da indirizzi e-mail su host diversi. Se quando viene inviato il modulo
l'invio e-mail non funziona come previsto, impostate come primo indirizzo e-mai
l elencato nel modulo Muse un indirizzo sul dominio, quindi ripr
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Sat Feb 20 21:27:44 2016
Logging ended at: Sat Feb 20 21:27:44 2016
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Sun Feb 21 01:10:19 2016
Logging ended at: Sun Feb 21 01:10:19 2016
[09:28:47.094] 01:44:47.966 | HTMLExport www.peppercorns(1 pages) to 'www.pepper' completed with 1 warnings.
[09:28:47.094] 01:44:47.969 | 91027:Il modulo Contattami configurato con un indir
izzo e-mail, che non corrisponde al nome del
server Alcuni provider di servizi di hosting rifiutano l'invio
di e-mail da indirizzi e-mail su host diversi. Se quando viene inviato il modulo
l'invio e-mail non funziona come previsto, impostate come primo indirizzo e-mai
l elencato nel modulo Muse un indirizzo sul dominio, quindi ripr

[11:03:56.578] 03:19:57.451 | quitWithUI:Quitting Application. Called by:
[11:03:59.860] 03:20:00.723 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:5868
[11:04:00.219] 03:20:01.094 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:4521984 mod Date:Sun Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:5868
[11:04:03.688] 03:20:04.557 | Quitting Application after 664 minutes. Called by:
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Sun Feb 21 23:17:47 2016
[00:14:21.641] 23:32:09.495 | Trying to open file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\ww
w.peppercorns.muse with size:4521984 mod Date:Sun Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+0100 2016
[00:14:21.656] 23:32:09.510 | Opening file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.peppe
rcorns.muse' with status:success size:4521984 mod Date:Sun Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+0
100 2016 highestUID: 5868
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Mon Feb 22 10:39:53 2016
[00:00:24.672] 10:40:18.911 | Doing recovery for C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.
peppercorns.muse minisave fileA:lQTIq-nDLMdtzmRgjThJ-g fileB:Au6YXlW8zP7upOYXLke
[00:00:24.672] 10:40:18.914 | Trying to recover file:C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\
www.peppercorns.muse with size:4521984 with mod date:Sun Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+010
0 2016
[00:00:25.860] 10:40:20.109 | Calling initializeMiniSaveConnections for already
initialized connections
[00:00:27.297] 10:40:21.538 | Recovered file:www.peppercorns path:C:\Users\Rugge
ro\Documents\www.peppercorns.muse highest UID:5891 filesize:4521984 mod date:Sun
Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+0100 2016
[00:00:28.641] 10:40:22.886 | Recovery Complete
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Mon Feb 22 11:01:19 2016
[00:00:38.813] 11:01:59.052 | User Selected "No" For Recovery (data was purged)
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Mon Feb 22 11:04:39 2016
[00:03:19.750] 11:04:39.991 | Trying to open file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Desktop\01_m
aster_start.muse with size:360448 mod Date:Mon Jan 25 22:20:36 GMT+0100 2016
[00:03:19.750] 11:04:39.999 | Opening file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Desktop\01_master_s
tart.muse' with status:success size:360448 mod Date:Mon Jan 25 22:20:36 GMT+0100
2016 highestUID: 141
Logging ended at: Mon Feb 22 11:04:40 2016
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Mon Feb 22 11:04:48 2016
[00:03:28.250] 11:04:48.493 | Trying to open file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Desktop\02_f
ooter_start.muse with size:393216 mod Date:Mon Jan 25 23:36:44 GMT+0100 2016
[00:03:28.250] 11:04:48.500 | Opening file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Desktop\02_footer_s
tart.muse' with status:success size:393216 mod Date:Mon Jan 25 23:36:44 GMT+0100
2016 highestUID: 956
Logging ended at: Mon Feb 22 11:04:48 2016
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Mon Feb 22 11:05:03 2016
[00:03:43.406] 11:05:03.653 | Trying to open file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Desktop\03_h
eader_start.muse with size:1048576 mod Date:Tue Feb 16 17:06:56 GMT+0100 2016
[00:03:43.406] 11:05:03.661 | Opening file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Desktop\03_header_s

tart.muse' with status:success size:1048576 mod Date:Tue Feb 16 17:06:56 GMT+010

0 2016 highestUID: 1378
Logging ended at: Mon Feb 22 11:05:03 2016
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Mon Feb 22 11:05:14 2016
[00:03:54.485] 11:05:14.726 | Trying to open file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Desktop\04_h
eader_resp_master_start.muse with size:1179648 mod Date:Tue Feb 16 17:06:18 GMT+
0100 2016
[00:03:54.485] 11:05:14.733 | Opening file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Desktop\04_header_r
esp_master_start.muse' with status:success size:1179648 mod Date:Tue Feb 16 17:0
6:18 GMT+0100 2016 highestUID: 1436
Logging ended at: Mon Feb 22 11:05:14 2016
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Mon Feb 22 11:05:22 2016
[00:04:02.016] 11:05:22.255 | Trying to open file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Desktop\05_h
amburger_menu_start.muse with size:1474560 mod Date:Tue Feb 16 17:05:44 GMT+0100
[00:04:02.016] 11:05:22.265 | Opening file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Desktop\05_hamburge
r_menu_start.muse' with status:success size:1474560 mod Date:Tue Feb 16 17:05:44
GMT+0100 2016 highestUID: 2160
Logging ended at: Mon Feb 22 11:05:22 2016
[00:23:03.672] 11:24:23.925 | Trying to open file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\ww
w.peppercorns.muse with size:4521984 mod Date:Sun Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+0100 2016
[00:23:03.688] 11:24:23.933 | Opening file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.peppe
rcorns.muse' with status:success size:4521984 mod Date:Sun Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+0
100 2016 highestUID: 5868
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Wed Feb 24 01:09:49 2016
[00:01:02.078] 01:10:52.219 | User Selected "No" For Recovery (data was purged)
[00:01:04.703] 01:10:54.838 | Trying to open file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\ww
w.peppercorns.muse with size:4521984 mod Date:Sun Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+0100 2016
[00:01:04.703] 01:10:54.845 | Opening file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.peppe
rcorns.muse' with status:success size:4521984 mod Date:Sun Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+0
100 2016 highestUID: 5868
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Wed Feb 24 01:28:50 2016
[00:00:29.828] 01:29:20.750 | Doing recovery for null minisave fileA:qBoqTOTZpDh
jkFDT-z8bHA fileB:vHoJmzDws8V5ryoucDVfwQ
[00:00:29.828] 01:29:20.752 | Trying to recover unnamed file
[00:00:30.406] 01:29:21.332 | Recovered file:Sito web-1 path:null highest UID:29
4 filesize:unknown mod date:unknown
[00:00:31.344] 01:29:22.266 | Doing recovery for C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.
peppercorns.muse minisave fileA:OnTj9IMjyY6p8ZZ-IuJh1g fileB:L08feJmA-zC7pt5Ve5u
[00:00:31.344] 01:29:22.267 | Trying to recover file:C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\
www.peppercorns.muse with size:4521984 with mod date:Sun Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+010
0 2016
[00:00:32.281] 01:29:23.200 | Calling initializeMiniSaveConnections for already
initialized connections
[00:00:33.141] 01:29:24.054 | Recovered file:www.peppercorns path:C:\Users\Rugge
ro\Documents\www.peppercorns.muse highest UID:6419 filesize:4521984 mod date:Sun

Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+0100 2016

[00:00:33.328] 01:29:24.248 | Recovery Complete
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Wed Feb 24 03:26:34 2016
[00:00:57.266] 03:27:32.362 | Doing recovery for null minisave fileA:vHoJmzDws8V
5ryoucDVfwQ fileB:qBoqTOTZpDhjkFDT-z8bHA
[00:00:57.266] 03:27:32.364 | Trying to recover unnamed file
[00:00:58.812] 03:27:33.908 | Recovered file:Sito web-1 path:null highest UID:12
60 filesize:unknown mod date:unknown
[00:00:59.891] 03:27:34.984 | Doing recovery for C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.
peppercorns.muse minisave fileA:OnTj9IMjyY6p8ZZ-IuJh1g fileB:L08feJmA-zC7pt5Ve5u
[00:00:59.891] 03:27:34.985 | Trying to recover file:C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\
www.peppercorns.muse with size:4521984 with mod date:Sun Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+010
0 2016
[00:01:00.359] 03:27:35.451 | Calling initializeMiniSaveConnections for already
initialized connections
[00:01:01.359] 03:27:36.457 | Recovered file:www.peppercorns path:C:\Users\Rugge
ro\Documents\www.peppercorns.muse highest UID:6536 filesize:4521984 mod date:Sun
Feb 21 03:20:01 GMT+0100 2016
[00:01:02.922] 03:27:38.010 | Recovery Complete
[01:07:05.141] 04:33:40.236 | Beginning SaveAs of 'www.peppercorns' to file 'C:\
Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:6902
[01:07:05.703] 04:33:40.787 | SaveAs complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documen
ts\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:5668864 mod Date:Wed Feb 24 04:33:40 GMT+0100
2016 highest UID:6902
[01:08:06.687] 04:34:41.782 | HTMLExport www.peppercorns(1 pages) to 'www.pepper' completed with 1 warnings.
[01:08:06.687] 04:34:41.783 | 91027:Il modulo Contattami configurato con un indir
izzo e-mail, che non corrisponde al nome del
server Alcuni provider di servizi di hosting rifiutano l'invio
di e-mail da indirizzi e-mail su host diversi. Se quando viene inviato il modulo
l'invio e-mail non funziona come previsto, impostate come primo indirizzo e-mai
l elencato nel modulo Muse un indirizzo sul dominio, quindi ripr
[01:38:43.156] 05:05:18.255 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:6906
[01:38:43.328] 05:05:18.416 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:5668864 mod Date:Wed Feb 24 05:05:18 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:6906
[01:41:41.109] 05:08:16.195 | quitWithUI:Quitting Application. Called by:
[01:41:43.219] 05:08:18.318 | Quitting Application after 101.4 minutes. Called b
y: MuseApp/quitAfterModal+EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction+EventDispatcher/
Logging ended at: Wed Feb 24 05:08:27 2016
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Wed Feb 24 13:43:23 2016
[00:00:20.860] 13:43:45.189 | Trying to open file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\ww
w.peppercorns.muse with size:5668864 mod Date:Wed Feb 24 05:05:18 GMT+0100 2016
[00:00:20.875] 13:43:45.202 | Opening file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.peppe
rcorns.muse' with status:success size:5668864 mod Date:Wed Feb 24 05:05:18 GMT+0
100 2016 highestUID: 6906
[00:32:30.578] 14:15:54.912 | Assert: inlineWrapper has no inline page item?[00:32:30.594] AlertAndExit because of: inlineWrapper has no inline page item?
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Wed Feb 24 14:16:01 2016

[00:00:20.344] 14:16:21.796 | Doing recovery for C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.

peppercorns.muse minisave fileA:9WhhKmB8Fu-ywLJgJ27ikA fileB:9yNNP0Jlpll0tdpAcBE
[00:00:20.344] 14:16:21.798 | Trying to recover file:C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\
www.peppercorns.muse with size:5668864 with mod date:Wed Feb 24 05:05:18 GMT+010
0 2016
[00:00:20.844] 14:16:22.287 | Calling initializeMiniSaveConnections for already
initialized connections
[00:00:22.391] 14:16:23.848 | Recovered file:www.peppercorns path:C:\Users\Rugge
ro\Documents\www.peppercorns.muse highest UID:7419 filesize:5668864 mod date:Wed
Feb 24 05:05:18 GMT+0100 2016
[00:00:23.625] 14:16:25.074 | Recovery Complete
[00:13:14.297] 14:29:15.753 | Beginning SaveAs of 'www.peppercorns' to file 'C:\
Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:7609
[00:13:14.625] 14:29:16.075 | SaveAs complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documen
ts\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:4653056 mod Date:Wed Feb 24 14:29:16 GMT+0100
2016 highest UID:7609
[00:13:46.641] 14:29:48.095 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:7609
[00:13:46.782] 14:29:48.237 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:4685824 mod Date:Wed Feb 24 14:29:48 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:7609
[00:49:34.735] 15:05:36.190 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:7731
[00:49:35.188] 15:05:36.633 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:8159232 mod Date:Wed Feb 24 15:05:36 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:7731
[01:37:32.953] 15:53:34.409 | quitWithUI:Quitting Application. Called by:
[01:37:34.844] 15:53:36.299 | Beginning Save for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Document
s\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:7738
[01:37:35.141] 15:53:36.588 | Save complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents
\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:8192000 mod Date:Wed Feb 24 15:53:36 GMT+0100 2
016 highest UID:7738
[01:37:37.438] 15:53:38.888 | Quitting Application after 97.5 minutes. Called by
: MuseApp/quitAfterModal+EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction+EventDispatcher/d
Logging ended at: Wed Feb 24 15:53:52 2016
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Wed Feb 24 18:17:55 2016
[00:00:18.500] 18:18:14.391 | Trying to open file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\ww
w.peppercorns.muse with size:8192000 mod Date:Wed Feb 24 15:53:36 GMT+0100 2016
[00:00:18.515] 18:18:14.401 | Opening file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.peppe
rcorns.muse' with status:success size:8192000 mod Date:Wed Feb 24 15:53:36 GMT+0
100 2016 highestUID: 7738
[00:03:54.875] 18:21:50.767 | quitWithUI:Quitting Application. Called by:
[00:04:51.625] 18:22:47.514 | Quitting Application after 4.7 minutes. Called by:
Logging ended at: Wed Feb 24 18:22:52 2016
Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Thu Feb 25 01:51:58 2016
[00:00:30.782] 01:52:29.237 | Trying to open file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\ww
w.peppercorns.muse with size:8192000 mod Date:Wed Feb 24 15:53:36 GMT+0100 2016
[00:00:30.797] 01:52:29.247 | Opening file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.peppe
rcorns.muse' with status:success size:8192000 mod Date:Wed Feb 24 15:53:36 GMT+0

100 2016 highestUID: 7738

Logging in build 2015.1.0.2309 started at: Thu Feb 25 02:18:17 2016
[00:00:24.250] 02:18:41.808 | Doing recovery for C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.
peppercorns.muse minisave fileA:zuDrUk4sHOQONxA8KPBwLA fileB:mdD7OmbG6xeXm7Gw-7r
[00:00:24.250] 02:18:41.811 | Trying to recover file:C:\Users\Ruggero\Documents\
www.peppercorns.muse with size:8192000 with mod date:Wed Feb 24 15:53:36 GMT+010
0 2016
[00:00:24.765] 02:18:42.326 | Calling initializeMiniSaveConnections for already
initialized connections
[00:00:27.172] 02:18:44.736 | Recovered file:www.peppercorns path:C:\Users\Rugge
ro\Documents\www.peppercorns.muse highest UID:8094 filesize:8192000 mod date:Wed
Feb 24 15:53:36 GMT+0100 2016
[00:00:28.765] 02:18:46.322 | Recovery Complete
[00:29:46.890] 02:48:04.452 | quitWithUI:Quitting Application. Called by:
[00:29:52.015] 02:48:09.583 | Beginning SaveAs of 'www.peppercorns' to file 'C:\
Users\Ruggero\Documents\www.peppercorns.muse' highest UID:8165
[00:29:52.562] 02:48:10.128 | SaveAs complete for file 'C:\Users\Ruggero\Documen
ts\www.peppercorns.muse' file size:8847360 mod Date:Thu Feb 25 02:48:09 GMT+0100
2016 highest UID:8165
[00:29:55.968] 02:48:13.535 | Quitting Application after 29.7 minutes. Called by
: MuseApp/quitAfterModal+EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction+EventDispatcher/d
Logging ended at: Thu Feb 25 02:48:26 2016

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