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Language Acquisition Branch

K-12 Universal Access/SDAIE Lesson Design Template

Teacher: Grade(s): 7 Content Area: Science

Lesson Pacing: Day Two Course: Life Science


Main Concept/Big Idea [Essential understanding you expect students to know as a result of this module/unit of study]

Multicellular organisms can reproduce through sexual or asexual processes which require different structures. Organisms
receive genetic information from their parents when reproduction occurs.

Standard(s)/Skills [The skills/concepts to be taught at each grade level]

A. Main Standard [Generalized broad statement of what is to be learned]

5f. Students know the structures and processes by which flowering plants generate pollen, ovules, seeds, and fruit
(sexual reproduction).

B. Focus Standard(s) - If Applicable [Specific concepts/skills that support the main standard]

2a. Students know the differences between the life cycles and reproduction methods of sexual and asexual organisms.
2b. Students know sexual reproduction produces offspring that inherit half their genes from each parent.

C. Skills [ Science – Process, Social Studies – Analysis, Math – Problem Solving]

7c. Communicate the logical connection among hypotheses, science concepts, tests conducted, data collected, and
conclusions drawn from the scientific evidence.
Objectives [ What will be evaluated and how]
A. Content Objective [What students will learn and be able to do and is measurable and observable]

Students will plant seeds and select variable they will measure as evidence of plant growth and development.

B. Language Objective [Language needed to engage and demonstrate understanding of concept/objectives. It is

guided by active verbs found in the standards (analyze, describe, etc.)]

Students will read and follow oral and written directions.

Possible Language Forms:

Concrete Materials [Visuals, manipulatives, realia use to facilitate engagement with content and help make it
Soil (1/2 L container)
Styrofoam quad (one per four students)
Blue wick (plastic Ziplock bag)
Fertilizer pellets (Petri dish)
Pipette (one per group)
Wooden stick (two per group)
250 mL beaker with water
Paper towels
Language Acquisition Branch

K-12 Universal Access/SDAIE Lesson Design Template

Circle map (from Day One)
Flow Maps (from Day One)
Fast Plants Directions
Homework page
SDAIE Vocabulary [Maximum of 10 vocabulary words essential to understand and meet the objectives]


Lesson Delivery * To maximize access to core keep the following in mind throughout the lesson: idiomatic expressions,
multiple- meaning words, and cognates.
A. Setting the Stage

1. Activating Prior Knowledge/ Building Background

a. Personal Experiences [Culturally relevant]

b. Content Knowledge [Connecting to prior learning, identifying misconceptions]

What did we do yesterday? What did we learn yesterday? Display a couple of student work samples
(flow maps) and the circle map from the previous session. Ask students to refer to their circle maps.
Add any new knowledge to the circle map.

2. Introducing Main Concept and Objectives [In student friendly language]

Plant seeds to understand how plants reproduce.

B. Input and Model [Teacher presentation ]

Post directions for Fast Plants while modeling the activity. Be explicit about planting ALL four quads simultaneously.

C. Guided Practice [Students engaging with content to develop skills and knowledge]

Fast Plants activity

D. Independent Practice [Students apply the skills and knowledge to meet the content objective independent of the

Make a prediction about how long you think it will take for your plant to grow. What can we observe and measure about
plant growth? (Chart the variables students offer upon return on Day Three). Consider variable they want to observe and
how they will measure and record it. Assign for homework.

Evaluation [Assess how well the learner met the objectives]

Evaluation is based on their observation sheets and oral responses/contributions to the circle map.

Language Acquisition Branch

K-12 Universal Access/SDAIE Lesson Design Template

Lesson Reflection/Wrapping – up and review of Vocabulary [Recapping concept/skill]

Why did we plant the seeds and not the leaves? (Highlight that the seed contains the embryo). How will you know your
plant is growing? Make a prediction about how long you think it will take for your plant to grow. What can we observe
and measure about plant growth? (Chart the variables students offer).


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