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Grade 8
Room A205
Ms. Hermann

(616)-123-4567 ext. 8

Welcome to 8th Grade Math class! I am looking forward to getting to each one of you as we
embark on a new year of mathematics together! We will cover a wide range of topics including:
The number system
Personal financial literacy
Together, we will explore each of these areas and gain a greater understanding of mathematics
as a whole. We will think critically, work together, share our understandings, and communicate
mathematical ideas. I hope that we have a fun year together as we discover many
mathematical concepts!
About me:
I am originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I attended Hope College, where I received my
degree in special education (learning disabilities) and mathematics. I am a volunteer leader for
an organization called Young Life, and I am passionate about empowering high schoolers to
believe in their gifts to make a difference in the world! I love running, reading, skiing, and
coffee. My last semester at Hope College was spent student teaching at Holland High School
and I graduated in 2017. This is my first year of teaching, and I am fortunate to have the
opportunity to work alongside another teacher here at Holland High. Mr. Anderson and I will be
co-teaching this math class, which means that we will be working together to come up with the
best ways to teach each of you the material of our classroom. We cannot wait to get to know
you during this semester!!
Text: Core-Mathematics III by Wayne Johnson and Debra Washington
Schedules/Important Dates: (tentative)
September 16- Test 1 (Unit 1)
October 1- Test 2 (Unit 2)
October 20- Test 3 (Unit 3)
November 4- Test 4 (Unit 4)
November 26- Test 5 (Unit 5)
December 14- Test 6 (Unit 6)
Classroom Expectations/Rules:


We only say I can!

Your space is cleaner after class than it was before class
Lets talk! Communicate your needs and questions with me.
Leaving class is only for emergencies
If we arent in work time, someone always has the floor. Respect them!

One 3-ringed binder
Tabs for binder
Pencil and eraser
Red pen
Loose Leaf Paper
Grading Scale:
A 93% - 100%
A- 90% - 92%
B+ 87% - 89%
B 82% - 86%


76% - 78%
71% - 75%
67% - 70%
64% - 62%


58% - 63%
56% - 57%
55% and below

Homework will be given 3-4 times per week
Graded for accuracy and/or completion
Homework will cover skills learned in class
Quizzes will be given as Skills Check Reviews (SCR) over skills learned from the previous
day in class
They will be given at random 1-2 times per week
There will be no assistance from teacher or peers
Tests will be given for each unit. (6 units in total)
There will be no assistance from teacher or peers
Breakdown of grade:
Tests = 40%
Quizzes = 20%

Homework =20%
Participation = 20%

Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and
thoughts of another author and the representation of them as ones own original work.
Plagiarism by students is a very serious offense that will result in punishments such as a failing
grade on an assignment or for the course. For further information please refer to the student
code of conduct printed in the student agenda book.

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