Portfolio 20directions-2

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For Psychology Courses


Chantel M. Peltier
(You may download this packet from cpeltier.weebly.com under Psychology, Current Assignments, Download File)


As discussed in class, for your final project, you will be putting together a portfolio of various works
throughout the second semester. A portfolio is not simply a compilation of your graded/completed work,
but a review of practice where you have the opportunity to correct mistakes, reflect on your growth, and
be an active participant in your final grade.

Please read through all guidelines carefully and review the criteria for grading. You should
begin your development of the portfolio at the beginning of the semester. Portfolios require time
to develop them and for you to learn and get the most from the experience.

Make sure that your portfolio includes a cover page, a table of contents, and all required

The most critical component of your portfolio will be your reflective narrative on each section.
Make sure that you reflect on the questions listed in your guidelines. I must know what you have
learned from each section. Your reflections should also discuss information that related to what
we have covered in class or that you have read in your textbook.

You must also include a blank criteria rating form at the back of your portfolio for my grade and
comments. Please include a completed assessment form evaluating your experience of
developing the portfolio.

Before formal submission to your teacher, make sure you complete the checklist.

Your portfolio must be submitted in hardcopy format.

If you have any questions about your portfolio development process, please feel free to contact
me. cpeltier@windham.k12.ct.us


Required Contents

Your portfolio should reflect your creativity, thinking and imagination and demonstrate that you have
learned the various concepts discussed in class or from your readings in psychology.

Your portfolio should include material that you have completed on the following topics; personality
and intelligence, motivation, emotion and stress, abnormal psychology, treatments of psychological
disorders, and social psychology.

Your portfolio should begin with a title page, similar to the one at the beginning of this packet.

Your portfolio should include a table of contents with proper labels in order for the teacher to access
and assess information easily.

Your portfolio should include the following sections; classwork examples, unit scrapbook pages,
research papers, unit tests, and Socratic seminar reflections.

Your portfolio must include a series of cover letters for each designated section in which you reflect
on your practice. It is recommended that you discuss your portfolio with your instructor if you
have any questions or concerns or are unclear on what you must complete.

Written Reflections
Each section of your portfolio should be accompanied by a written reflection. This is a critical
component of your grade. Failure to complete reflections will result in significant loss of credit.
Your reflections should be included at the beginning of each section.
You should also include an introduction page which provides a narrative overview at the beginning of
your portfolio.
Your written reflections should address many of the following questions. Be aware, that you are not
limited to just these questions.

(For Scrapbook pages) What prompted you to choose these particular pictures? Article? Topic?
Which psychological topic, principles and theories are involved?
How did the activity, item, or object help you learn something new?
What did you learn specifically?
(For Unit Tests) How prepared were you? How did you prepare?
Can you describe any connection or relationship between the item, activity or object and other subject areas
or life situations?
What did you think about as you worked through the task?

Portfolio Evaluation
Your teacher will evaluate your portfolio using some of the following criteria:

There is an introduction cover letter

There are substantive written reflections about each selection

Organization of portfolio
The portfolio contains a table of contents
Contents illustrate particular concepts and theories
Contents illustrate learning by student
Portfolio displayed in a clear and creative manner
Portfolio includes summary of contents

King, Rosalyn M., Dr. Student Packet for Portfolio Development. N.p., n.d. Web. 2016.


Style of Presentation (25 Points)

_____ Format and Organization (10)

_____ Cover Sheet (5)
_____ Contains Table of Contents (5)
_____ Articles/Objects (typed clearly and presented) (5)
Total Points: _____
Written Analyses/Examples of Learning Clear and Evident (50 Points)
_____ Author clearly provides narrative statements about the articles/objects included, why they are
included, and why they are examples of learning (20)
_____ Author convinces reader of learning and provides clear evidence of learning (20)
_____ Author provides self-corrections on various items included (10)
Total Points: _____
Breadth of Coverage (75 Points)
_____ Includes substantive information that extends understanding. It is not a mere regurgitation of
classroom material only (25)
_____ Includes the various areas of coverage for semester 2 (25)
_____ Includes all required materials/items as found on the checklist (25)
Total Points: _____

Total Points: ________/150_



Style of Presentation (25 Points)

_____ Format and Organization (10)

_____ Cover Sheet (5)
_____ Contains Table of Contents (5)
_____ Articles/Objects (typed clearly and presented) (5)
Total Points: _____
Written Analyses/Examples of Learning Clear and Evident (50 Points)
_____ Author clearly provides narrative statements about the articles/objects included, why they are
included, and why they are examples of learning (20)
_____ Author convinces reader of learning and provides clear evidence of learning (20)
_____ Author provides self-corrections on various items included (10)
Total Points: _____
Breadth of Coverage (75 Points)
_____ Includes substantive information that extends understanding. It is not a mere regurgitation of
classroom material only (25)
_____ Includes the various areas of coverage for semester 2 (25)
_____ Includes all required materials/items as found on the checklist (25)
Total Points: _____

Total Points: ________/150_


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