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Today Zahra you showed me how you like to eat your rice
and vegetables. I put your food on a plate and handed you a
spoon, however you started to cry and and looked at me as

if you needed something else. So I thought to myself what

could it be. I opened the cupboard and you pointed at
something inside it, I picked up a cup and said is this what
you need Zahra? and you shook your head to say no, I then
picked up a smaller bowl and you looked at me and smiled
so I placed it beside the bigger bowl and you pulled it closer
to you. I then watched you as you
transferred the food into the smaller one
and then began to eat it. I was happy that
you had trust in me to figure out what
you needed. You have the confidence and
your own language to show me what you
needed. Ka pai to Mahi.

Teacher Lynda
23rd February 2016

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