Tote-Around Instructions 9th Grade 2-3-15

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9th Grade Advisement Tote-Around Instructions Tuesday Feb.

3, 2015
1. 9th Grade Homeroom Teacher receives Alphabetized Advisement Folders for
their students in the THS Counseling Office at 7:45am. Homeroom teachers
distribute advisement folders to each student during homeroom.
2. Copies of the AP Contract will be placed in each 9 th Grade Social Studies
Teachers mailbox. Any social studies teacher recommending students for AP
World History next year must give the student recommended an AP contract.
Students must return the AP Contract signed by their parent to the
counseling office by __________________.
3. Students with NO advisement folder during homeroom should report to the
counseling office immediately, so a folder can be created for them.
4. Tote-Around will only be (1) day! Therefore, any student who is absent or that
is not physically present in homeroom will forfeit the opportunity to
participate in the Tote-Around process. Homeroom will start promptly at
5. After homeroom, all 9th grade students will take their folders to 1 st period. The
1st period core course teachers (English, Math, Science, Social Studies,
Foreign Language) will initial on each students form to indicate their
recommendation for General, Accelerated, or Advanced Placement for the
2015-2016 School Year. All students must leave 1st period with their
advisement folder. Students and teachers will continue this process until the
end of the day.
6. Directions for foreign language course selection: 9 th grade students will select
the foreign language class they would like to take for the 2015-2016 school
year. All students must take the prerequisite level one foreign language
class before taking an advanced foreign language class. All students
interested in going into IB (The International Baccalaureate Program) must
select French or Spanish. All other students can select French, Spanish,
German, or Latin as a foreign language. All students must complete (2)
consecutive years of the same foreign language class i.e. Spanish I and
Spanish II. Students who are on the honors and distinction diploma are
required to complete (3) consecutive years of the same foreign language.
All 9th grade students are required to start a foreign language course next
year. All 9th graders that have not yet completed 2 or 3 consecutive years of
the same foreign language must schedule another year of the same foreign
language. 9th graders that failed a foreign language class can consider taking
the same foreign language class next year or taking a different foreign
language course.
7. Directions for elective course selection: 9th grade students will select the
elective class they would like to take for the 2015-2016 school year. All
students must complete (3) consecutive electives in the same pathway to
meet the graduation requirement i.e. beginning band, intermediate band,
advanced band or intro to computers, web-design, advanced web-design, or

JROTC I, JROTC, II, and JROTC III. All 9th grade students must complete at least
(1) pathway to graduate and the student must complete (3) years in the
same elective area to constitute pathway completion. 9 th grade students
that are not in an introductory (level 1) elective must select an introductory
elective they are interested in taking next year. Students can NOT skip levels
and go straight into a level three elective without first taking the
prerequisite introductory level one elective. 9 th grade students currently
sitting in level one electives must pick at least (1) level two elective in a
pathway are they would like to complete.
8. Directions for Physical Education/Health/Personal Fitness:
9. Tote-Around Conclusion/Return to Homeroom:
10.Parents can change the teacher recommendation for their students 20152016 schedule during the Post-Secondary Planning Information Sessions
beginning on Wednesday February 11, 2015.

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