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FSN 310 FALL 2014

Yoga Helps to Decrease Depression in

Pregnant Women
Maternal Paper
Alyson Fromm

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Depression in pregnancy affects 10 to 49 percent of women and can

lead to premature deliveries and low birth weight babies. Low birth weight is
one of the main causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality in the US. About
20% of them experience fetal growth retardation that will continue after the
first year of birth (Field,etal.,2012). Several minority groups are at higher
risk; African American and Native American women are more likely to have
depression during pregnancy. These women tend to have lower incomes and
are single mothers who have multiple jobs (Field, etal.,2012). Since
treatment tends to be expensive pregnant women below the poverty line
have more trouble obtaining it (Javnbakht,M.,etal.,2009). The antidepressant
medications are not used often because they can cause potential birth
defects. Since these medical treatments can be harmful. Yoga which is an
alternative physical activity is a mental and spiritual discipline which aims to
transform the body and mind, especially in pregnancy when the women are
depressed. It has been tested as a new treatment for treating depression
during pregnancy. This paper will highlight what yoga helps to promote a
healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally , yoga in depressed pregnant
women will decrease the depression, and the other benefits of yoga such as
sleeping, stress and anxiety.
The goal of yoga is to improve the mental and physical wellbeing of an
individual by practicing specific postures, controlled breathing, and
meditation. Only about 40% of pregnant women exercise even though 92%
of pregnant women are encouraged by their physical physicians to exercise

(Field,T,.2012). Yoga is a combination of stretching exercises and different

poses with deep breathing and meditation. The most common one that was
used in the majority of the studies was Hatha yoga which is considered one
of the most relaxing forms (Feild.T, 2011). One study stated that yoga is
effective for alleviating depression even after a two month period of a
Vinyasa yoga class-known for its flowing poses-and resulted in decreasing
the participants depression symptoms. A different study found that prenatal
exercise during pregnancy was thought to improve their mood (Field, T.
2012). Throughout these studies it has been stated that yoga is beneficial
for women with depression during pregnancy
Yoga causes depressed women to have reduced stress and anxiety.
One of the most common forms of depression is prenatal depression. ( Field.,
etal.,2013). Treatments on this kind of depression are typically
antidepressants but only about 1-5% of the pregnant women actually use it
because of all the risks on fetal and neonatal outcomes. As an alternative,
yoga has recently been considered because it makes people become aware
of their bodies and reduces tension. One study pulled 250 pregnant and
postpartum women and asked them if they were interested in prenatal yoga.
The survey asked them to state yes or no and some of the reasons why they
were interested if they answered yes. The results showed about 83%
answered yes so about 207 pregnant and postpartum women were
interested in prenatal yoga. Reduced stress, depression and anxiety during
pregnancy were some of the most common reasons mentioned

(Battle,L.C,.etal,.2010). Now prenatal yoga is being suggested by some

prenatal care providers. The previous study also stated that if treatment for
depression was not so expensive or risky while pregnant then more women
would take advantage of it, if it was readily available (Battle,L.C,.etal,.2010).
Another study tried to show that yoga can be used as a method of stress
management, and a tool to help in reduce depression during pregnancy.
They used a convenience sample of women who were referred to a yoga
clinic and they were randomly assigned to the yoga group or the control. The
yoga went to two 90-minute yoga classes a week and at the end they found
that the yoga group had more reduced depression symptoms. Their
conclusion was that yoga should seriously be considered a complementary
therapy or an alternative method in the treatment of depression and anxiety
disorders (Javnbakht,M., etal.,2009).
The benefits of yoga do more than just decrease your depression
symptoms. They reduce your stress and anxiety levels, increases your ability
to sleep. Another study from the same review did a study on the anxiety of
women who were perceived to be emotionally depressed during pregnancy
and they would attend two weekly 90-minute yoga sessions. The results were
fairly similar. The yoga group showed decreased stress, anxiety, fatigue and
depression. Having trouble sleeping during pregnancy is always a big issue
because it leads to prenatal depression and one study did a sample of
pregnant women who started Hatha yoga in the 2nd trimester. The women
came out of the study saying that they had fewer awakenings, less awake

time, and less sleep disturbances during the night, all due to the fact that
they practiced yoga. ( Field,T.,2011). Yoga should be considered as a
treatment for depression.
Therefore the public health and depression disease treatments should
consider yoga as one of the main treatments, because it is affordable,
accessible, fun, easy and highly beneficial for women in many ways than one
while being pregnant and depressed. On top of that yoga is one of those
sports that is a great addition to incorporate into your daily life. One study
said the earlier you try yoga before or during pregnancy the more likely that
you will have very little stress and anxiety during pregnancy
(Beddoe,A,.etal.,2009). Therefore it is never too late to try yoga, because you
will never know yoga may just make the difference that matters in your life.
Reference Page

Battle C, Uebelacker L (2010) Prenatal Yoga and Depression

During Pregnancy. BIRTH 374:4
Beddoe A , Yang C., Kennedy H,Weiss S ,Lee K (2009) The Effects
of Mindfulness-Based Yoga During pregnancy on Maternal
Psychological and physical Distress.JOGNN.DOI:10.1111/j.15526909.2009.01023.x
Felid T(2012) Prenatal exercise research. Infant Behavior and
Field T (2011) Yoga clinical research review. Complementary
Therapies in Clinical Practice 17(2011)1-8
Field T, Diego M, Delgado J, Medina L (2013) Tai chi/yoga reduces
prenatal depression, anxiety and sleep disturbances.
Complement Ther Clin Pract.DOI:10.1016/j.ctp.2012.10.001
Field T, Diego M, Delgado J, Medina L (2012) Yoga and Social
Support Reduce Prenatal Depression, Anxiety and Cortisol. J Yoga
Phys Thre 2:124

Javnbakht M, Kenari R, Chasemi M (2009) Effects of yoga on

depression and anxiety of women. Complementary Therapies in
Clinical Practice 15(2009)102-104
Satyapriya M, Nagendra H, Nagarathna R, Padmalatha V
(2009)Effect of integrated yoga on stress and heart rate
variability in pregnant women. International Journal of
Gynecology and Obestetrics. DOI:10.1016/j.jigo.2008.11.013

Yoga and its history and what it does paragraph 1

o Why is exercise important during pregnancy in general

o Why is yoga ideal ? low intensity

Depression during pregnancy paragraph 2

o Causes of depression
o Common types
Prenatal depression
o Treatments
Yoga / affordable more transportable being able to use a
DVD to do it in your own home
Antidepressants = 1-5 % yoga and social support reduce
prenatal depression, anxiety and cortisol)
Studies on the effects
o Risk factors of not treating it
Prenatal depression contributes to prematurity,
developmental delays, behavior problems in childhood and
adolescence making it more likely that they will need
parental intervention when they are older.

Benefits of yoga on prenatal depression

o Increased sleeping during pregnancy
o Better relationships with friends and family
o Less stress, anxiety and pain
o More relaxed
o Increased cortisol levels = happier people

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