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Adrian Nuez

Email: - Phone: (815)-690-9977 - Address: 1050 Edina St. Dubuque, IA

Loras College Dubuque, IA
Major Marketing
Minor Business
Graduation Date May 2016
Student Athlete Varsity Baseball

Kendall Hunt Publishing Company - Dubuque IA (August 2015 Present)
Independently developed creative email campaigns for the marketing department
Played a key role in a 4 person process, creating and launching marketing campaigns
Reported directly to the Vice President of the Division
Harris Golf Cars- Dubuque IA (May 2015 - August 2015)
Chosen of 8 possible interns due to professionalism
Single marketing intern working in a company with no marketing department
Trusted with the freedom to participate in many major projects (John Deere Classic, Website
Design, Email Campaign)
Made over 3,500 challenging cold calls
Launched successful marketing campaigns involving social media
Maintenance- St. Joseph Rectory (June 2013/14- August 2013/14) Joliet, Ill
Completed double the amount of work than completed the previous year
Trusted to independently work on large projects (paint, build, transport, etc.)
Conversed with many parishioners, built relationships, and practiced communication skills
Carl Tebon Baseball Camp- Dubuque IA (August 2014)
Hand-picked from over 40 players to be a part of 4 person staff
Was looked up to be the youth as a role model and led by example
Personally requested by players and parents to umpire annual all-star game
Successfully won the vote for Favorite Coach
Campus Dining- Loras College (August-March 2012/2013/2014)
Worked 10 hour weeks while balancing heavy loads of school, baseball, and social life
Frequently asked to be promoted to Student Manager


President of Loras College Advertising and Marketing Association

Loras College Baseball Team (Catcher)
Volunteer at Dubuque Humane Society (Animal Shelter)
Trusted instructor of Carl Tebons baseball camp

Communication Skills Great communicator and listener who is able to keep conversation both in
English and in intermediate Spanish
Leadership Skills Reasonable team leader taking charge in such occasions as captain of baseball team
and president of Marketing Club
Efficiency Skills Extremely well with productivity management by accomplishing tasks in a timely

Technology Skills Comfortable with most up to date technology (Microsoft, Internet, Social Media)

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