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Skill Review Sheet Questioning

Graduate Standards - AITSL

Professional Practice: 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.2 Plan and implement effective teaching and learning
Please complete all forms and include in your ePortfolio

Question Type
Do you feel your
questions were clearly
structured and readily
understood by the

Did you use a variety of

question types?

I often used open questions to engage the students own

understanding followed with rephrased leading questions to
prompt them more if needed. My questions were short in
length so as not to confuse the students, they were precise
and clearly worded. I feel that my questions were clearly
structured and understood by the students.

I employed open questions, leading questions, closed

questions when I required a 'yes/no' answer or to emphasise
the point I was making so yes, I did use a variety of

What balances was there I mostly used open questions followed by leading questions in
between the various
order to get them to reach the conclusion that was desired.
questions types?
Closed questions were certainly in the minority.

Consider both why and

when you made use of
the different question

Questioning was utilised to gauge the students understanding

of the content taught, it was also used to enhance their
understanding of topics being explored. I found that using a
variety of questions ensured the students were engaged with
the lesson content and responded with their own
understanding rather than a forced view.

Distributing and Directing Questions

Did you recognise any
pattern in the distribution

I did not notice any discernible pattern, my questions were

of your questions
amongst the students?
Consider reasons for this

formulated in response to the content I was teaching and the

need to gauge what the students were taking from that

How have you directed

questions to the group?

Often I would direct the question at the entire class from the
front of the room, perhaps placing emphasis on a word to
engage them and direct their thinking.

Have you used wait


As the class I was teaching were gifted and talented, wait

time was not used as students were very eager to contribute
to the discussion and the discussion would often flow very
fast from student to student.

Did you make eye contact Eye contact was used in directing my questions to the class
with the group as you
in order to establish an expectation of response from the
directed your questions? students.

Reactions to Students Responses

How do you deal with
correct responses? Do
you qualify any praise

With a correct response I would say something like 'Yes,

exactly!' and expound on the point being made and give the
student credit for reaching the correct line of thought.

How do you deal with

incorrect responses?
How do you deal with
students who stumble
and grope for an answer?

Incorrect responses are handled possibly with a 'good try'

tone of voice to indicate the student may be on the right path
but not quite there rather than a blunt 'No, not right'
reprimand. With students stumbling I didn't have any but I
would perhaps employ a leading question to help them get to
the answer they are looking for.

Do you keep eye contact

with the students until
they have completed an
answer? Do you cut
students off and go onto
the next point before they
have finished

Yes I certainly maintain eye contact while a student is

responding to a question, giving them my full attention shows
I value their input. No I do not cut a student off, that would be
rude and inconsiderate to the student putting forth their idea
to the class.

What use do you make of

the students responses
to develop the teaching
point? Have you
redirected any questions
in order to add to an initial

I use the students responses to broaden their knowledge of

the teaching point and expound on it through open
discussion. If a student asks a question that I think they
should know the answer to I will redirect the question back at
them, perhaps rephrasing it or ask a leading question that will
lead back to the answer they are searching for.

Are you the only

evaluator of the students

No, the class as a whole works to evaluate the answers and

responds accordingly if an incorrect response is given.

Did you communicate

I felt that I gave clear instructions though these could have
clearly to the students the been followed up by writing them on the board in some
requirements of the

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