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Use of IBM Course Materials

For each course in the SWG and STG commercial training portfolio, IBM provides a course package that includes all materials required to
conduct classes. Where available, source files as well as PDF presentation files will be included in the course package.
Designated services or enablement team representatives are authorized to download the course materials.
IBM resources from the services or enablement organizations involved in the delivery of private and customized IBM training to IBM employees
and/or customers are authorized to:
Print and distribute course materials for use in delivering private and customized IBM training to IBM employees and/or customers
Customize course materials to meet specific customer training requirements
License course materials to customers for use in training their own employees (contact your SWG or STG Brand Education Leader for
more information)

Derivative Works
A derivative work is any new training material that includes content, in whole or in part, from an existing IBM course. Examples of derivative
works include:
Modification of screen shots or IBM data included in a course
Customized courses that include pages or units of study from a preexisting IBM course
New lab exercises that supplement an existing IBM course
Combining units, lessons, or labs from multiple IBM courses to make a new course offering
IBM courses that are updated to reflect new or enhanced product functions
Translated course materials.
Rules of use regarding the development of derivative works by IBM resources from the services or enablement organizations are currently
being written. If you have a requirement to create derivative works, please contact your Brand Education Leader.

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