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Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F Date: ____Feb-15___ Time: __(10:00)-10:30__

Learning Area: ___Drama___ Topic: __SFX Makeup, Bruising Techniques__
Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)

In the Western Australian Curriculum, students develop capability in critical and creative thinking as
they learn to generate and evaluate knowledge, clarify concepts and ideas, seek possibilities, consider
alternatives and solve problems. Critical and creative thinking are integral to activities that require
students to think broadly and deeply using skills, behaviours and dispositions such as reason, logic,
resourcefulness, imagination and innovation in all learning areas at school and in their lives beyond.

Students prior knowledge and experience:

Students have been briefed on the highlighting and shading of makeup

Students have viewed videos and received instruction on the techniques of applying makeup
Students have seen reference material relating to bruising and SFX

Learning purpose:

To give the students a understanding of the practical application of makeup

To allow the students a chance to practice their application techniques for future performances
Give hands on experience in the steps required to apply makeup

Learning objectives:
On completion of this lesson, students will
be able to:

Have hands on understanding of how the

makeup is to be applied
Understand the importance of reference
Understand the steps required to properly
apply SFX makeup


Questioning the students on their

understanding of how bruises can be
Observing the students results in their
makeup application and asking questions of
their techniques

Preparation and Resources:

The students will require the following material in quantities suitable for 20 students.
Vaseline x2, SFX Bruise Wheel x5, Wet Wipes, Tissues, Rags, Hand Sanitizer x5
These material are provided by the Drama department
The use of the makeup room in the drama department, chairs x20 from the adjoining studio

Catering for diversity

Speak to mentor to Identify any students with non-typical learning needs (one student has light levels
of autism and prefers to work alone)
Identify any students who speak English as a second language (none)
Identify whether any students have allergies (none)

Learning Experiences:



30 min

5 min

5 min

15 min

5 min

Teacher will take the class through the preparation for the beginning of this lesson, I will
assist once the class has commenced, her brief includes the order of application (clean,
Vaseline, makeup) then a short demonstration video. The class will move to the makeup
I will then introduce myself "I am a student teacher, I have a background in design so I
will help your teacher today with your bruising effects"

Sequence of learning experiences:

1. I will begin my component "I will now give the class a practical demonstration on the
application of the bruising effects" I will then pose the question "Do you remember what
the stages of preparation were?"
Accept range of answers commenting on each
2. Wait for the answers as follows, or correct and advise "Begin with hygiene, clean your
hands, then check if the subject has any allergies, prepare the area with Vaseline.
3. Ask "why do we use Vaseline?"
Accept range of answers commenting on each until "to make the removal easier, as well
as not allowing any of the makeup to soak into the skin"
4. Finally "then we begin to apply the makeup"

5. Begin with demonstration on the application of makeup, beginning with the darker
colours then building up the layering and lighter colours
6. Pay special attention to the impact point of the bruise, this will be a lighter colour
7. Explain during the demonstration how the darker colours are the bleeding under the
skin and that the colours radiate outwards lightening until they become skin coloured
8. Build up layering and shading
9. Demonstrate the use of dappling and stippling techniques to create a more realistic
effect, just with the use of a finger.

10. Ensure the class has their makeup materials and are in their groups
11. Set the class to task doing their own makeup on their partner, as they work go
around to each group of students commenting on their work
12. Paying particular attention to how they work with their layering, their impact point
and their shading in order to build a convincing bruise
13. Make special note of their reference material, how they are able to recreate the
images and be aware of how a bruise works and is formed.
Assess by walking around and listening to the groups whether the students are
succeeding in this task, give them pointers where appropriate, tell them how to apply
the makeup using stippling and dabbing techniques to create more realistic effects.

Lesson conclusion:

14. Break up the groups and gather around, gain attention

15. Ask the students "Did you see how important the role of layering, shading and the
techniques of dappling and stippling can create a realistic effect?"

Accept answers, ask for questions and give feedback

16. Tidy-up classroom, students to return any chairs to the adjacent theatre, as well as
returning all of the SFX material

Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work?
More detailed notes in my reflection diary
Class was a success, students seemed to have some understandings of the techniques and methods required
to create convincing effects, class enjoyed the exercise, I will need to make more consideration to the clean-up
however, with the large amount of material provided it was quite slow to get all of the items (makeup/wet
wipes etc.) back in a timely manner.

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