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EASY EIGHT. BATTLEGROUND VIETNAM EASY EIGHT ENTERPRISES BATTLEGROUND VIETNAM EASY EIGHT ENTERPRISES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WWW.BATTLEGROUNDWWILCOM NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION UNLESS OTHERWISE MAY BE REPRODUCED, STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM BY MEANS ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BATTLEGROUND VIETNAMo PLAYTEST 1.0 ‘+ Game Turn Sequence 1. Mark Special Fire Modes Phase 2. Rally Phase 3. Unit Morale Phase 4, Actions Phase «Troop Rating, ‘Al figures have a Troop Rating. Troop Rating is a number that represents the overall combat skill, experience, and training ofthat particular figure. This includes a figure's morale and willingness to fight. Troop Rating also indicates how figures communicate. Troop Rating - Actions ‘Troop Rating is key to game play in Battleground Vietnam. Almost everything an individual figure does via actions is resolved from that figure's Troop Rating. For example, if a figure shoots a weapon that figure’s Troop Rating is used as the base number of success needed to be rolled (or lower) on a d20. All actions requiring using Troop Rating as the base number of success are divided into Skill Checks and Gut Checks. «Troop Rating - Morale ‘A figure may be forced to take @ Morale Check due to enemy fire; the figure’s Troop Rating is again used as the base number of success needed to be rolled (or lower) on a d20. ‘Troop Rating - Communications [A figure's Troop Rating is exactly the distance in inches a igure may communicate outward to other figure. + Sighting 1, Awareness Roll 2. Spot Check 3. Obvious Sighting Awareness Rolls ‘An Awareness Roll is simply a Skill Check taken atthe beginning of a figure’s or a unit’s action. An Awareness Roll always has 360 degree radius and is always free (ie. it does not cost an action). A successful Awareness Roll automaticaly informs the figure/unit rolling oftheir surroundings prior tothe action to be taken. Units make one Awareness Roll atthe start of each action using the base ‘Troop Rating associated with a unit's Troop Type (a Regular unit having a Troop Rating of 10, Veteran a 12, ete). This represents the awareness ofall members of the unit. This is done to prevent numerous individual Awareness Rolls; also most units usually are within range of each other during game play. Awareness Roll Procedure ‘Acthe start of each action make an Awareness Roll noting the Troop Rating number for figure/unit; roll a 420. 1, To the number rolled, add or subtract any target modifiers. 2, Next, determine what targets are eligible to be seen or heard by range, adding or subtracting range modifiers; this is the final modified result forthe Awareness Roll. 3. After modifiers in Step #2 and #3 have been applied, if the die roll is equal or less than the unit's Troop Rating number (in ‘Step #1) than the unit is eligible to see/hear targets within CLOS, ‘Target Modifiers Moving -5 ‘Figure(s) or vehicle(s) whose last action was used moving, TE Snap-Fire ‘A igure may Snap-Fire around a comer of a building or similar obstacle Tasks Some tasks performed on the battleground require a number of actions to complete. Miscellaneous Actions Just about anything a player can think of and that is realistically possible can be an action if agreed upon by the players. ‘Combat Shooting Sequence ‘When taking an action to fire small arms, use the following shooting sequence and the Combat Chart to resolve fie quickly: 1, Determine the Weapon Type the figure is shooting. “Measure the range from the shooting figure tothe target in inches. 3. Find the firing Weapon Type on the Range Grid located in the upper left hand comer of the Combat Chart, The Range Grid ‘determines what range modifiers will be added or subtracted from the shooting figure’s Shooting Skill Check roll on a d20 to score a hit according to range. 4, Roll Skill Check. All number of 420 dice according to the ROF of the Weapon Type are rolled simultaneously see the ROF Grid on the Combat Chart or the Small Arms List. 5. Apply any applicable To Hit Modifies including Range to each Skill Check die roll (noting that modifiers may be cumulative). If the modified de rol sill results in a successful Skill Check, that ie roll is considered a “hit.” 6. Foreach successful it rolled, roll a 420 on the Effects Grid to determine effectidamage on the target, Use the column appropriate to the Weapon Type. 4, Add ot subtract any applicable Cover Modifiers the target is eligible for. 8. Cross-reference the modified number from the previous step with the Weapon Type column to find the effectidamage to the target. 1 more than one figure (target is present, randomize which figures take which effects. 9. Lobbing Weapon Types Hand Grenade (HG) Grenade Launchers (GL) Rockets (R) Lobbing Sequence “When taking an action to “lob” an indirect fire weapon, use the following sequence: 1, Place a “Target Marker” where the player wants the grenade/rocket to land. No pre-measuring is allowed. 2, Determine the range of the weapon used noting any Range Modifier now measure the range in inches to the “Target Marker.” 3. Roll 3 dice (a d20, a d8, and a d6): 420= Skill Check 8 = Direction 146 = Distance 4, AddiSubtract any applicable modifies to Skill Check die rll. 5, IF Skill Check is passed then the weapon will “Impact”; if Skill Check is failed then it will “Deviate.” See Impact and Deviation rules. 6. Place the corresponding Blast Template over the Target Marker, LLobbing Ranges and Blast Templates PB EF LG EX _ Blast Template HG Standing 2. 4 6 8 — Grenade HG Prone 1 2 3 4 Grenade M79 ei 22) Gre RPG-7 Ge 30) ao) Smal a LAW Oe M-5 Heli 12 36 4864 Grenade Rocket, Heli 20 «5072-96 Small HE Impact ‘When rolling a successful Skill Check, player checks to see where the Impact or actual explosion of the weapon takes place, Ifthe 46 “Distance” roll results ina 1-3, then the weapon is a direct hit and explodes exactly on the target marker. If the d6 “Distance” roll results in a4, 5, oF 6, the weapon explodes on the Blast Template in the location corresponding to the number rolled. Deviation When failing a Skill Check, player resolves the deviation of the round, i.e. where the round lands and explodes. In this instance the d6 roll determines the distance in inches white the d8 roll determines the direction. Find the direction on the corresponding Blast Template ‘and measure the distance rolled. This is the location of the exploding projectile. Lobbing To Hit Modifiers Stick Grenade a Window/Door 8 Foxhole/Spider Hole 4 ‘Thrower Light Wounded 45 0” Range (Bunker Slit, Window, ete.) _Tgnore Modifier Window/Door ‘A figure lobbing a projectile at a window or door receives +3 to Skill Check. Foxhole/Spider Hole A figure lobbing a projectile at a foxhole, spider hole, or other similar dug-in position receives +4 to Skill Check. ‘Thrower Light Wounded A Light Wounded (LTW) figure lobbing a projectile receives +5 to Skill Check due to prohibiting effect ‘of wound. Grenade Types and Effects Defensive Fragmentation Effect Per standard Grenade Blast Template (A.C,E Effect Rings). Offensive Fragmentation Effect (On Grenade Blast Template, the C Esfect Ring is treated as E Effect Ring. Friendly troops may center hootch, building or other enclosed space the same action an Offensive Grenade is thrown. All friendly troops in the E Effects Ring only ignore Prone results on Effects Grid, Smoke Ejfeet Smoke Grenades use the basic Grenade Blast; all Effect Rings are covered in dense smoke. White colored Smoke Grenades block CLOS: colored markers donot and aze only used for markers and for recognition. Smoke Grenades do not harm (effect) other figures. Smoke produced from Smoke Grenades are also subject to Drift (See Terrain. Incendiary Effect Incendiary hand grenades effect figures like Defensive Hand Grenades but will bum them. Incendiaries can aso start a fie depending on the terrain (see Terrain). % BA -TLEGROUND VIETNAMo PLAYTEST 1.0 Gas (C8) Effect Gas grenades will immediately cause a Morale Check on all figures under al rings ofthe Grenade Blast Template Buckshot ‘The M-79 Grenade Launcher fired a buckshot grenade round. A buckshot grenade is never Lobbed and a Skill Check never needed. A special buckshot template is laid 3° from the muzzle of the M-79. Effect ‘Enemy figures under the specific effect band on the buckshot template roll on that specific column of the Effects Grid, Rockets ‘Any rocket fired at infantry ae treated just like grenades except for range. Use Range and Blast Template indicated by specific rocket type. Placing Placing Sequence Placing a weapon in a specific location or on a stationary target always takes one fall action and includes arming of the weapon. Placing Vs. Moving Target ‘When attempting to place a weapon on a moving target, roll a Skill Check; a failed Skill Check indicates the weapon was ‘unsuccessfully placed and instead has fallen to the ground. Placed Weapons Effect Placed weapons have different effects but will generally use a Blast Template against soft targets such as infantry (ie. figures) or have ‘Penetration value when used against armored vehicles. Jamming ‘A.weapon Jams when the weapon’s Jam number is rolled or higher on a d20. Unjam It takes one action to Unjam. OP-Fire Figure must not have a known (sighted) enemy target within CLOS. To declare OP -Fire: 1. Figure must have a weapon to fire. 2. Figure must not have a valid enemy target in CLOS. 3, Figure must be in Good Order. OP-Fire Sighting ‘Anytime during a game turn an enemy target (figure/unit) spends an action within the CLOS of a figure on OP Fire, make an ‘Awareness Roll as there is a chance the enemy target will be seen. A~3 modifier is applied to the die roll because the figure is on (OP-Fire and a figure using binoculars receives a -2 modifier. Al other Awareness modifiers are in effect. ‘Taking OP-Fire ‘Anytime an enemy target has been sighted, the figure on OP-Fire may “spend” his OP-Fire by taking one action to Shoot or Lob atthe enemy target, Ambush Setting Ambush 1. Figure must not have been spotted by any enemy during the course ofthe game. 2. Figure must be in Good Order. BATTLEGROUND VIETNAMo PLAYTEST 1.0 2 ‘Taking Ambush ‘When enemy targets move close, a figure on Ambush gets to react and has two options: ye Ggure on Ambush may spénd one action Shooting or Labbing a weapon ata known, sighted enemy target within Effective Range of the weapon being used. oR 3 a igure on Ambush may perform any one action when a known, sighted enemy target comes 10 within 6” of an ambishig figure. This includes Hand To Hand Combat, moving away from the enemy figure, or any other action. If spoued while on Ambush, the figure on Ambush convert o being on OP-Fite. All OP-Fire rules are i fet. Pinning Fire Figures may set Raking, Plnging, and Spaying Fie; effected ares vary by weapon, See GM for specifc Pinning Fire sles. Machine Guns and Teams Loss of Team Member(s) qa tden member is lst due toa Broken, HW ot KIA result, the machine gun team suffers, The team is no longer in Good Orde, as 2 greater chance of Yamming, and may effect the breaking down and moving ofthe machine gun isl. Spode is net in Good ‘Order, ‘ee tmachine gun team may not set Pinning Fire and remaining members must Sel-Rally or be Leader Rall by another Leader Jamming vs. Crew # ‘The Tam number for a machine gun will increase by one foreach team member unable to participate in an action offre. Are of Fire Standard machine gun arc of fire is 180 degrees. Squad LMGs ‘Xequad LMG must be Prone (or braced aginst a wall ec.) and have a Leader in baseto-base contact in onder 0 se: RAKING oF Plunging Fie. ALMG Gunner may always set OP-Fire ot Spraying Fire on his own and does not have tobe Prone 10 0050, ‘Morale Check. Heroes and Cowards ‘Anytime a igure is forced to take a Morale Check, an unmodified | result indicates a Hero, An unmodified result of «20 indicates a Coward. Broken 1. A figure that fails a Morale Check is considered Broken, Termin figure immediately runs a maximum of two actions toward the nearest +3 cover and away from known enemy fire if Broken figure reaches cover within two actions (12"), the figure stops and drops Prone. 3, Ireoveris not found, the Broken figure will continue to move two actions toward cover during the Rally Phase of each consecutive ‘game turn until cover is found, 4, A Broken figure that runs off the board is considered lost forthe rest ofthe game. $. Tra figures already in +3 or better cover, the controling player can choose to have the Broken player drop Prone and stay in the +3 or better cover or run for additional cover. Surrender Tia Broken figure has no route of escape toward cover not covered by enemy gunfire, the Broken figure will automatically and instantly surrender. Rally Self Rally ‘Tobe eligible for Self-Rally,afgute must bein +3 cover ane Prone. To Sel[-Rlly rll a 420 equal too les than ofthe figure's Troop Rating. Leader Rally ‘Tabecligible for Leader Rally, a figure must be in both Communication Range and CLOS of «friendly Leader, LAYTEST 1.0 HELICOPTER RULES Helicopter Types All helicopters in Battleground Vietnam are grouped into different helicopter types. These classifications are for game purposes and reflect the performance, operation, types of missions, and weapons carried in combat. ‘Transport (T) Gunship (GS) Recon (R) ‘Medevac (M) Crews Helicopter crews employ typical crew members described below. Pilot ‘The Pilot is the overall commander of the helicopter and is tasked with flying the helicopter in even the ‘worst of combat or weather conditions Co-PilotAiso called the “Peter Pilot" the Co-Pilot aids the Pilot in navigation and observation, Perhaps more importantly, the Co-Pilot in some helicopters possess dual controls and can fly the helicopter should the Pilot become injured or killed, Door Gunner Some helicopters like Transports are atmed with M-60 LMGs mounted on the doors ofthe helicopters. Attached to bungy cords, Door Gunner virtually hangout ofa helicopter fring in support or defense of the helicopter. Because Door Gunners operate with litle cover, the average life expectancy of a Door Gunner is short. ‘Weapons Officer A Weapons Officer is typically found on a gunship. The Weapons Officer is responsible for firing particular ‘weapon systems mounted on the helicopter. Crew Troop Rating Like other figures, helicopter crews have a Troop Type and thus a Troop Rating. All rules for Troop ‘Type and Troop Rating as listed in the Core Rules are in effect. Crews fight and operate their vehicle as a unit with each crew member performing their special tasks in the vehicle. In all helicopters, the pilot acts as the commander and as such is always a Leader. Helicopter Crew Actions Fly A Pilot oF Co-Pilot may fy (ie, move) helicopter up to the maximum movement rating ofthe helicopter action. Shoot Aelicopter crew member operating a weapon system may fire rules are per Infantry Combat ~ Shooting and apples to such weapons as machine guns) Lob Aslcopter erew member operating a weapon sytem may Iob (rules are per Tafantry- Combat ~ Shooting and applies to such weapons as grenade launchers and rockets) Load ‘Acrew member may load a erew or personal weapon that requires loading such as a M-79 Grenade Launcher. Loading may no occur the same action as Firing (see Infantry - Combat ~ Shooting). Unjam crew member may unjam certain bu not al jammed weapon systems. This docs not include the action required to then load a weapon, (see Infantry - Combat - Shooting). For imformation on a particular weapon systems Jamming rules, see the Weapon Systems Sheet, Spot Check A Co-Pilot or any crew member may spend an action making a Spot Check, Pilots flying a helicopter may never spend an action making a Spot Check. “Miscellaneous Any action players feel are appropriate a BATTLEGROUND VIETNAMo PLAYTEST 1.0 Helicopter Movement Helicopters move by performing a particular maneuver during the course ofa single action. Definitions Maneuver Requirements The movement required of a helicopter in the action previous toa specific maneuver. Maneuver Requirements factor in airspeed, overall performance, and limitation ofa helicopter prior to executing a specific maneuver. Example: to execute a Hover manewver a helicopter cannot be moving at fll movement rate; the helicopter must be moving ata much slower speed (1/2 its movement rate or less) ‘Movement ‘The overall movement capabilites of a helicopter in inches during the action a maneuver is being performed. Movement includes airspeed, angle of attack, and “sideslipping” unique to helicopters. The actual movement of & helicopter dictates what manuevers a helicopter may perform, Alltitude Altitude indicates the height of a helicopter above the game table. Altitude is measured in Levels with each level equal to 12". Altitude Levels are numbered sequentially with Level 1 indicating the lowest 12". A particular altitude may be required or be obtained based on the mancuver being performed. Extra To Hit Modifiers Additional To Hit Modifiers may be applied to weapon systems Shooting and Lobbing Skill Checks when Performing a specific maneuver. Example: a helicopter performing a Hard Turn suffers a +10 To Hit Modifier when firing its weapon systems. Special Rules When performing a particular maneuver, special rules may be applied. Example: a helicopter performing a Bank Left ‘may Bank Right (or Left its next action/maneuver. Basie Maneuvers Hover AHover maneuver enables a helicopter to remain stationary or move slightly over a particular location while airborne. A Hover may be performed at any altitude. A Hover makes a helicopter a very stable (advantageous for firing its weapons or taking on/

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