Asme Viii Division 1 98

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uG.99 1995 Si UG-99 STANDARD HYDROSTATIC TEST (a) A hydrostatic test shall be conducted on alll vessels after: (1) all fabrication has been completed, except for operations which could not be performed prior to the test such as weld end preparation [sce U-1(e)(1}(a)], cosmetic grinding on the base material which does not affect the required thickness: and (2) all examinations have been performed, except those required after the test The completed vessels, except those tested in accord- ance with the requirements of UG-100 and UG-101, shall have satisfactorily passed the hydrostatic test prescribed in this paragraph, (b) Except as otherwise permitted in (a) above and 27-3, vessels designed for internal pressure shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure which at every point in the vessel is at least equal to 11% times the maximum allowable working pressure” to be marked ‘on the vessel multiplied by the lowest ratio (for the materials of which the vessel is constructed) of the stress value $ for the test temperature on the vessel to the stress value $ for the design temperature (see UG-21), All loadings that may exist during this test shall be given cor (c) A hydrostatic test based on a calculated pressure may be used by agreement between the user and the ‘manufacturer. The hydrostatic test pressure at the top Of the vessel shall be the minimum of the test pressures caleulated by multiplying the basis for calculated test pressure as defined in 3-2 for cach pressure element ‘by 11% and reducing this value by the hydrostatic head ‘on that element. When this pressure is used, the Inspec tor shall reserve the right to require the manufacturer ‘or the designer to furnish the calculations used for determining the hydrostatic test pressure for any part of the vessel (d) The requirements of (b) above represent the jimum standard hydrostatic test pressure required by this Division, The requirements of (c) above represent 4 special test based on calculations. Any intermediate value of pressure may be used, This Division does not specify an upper limit for hydrostatic test pressure. However, if the hydrostatic test pressure is allowed to exceed, either intentionally or accidentally, the value determined as prescribed in (c) above to the degree that the vessel is subjected to visible permanent distor tion, the Inspector shall reserve the right to reject the vessel The maim sllowable working pressure may be assumed to be the same as the design pressure when calculations are not made (© ‘Stermine the masini allowable working preter CTION VIII — DIVISION 1 6-99 fe) Combination units [see UG-19(a) and UG-21] shall be tested by one of the following methods. (2) Pressure chambers of combination units that have been designed to operate independently shall be hydrostatically tested as separate vessels, that is, each chamber shall be tested without pressure in the adjacent chamber. If the common elements of a combination unit are designed for a larger differential pressure than the higher maximum allowable working pressure to be marked on the adjacent chambers, the hydrostatic test shall subject the common elements to at least their design differential pressure, corected for temperature as in (b) above, as well as meet the requirements of (b) or (c) above for each independent chamber. (2) When pressure chambers of combination units have their common elements designed for the maximum differential pressure that can possibly occur during startup, operation, and shutdown, and the differential pressure is less than the higher pressure in the adjacent chambers, the common elements shall be subjected to 4 hydrostatic test pressure of at least 1% times the differential pressure 10 be marked on the unit, corrected for temperature as in UG-99(b). Following the test of the common elements and their inspection as required by (g) below, the adjacent chambers shall be hydrostatically tested simultaneously {see (b) oF (¢) above]. Care must be taken to Timi the 4ifferential pressure between the chambers to the pres sure used when testing the common elements ‘The vessel stamping and the vessel Data Report rust describe the common elements and their limiting differential pressure, Sce UG-16(j) and UG-1200b. (A) Single-wall vessels designed for a vacuum or partial vacuum only, and chambers of multichamber vessels designed for a vacuum or partial vacuum only, shall be subjected to an intemal hydrostatic test or when a hydrostatic testis not practicable, to a pneumatic test in accordance with the provisions of UG-100. Either type of test shall be made at a pressure not tess than 1'4 times the difference between normal atmospheric pressure and the minimum design internal absolute pressure, (g) Following the application of the hydrostatic test pressure an inspection shall be made of all joints and connections. This inspection shall be made al a pressure fot less than two-thirds of the test pressure. The visual inspection of joints and connections for leaks at two-thirds of the required hydrostatic test pressure may be waived provided: (Z) a suitable gas leak test is applied: (2) substitution of the gas leak testis by agreement reached between manufacturer and Inspector,

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